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Letter From Judge Hale

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Dditor Grand Rápida Demoqrat: I seo that the Detroit Tribune assails lie honor as a politioian and ability as a awyer of a former oitizen of tuis city. ilthough a republican, I deern it my uty to contradiot the charges there made - charges so base and unfouaded, hey coald have originated only in the nind of a politician driven to f reuzy by lie merited suocass of an honorable oponent. Geo. L. Yaple's politics and theory of {overument when I knew him in Nebrasca were the same as advocated by him o-day. He was ever candid and outspoken in lis spmpáthy for labor and against the ncroachmeuti of capital and monopoly. Vhile liere he also shovvod his interest n and knowledge of agricultura by deivenng several addresses at the several airs of the state, which were acknowedged by all who heard them to be the inest ever delivered in the state. As a awyer he took front rank at a bar of cknowledged ability. As a proof of the onfidence in his ability and integrity as i lawyer by people here, I would say one erm of the district court for this county hows a docket of eighty-five cases, and too. Ij. Yaple appears as attorney in ;hirty-eight of them. Af ter the people ïeie became acquainted with him he was mployed upon one side or the other of very important case. If the republican larty in Michigan have been forced from he real issues between the partios and ïave to rejy upon such base and malioous alshoods as I have noticed in the Trini nc, it is time the iarty was rebuked. George L. Yaple's fnends in Nebraska and by that i mean all who knew him lere), irrespective of party, believe him he peer of any man in Michigan in abiity and integrity, and we also believe, if lected governor of Michigan, that he will make an excutive of whom the state may well be proud. Truly yours for the ight. A. J. Hale. Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 10, 1886.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat