Fall and Winter Season of 1886-1887. Interest and excitement by consumera of Dry Goods. The late immense spot cash purebases of Mack & Schmid have all arrived. Oor Store is Partea1 Foll ! The stock consista of the most elegant styles in impurted and American dr ees goods, plaiu and fancy velvets and plushes in handsome combinations, with a t remendona stock of Trimmings, Buttons, Claspg, Bibbons and Novelties- they must be seen to be appreciated. The sight is worth seeing. Wo offer extra bargains in our Cloak Department. The weather has been too wurm and our stock of elegant Ladies', Uisses' and Children'g Qarments is too ugo. We have also made s weeping reducious in Woolens, Flannels, and Blankets i'able Linens, Napkins, Towels, Bed Spreads and Housefurnishing Goods, n fact our whole stock is too largo and must be closeil out. lvomember these are stern facts . Cali early and secure argains at the quiek Bale and small proflt Dry Goods House of Mack & Schmid !
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