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Mr. G. K. Reardon, Baltimore, Md., Commissioner of Deeds for all the Stiltes, suffored for a long time with rheumatism, whieh yielded promptly to St. Jacobs Oil. Mrs. Leland Stanford has established n night school for the jockeys and stable boys employed in her husband's stables. Professor and Mrs. A. Park of Andover, still live in the house to whlcfa thoy went a month after their marrlage, tifty" yeare ago. President McCosh of Princeton, and Mr. Drexel. the prominent banker of Philadelphia, have come out as adherents of the prohibition party. Mr. Gladstone has received f rom the wife of the Lord Mayor of Dublin a petition signed by 500,000 Irish women in fav or of Home Kale. H. A. Aldrich of Meudon, Mass., is said to be the oldest postmaster in the United States, haviug held the office nearly sixty years. Diphtheria is frequently the result of a neglected sore throat, wnich can be cured by a single bottle of Red Star Cough Cure. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. One of the premiums awnrdeci ataMaine fair last week was for a painted toadstool. Can oesthetics any further go? - LtwitUni For producing a vigorous growth of hair upon bald heads, use Hall's Hair Ilenewer. Every druggist will recommend Ayer's Agüe Cure, for it is warranted to cure. The friends of ex-President Arthur say that he is very much better than he WAS wheu he went to New London. Don't Pay a BIG PriceAP Pan+s Pays for a Ytar't subseripUü ijOllLo tion to the Weekly American linra1 lioinr Rochester, N. ..withou' premium - "the Cheapest and BestWeeklv in the World," 8 pages, 48 columns, Ui years old. Kor One Dollar you have one choice from over ISOdifferentCloth-Bound Doll'tr Volumes, :i(X) to 900 pp., and paper one year, post-paid. Book ])ostage, 15c. Kxtra. 50.000 books given away. Among them are: Law Without Lawyers; Famitv Cyclopedia; Farm Cyclopedia; Farmers' and Stockbreeders' Guide; Common Sense In Poultry Yard; World Cyclopedia; Danelgon'a (Medical) Counselor; Boys' Useful Pasthnes; Five Years Before the Mast: Peoples' History of Uuited States; Uni versal History of all Nations; Popular History Civil War (both sides). Any onh book iiinl paper, one year, all post-paidr f or T. 15 only . Paper alone, 65c. Satisfaction guaranteed on books and Weekly, or money refunded. Referenee: Hou. C. R. Paksoxs. Mayor Rochester. Sample papers, 2c. RURAL HOME CO., Ltd., iVithoyi Premium, (15c. a year! Rochestek, N. Y. Willing to be a martyr at the steak- every hungry fellow. A Oreat R;ward will be secured bj those who write to Hallett & Co.. Portland, Maine. Full informa tion will be sent yon, Cree, ubout work i that yon can do and live at home wher ever you are situnted, that will pay you from $5 to 4'Li and upwnrds a day. A number have earned over $50 in a day. Capital uot needed; Hallett & Co. will start you. Both 8X08: all ages. The chances of a lifetiiue. All is new. Now is the time. Fortunes are absolutely sure for tbs workers. ___ Niágara Falla- of course it does. Read the Statement af one of Jackson's Oldesl Kesidents. JaOKSON. Mich , May 'X, 1SSG. ilheiimatic Syrup Co. : Cientlemen- About ten years ago my Ceneral health becamo inipaired from my liver and kidneys becoming diseased. J have constnntly failt'd in atrength evei since, my whole system becoming prostrat ed. Kor' years my nerves liave been si weak and uiu'ontrollnble that my sull'er iii};s have been greater than I dareattempt to describe. The pain and stitches in mv hark mid shoulders, and twitchings and crampa of the muscles havu been almost uubearable. I have taken everything 1 oould learn or hearof, but never received the benefit whichl have from Hibbard'sl RheuraatiC Syrup. It is a remarkable remedv. Tlui svi'up haa regolated my kidneys and liver. thereby removing the! caUSQ of mv general aihnent. aiding nature j in restoring 1113 iinpure blood to a heaithy state, and the palsied condition of my whole nervous system is het ter than it has 1 11 for many years. The paina -. hieli I havo constantly been suffering for years have entirely left me. It will be gratifying on ■iiv part to miswerany inquiries regarding the nierits of your remudy as experienced l me. 1 mn verv trulv vours, ' {. V". ROCKWBliL, 309 Morrell street. Jackson, Mieh. I liave known B. W. Rockwell, who sub Bcribed to the above statement, for forty j-ears. He is one of our olde-tci tizona and Very rellable. Am statement made by liini can he ftillv relied uiion as true. W. ]). THOMPSON, President Jackson city Bank. Hibbard'a Rhenmatic Syrup is put up in large bottles, and is sold by druggistS generally. Prfce $1.00, or six bottlea tor 5.00. [f your druggist does nol have it 'rite us ana we will send it to any ftddress on receipt of price, ireighi prepaid. Send foi our medical pampulet. RHEL'MATIC SVRUP CO., Si.le manufacturers, Jackson. Mieh. The matter for wonder and astonisliment is this: Wlien RetQDa jumped over his brother'e little city all ko were liis sprains and bruises cured without Balvation Ofll A phrenologist says that ''fullness under ihu eye denotes lunguage." WheD the fulness is caused by another man's fist it denotes very bad language, generally.- Xorixttni'it Jlerald. Another Indian rising is reported from Albert Lea, Mimi., where a largo number of aborigiual skeletons have been resurrected. As they are all good Indians, no tronble is anticipated.- JJuslon TratDcript. It is said that Fair Haven ovsters have been damaged to the extent of $20,000 by thacool nuns thntfell In July. ' If oysters don't know enough to go in vvhen it rains they must expect to be damaged.- Jloitn l'ust. Mrs. Whitelaw Reíd has purchased the house of Henry Villard on Madison avenue, New York, for $400,000. lts cost was muly a million. The decorations are of the most Bumptuonj character. Rose Terry Cooko. the authoress. owns a fine mansión near the village of Winstead, i 'onn., and jkmuIs mach i i cultivating the fïowwa of hor grandmother's time in a quaint old garden. James A. Garfleld, jr., and his brother Henrv are Btudying luw in the Coluniliia Law ScbooL and Wlth Messrs. H:mgs and Btetson of New York, the flrm with which VVaj'no UacVeágh is connected. Do not throw away youi bard earned money for every new c-ou{li syriip advertised; when youean procure that standard remedy for coughs. Dr. Bull's Cough .Syrup. 25 cents. Motto for persons who preserve fruit they can who think they can. Connndrums. What throat is the best for a singer to teach high notes with 1 A so.ut throat. If it bicornes too soro, use Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Bweel Gum and Mnllein, whioh cures hoarseness and a husky voice. Wliy is a winter storm like a child with i liad coldi It blows, ita shows (it blows its nose.) Uure it with Taylor's Cherokee itemedy of Sweet Gum aní MHUrin. Sign of good breediug - getting the prize it a dog show. An Old FieM Weed. The old field mullein has been a seeming!y outcast for many years, but now it ha ■iiiddenly attracted the attention of the medical world who now recognize it to be the bes', lung medicine yet discovered. when made into a tea and combined with tweel gum, presenta In Taylor's Cherokee itemeilj f Sweet (Jum and Mullein a iiA a-id elfective cure tor crqup, wlioopin cough. colds and consumption Sold by all drugglsts. Plays for high steaks- the buteher. KissingGiils Why do school girls like northeast wimls! It brings chaps to thuir lips. Should It bring colds to their heads let them take Taylor'i Cherokea Reinedy of , liiim and Mullein. WTien does a Bevere eold reeemble abriliimt idea i Wln-ii it comes into one's liead raddenly. Yon should possesa the dea that Taylor'a Cherokee Elemedy oJ 3 weet Gum and Mullein will cure any ■ mgh or cold. and prevent croup. The telephone is feminine - it talks back. It is a pleasure and gatisfaction to many tolearnthai A.Uen'8 Lung Balgam, thai tandard Camily medicine for ooughs, ■ronp, and all lung diseases, can now be rocuredat 86o, Me, and $l.U0 a bottle at n y drug store. Bound to be bouncod- a ball. The Bes ;Porous Piaster. Carter'a Miiart Weed and Belladonna Bsckaohe l'laaters. Uatchlesa women- old maids. 1 was taken with rheumatism and sufcred Intense pain whether I .sat up or lay lown. After taking half a bottle of i.thlophoros the Bwellinaj is all reduced and 1 havo liad no pain. JedGriRware.mate of stcaiinr V. R. Buít, East Saglnaw, M i c h . A hot quarter- the summer season. To Successfully Act XT_)on the Liver and Hile, take smallilosea of O rt ir'i Little l.iver Pilis A llank movement - papa with a strap. Relief is immediate, and a sure curo. Piso's Remedv for C'aiarrh. 50 cents. The Sultiin is a musician, and has coraposed a piece of musió for the imperial band. Lyon's Patent IloclStlfreneristneonly lovontlon tbat makea ulil boota straight as new. Mules are more popular than horses for elegant equipages in Rio de Janeiro. NIANCE Oalla, Scrat.hos, Crnckcd ITeel, Thrush, and all diseases of the fcet and irritatlons of tbc skin ui horses and radie qn.ckly amlpcrmaiientlyi-iireU bv theusiM.r et rinarjr CarbolUalvé. 50c. and $1 at Druist. Carter's Little Liver Filis will be fouin' an exnellont remedy for siik headaohe Thousaiuls of letten from people wik have used them prove this fact. Ask your druggist for them. If afflicted with sore eyes, use Dr. 1 a Thompson's Eve Water. Druggists seli it 25o. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Man.lir.kc, ïock, Pipsissewa, Junlper Bcrrlcs. and otlier well-known mul veffOtablt remedies. The coinbination, proportton. and prepitralton are peculiar to Hood's sarsaparilla. (fiving It curative powornot possessed by othor medicines, lt cffects ■(.■murkuble cures whcre others l'ail. Purifies the Blood No other preparation ha? such a purifyinK effect upon the blood na Hood'fl Saraaparilla. It erail cates every ttnpurlty, and cures Scrofuta. Sal lthoum, Bot Is, Pimples. 11 Humors. Dyspepsia BIUOUV&OU, Sick lieudii' li I, 1 ndicostion. (iein-ni Ocbility . Cal&rrh. Klieuir.atistn. Kidney and Live, Complalnts, It overeóme? t)íu extreme tiretl fed Dg, and büilds upthe lysiam. Hood's Sarsaparüia Has iiK't unparalloieit taCCOBl ;l home. Sin-h hu becoiue lts populanty In I-owell, Mass., whuro tt ! minie, that wholo nc;hborlioods ara taklog ít a iho same time. The sanie ívonderrul lOOCOM i extendinfz uil hvit (he country, lts positivo rucri: makes ncw frlends liuily. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drugists. 71. ill ior $6. Prepared by C. 1. UOOl & CO.. Uittöll, Masj. 100 Doses One Dollar Kr. R. Foiter, 320 Miin itrect. Terrc Hmtf, Inlian, roffered rroni N-.-uraki itJ f-n:i uo relief tlll he uwd ATHLOPH0R0S. Ihe i e Oit'i time the pain wa kil iour. lt vlll ?lv TOiúpt itlinf iu ll emt ot Neural gla. Ak renr Iranclti fci Atti'"pburui. If vou cauuol nittrbtlU4tfl Dol irj iviuv'ïiioi 'te, lul unK-r t ouo trom ui. Wswlll ■!, Ui].- ptil ■u rocciptor jirlc. tl 00 P?r !oitli:. ATHL0PH0R0S CO .IU WH St. New York. O Th BTJYERS GUIDK U issn;-l Sit. and Mari-h, vacli j'far. lt é ' 3I-J pagev, h! , x 11 j ln.lns,Uhiiir 3,5OO Uliutrallous -- a avIkiIc Picture Gallcry. OIVS8 w iu.if.sair Prieel direct to consiimn-A on uil good for personal or fumily nxv Telia lio to ordc-r, and gtve exact coHt of everything yon use, ml, drink, wmr, or have fun with. These INVALUABI.K HOOKS contain Information gleaned from the market of the world. We wlll mail a copjr KRKK to ny addrcsH upon receipt of 10 ■. to dr fray expense of mailing. l. t us hear froui yon, 11 1 h !■ t ful y, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 827 fc 230 Wabash Aviuuc, Chicago, 111. CataddU ely'S E5CREAM BALM. 9fëcio5L{ MADji „ n n in mntion WT 1 1 v t-Hjlg jpL Ueais the Sores. ■T y %kBllestore8 the fel?és"'S('srTast' ñrir ertrp " Qitk Relief Si il'TfJBiVBiK ... ri posilne (Ure. Apartidéis nppllrd Intoeach noslrllatul i aproenblo toii-i'. Pnoe riO ctaM hr in'' or ut clnijjgists. Scnd for liiculnr, EIY BKDTIIKUS. Drnuiriits. Owogo. N. V. Plso Rmedy for Catarrh tl tba I I Bl, 1 lsl to Use, and Cbeuprat. I Also food for C!d In tlie Head, I Hatdacfc, Hy Fcyer, Ac. 10 ciali. I


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