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Farm And Garden

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Jt is said that parsnips, salsify and scorzonera are more apt togrow forked when plantod on freshly manured soil. Secare early, before fall rains or winter snows begin, a bountiíul supply ol dry straw to be used about and under tho stock at night Give the young turkeys meat three times a day, and force them in growth as much as possiblc, in order to secure large size by Thanksgiving. Cattle as well as other animáis, are greatly bcnefitted by change of food or pasture Like people, they get tired of one kind of diet continuously. A mixture of several kinds of grain for feeding stock is always better than onf, kind alone. Vaiiety in grain is as important as variety in huik v food. Wby will uot the owners of worthless orchards destroy them and remove a nuisance? Such old orchards breed deslnictive insecis, whicli scatter in alldireotions. E. M. Potter says that after having Bcveral fruit trees girdled by sheep, he has learned by experiment that it may be prevented by washing the trees with a strong solution of fresh sheep manure and water. Bees do not work as well in a hive ex posed to the sun. In mid-day when very hot, all work on tho insidc, such as comb-building and storing honey, has to be suspended. Sometimes combs melt down, and tho brood dies in the heat of the sun. Sand is not a substituto for gravel in tbc poultry yard. The hens usually piek up the sharpest and most irregular pieces. When oyster shells are provided tlioy shonld be broken mto pieces the sizo of grains of corn, and not ground to a fine powder. Tomatoes raised iu light, rather poor Boil in a slioltered or warm situation are always sweet in favorable seasons, while those raised in rich soil or in partial Bhade are always sour. A rank growth of foliage sliades the fruit densely and interferes with the developement of the eaccharine principie. The who keeps a cow umi! she begins to fall on account of age losses ruoney by doing so, bocause it costs more te keep such a cow than a young one and she does nol make as good a return for the food eaten, her digestive And assimilative powers beng less perfect. Then, too, if fed for the butcher it costs more to get her fat, and her meat is worth less. The fat stock of even England can be mproved. An English paper, the Lou don Live Slock Journal, says that "astonishino; as hare been the improve ments eft'ccted in most of our brceds of live stock within recent years, it can not bo denied tbat well bred animalu are as yet a comparative rarity in many of our public markets. The little leaven has not yet suf&ced to leaven the whole lump.'


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