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The Execution Of Maximilian

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The moment bad come; each of the condemncd men mounted the cnrrfage which witcd them, and they travorsert the streeta of Queretaro in the midst ot a inotlcy mullitude, wbo, respectful and afflictcd. CPÓwded round on their passage; handkerclih-fs wejre wTed, and uow nd again a sob would touch the prlsonera' cara. 'Ihe condenmed men bowed ou each side as they rccognized iu the crowd many a familiar face. 8ome minutes before 7 o'clock they arrived nu the Cerro de las Campanas, a little more than half a miie cllstant from tbetown; here thrr descended froin the earriage, walked on font half-war up the hill callod Cerro de las Campanas, ana tuined their backa against a elump of cactus. The general in command of the troops, S. Gracia de Leon, eauseil an order of the day to be read, makintr it a penalty of deatn for any person who should try to prevent the execution; and the prisoners wcro thei given leave to address the crowd. The suu was by now hi'h in the blue kr, glowing over the profound azure of the lofty mouiituius and bathing the valiey with au intense Hoort of light and heat. 'Ihe Ceno, like an immense rock thrown in the valley, stood forth hare and yellow-looking, green in places, with patehes of cactus and uopals; a square of four tbousand men siirioumlnl the base of the hill, wiih its recular lines and its uniformi and baronets gütteriug in the suu. Outside the medley of the undulating crowd, toward the east appeared the lines of the white houses of Queretaro, all nearly covered urith foliage and sunnounted with nunierous cu]x)las aud crosses; in the far distance the dim, bluish out.line of the Cordilleras. The oflieer in command of he file of execution approached Mailmilian And asked his Dardon for having to fulfill his duty. The emperor ditributcd sercral pieces of gold Ic.iring his efflgy to tho soldier, recomtnending thein not to aim at liis face. He then embraced Hen. Mejia and .Hiramon, and as the latter had placed himself on bis rifiht, he eaidtohim aloud: ' lira ve men should be respected by their soverclgnj to the brink of the erave. General, pass to the place of honor." ! Miramon tepied to tho center. Then with a firm voice, the emperor addressed the crowd: "Mexicana! Men of my race and origin are born either to make a peoplc'a happinees or to be martyrs. God grant that my blood may bo the last ahed for the reiiemptlon of this unhappv countr?. Long live Mexico!" Immediately Gen. Miramon, at the top of his voice, as when he commanded his troop on the battle Beid, cried: "Mexicans! Iiefore the court-martial my defenders only sought to ave my life. At ihe moment I am about to appear before ruy God I protest againet the name of traitor whioh they have thrown in mj face to justify my condemnation. Let this spot of infamy he removed from my children' name, and God grant that my country may be happy. Long live Mexico! Gen. Mojia raised his oyes toward the heavens: "Very holy mother, I beseech thy Son to pardon me. as I pardon those who are about to saoriliee me." A TOlley rang oat from the file of soldicrs, and, amidüt the cloud of fmoke, which slowly drifted away, Maximilian appeared writhing convulsively In a pool of blood, and groan ing: "hay Hombrel" The coup de grace put him out of his agouy. - Paris Figaro.


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