WM. THEISEN, Merchant Tailor ! [ Has the flnest lino of ; CLOTHS In the city frcm which to make selections. Garments eut and made to order. Only flrstclass work turueü out. Satisfaetionguaranteed, Next to Ann Arbor Savings Bank, On Huron Steket West. }. d. stimson. 1 w. f. stimson STIMSON & SON ! i - DEALERS IN - WM GROCERIES ! TBY THEM. tF East of the Post-Oflfice. Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PROPRIETOR. I am now prepared to deliver to my CVMtomers, or othera in want of BEER! AFT3t-Clas Article, positlvely manufactured of only Hops Malt ! EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED BEER, Give it a Trial and be Convinced. H. HARDINCHAUS. BE SI MER SELLS LLOYD fcECEY'S Engüi Ales ! - AND CE. W. VOIGIIT'9 AND HEINGOLD r _CLb JeLj JCrC SS9 Am AAor Orp fforïs D. F. Allmendineer Manufacturar and dealer Id Pianos, Oiun AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Speciaíty. Aiiyono calling at the vork, foot of Washington Btreet, can examiii - tjoods and prices. I cm t nvinceyouof tue Great Bargains ! I am oflering. D, F. ALLJIENÜlNUÜJi, ANN AHBOB ■rtÖ MACKINAC. The Most Selletatfal SUMMER TOUR Pkl&oo Stoamort. Low Rat, ïour Trips per "Week. Eetween DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvery Weok Day Eetween UtIKUII AND CLLVtLANU Write for our "Picturcsque MackinaO," lllustrated. ConWin Pull Partioular. Malled Frs. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Oen. Pas. mT., DETROIT, MICH. HENRY MATTHEWS Kesps a First class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Prices ItetiisonaTjle. Thanking tlmso who liavu so liberally patrón' iszed me in the pust, I also cordiall solicittrad from new patrons. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Aan Arbor, 1 '.ch.
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