Jno.keck & Company
PARLOR FURNITURE Uur parlor room is now stooked with the very choicest thiugs -new and artistic - that it will be a pleasure for you to seO, if you don't want to buy. Notice too our Embossed Plusb, 7 piece, Parlor Snit, for $40,00. It's a wondert ui bargain . Chamber Furniture. Our immense trade in Chamber Suit is good evidenoe (and subetantial) that wc please our patrons with the style, workmansbip and finish of our goods. And no wonder; for were there ever 8uoh suits shown as ours for $17.00, 20,00 and $25,00. Carpets and Curtains. It is almost superituous to say anything about our Carpeta, Draperies and Lace Curtains. All who know uu, know that in these as well as in all other departments' ■we never follow. 56, 58 and 6O, South Main.
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