Dr. PARDEE'S REMEDY (The Oïly BelUtl: B...
Dr. PARDEE'S REMEDY (The Oïly BelUtl: Blood FuriSer.) HHEUMATI8M Scrofula, Salt Rheum .. Neuralgia, Ring Worm AND ALL OTHER SKIN AND BLOOD DI3. EASES. IT RKGULATES THE LIVERKSDNEYS And Cures Indigestión And all Distasca arising from on enfeebled condition of the system. It hs proven itself to be the most reliable remedy known for Femalc Wtakncss, and for diseases peculiar to the sex. Send for our pamphlet of testimoniáis, and ead of thi.se who have been pcrmancntly cured by its use. tv Ask your Druggist for DR. PARDEE'S REMEDY and take no other. Price (1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Bfanufactured by the PARDEE MEDICINE CO., Rochoster. N. Y. A GREAT ÏNTERPRISE. The Century Magazine, with its enormous circulation (edition of November number is a quarter of a million) and great resources, has never undertaken a greater rork than the one which will be its important ature during the coming year. This is a bistory of our own country in its most critical time, as set forlh in THE LIFE OF LINCOLN, BY HIS CONFIDENTIAL SECRCTARIES, JOHN G. NICOLAY NO COL. JOHN HAY. This great work, begun with the sanction jSPSjK of President Lincorh, fsêt fifet amlcnntinued under the l8aM?9 authority of his son, the fif VJ llon. Robt. T. Lincoln, -wlff -yy is the only full and au'SiWv-i(i) thoritative record of the jv-vS? hfe of Abraham Lincoln. JX3r 'ts autnors were friends N,yv of Lincoln before his ■jdÊBLÊSttmt-' pifiiJency; they were yiaTTsBK,) most intimately assojHKrl X] wS ciatcd with him as priJ9"R v" vatesecretariesthrough131 J? ö out li is term of office, and to them were transferred upon Lincoln's death all his private papers. Here will be told the inside history of the civil war and of President Lincoln's administration, - important details of which have hitherto remained unrevcaled, that they miijlit fust anpear in this authentic history. By reason of the publication of this work, THE WAR SERIES, which has been followed with unflagging interest by a great audience, will occupy less space during ihe coming year, but will by no means be entirely omitted. Stories of naval engagements, prison life, etc. , will appear. NOVELS AND STORIES include i novel by Frank R. Stockton, two novelettes by George W. Cable, stories by Mary Hallock Foote," Uncle Kemus,"Edward Eggleston, and other American autnors. SPECIAL FEATURES (with illustrations) include a series of artides on affairs in Russia and Siberia, by George Kennan, author of " 'J'ent Life in Siberia,:' who has just returned from a most eventful visit to Siberian prisons ; papers on the Labor Problem ; Knglish Cathedrals; Dr. Eggleston's Ueligious Life in the American Colonies ; Men and Women of Queen Anne's Reign, ly Mrs. Oliphant , Clairvoyance, Spiritualism, Astrology, etc. ; Astronómica! papers; articles on Bible History, etc. PRICES. A FREE COPY. Subscripuon price, $4.00 a year, 35 cents a nuniber. Dealers, postmask-rs, and the publisliers takc subsciiplions. Send for our beaUtifullyillustrateda4-page catalogue (free). A specimen copy (back number) will be sent on request. Mention this paper. Can yon affoni lo be wtthcii! TlIK CENTURY ? THi: CKNTÜRY CO. New-Yowl THE GRAND KAP I DS HERD Holstein-Friesians. About 100 II i: A I) of both sezes anti all agrs Several Head of BULLS READY for SERVICE Up to two years old, Choice Cows ai.d Hcifers brci.1 ïo ray prize service bulls Prins Midlum and Jonge Oarre, Wlio have no superiors. A special tyoí young pairs rit a kin for foundation stnclc. Every lle.nl iru'isliTcd and Guaranteed Pure-Hred. Writefor Catalogue and prices, and state age and sex desired, or come and sec the herd. M. L. SWKKT, Brcederand Importer, rMCNTioNTiusrAPEK.J Grand Kupids, Mich. WC WANT YOUI ftllpnnretloinan C WAU I IWW1 or roman n proittable pmptoyment to represent us in every countv. Salary #75 kt Tinnt)i umi cxjhiisl-s, or a largo coniniisslon on salea if prefem-d. (Joods staple. j livery one buys. Outfit and partk-nlur Frf. . I WÍÁÜVÁBD SILVËRWARE CO., liObTON, MASÍ 1 EXIUIISTEDMALITY. iIli;hi kated iamfle fk e. KNOW THV8F f rméfs&Ê&m AGreaf Uedtoal W'i rit on Manhnvi, Nprroiin4 physical DeMMty. 1'n matura Decline in Man, 9rlauMM Vital H-T. ■. ftc, umi the antold niUeriee resnltlittf froni lndlf)frttlon or ctcc. '■: ."W pape MibMunüally bnnnd in (rilt. imilin. ContabM more ihan t% InTftlnable pi-PM-t-iption, "mbrncing every vejreiHblo retiHHlT in the p!iiirraacn-iin frr uil acuta ftndCbronLcrile&se. lt ir rinptmtimlly n book for Weryman, Prlceonlyfl br mail postpaul, eoncea.1ed in iiini-1 r rapper, II. l lis ii : VK BAMHLK 1 :.K lü AM. yourif and tir1l-ím'(l men for . :;o next ninety daya. öend dow, r cut thta out, ft ym mar nevef acú ItHeain. Aiiiiii'ss Dit. V. II. i1 tiKurt, iBulnnch it.. Boston. N. B.-Ir. Parker can he confldentially cocsalted on al! dUeu.se of man, bts specialttes. CLUES jaift Uscdbythi !; t manu facturera JKvrfTAJöM I Pullman Palace Car Co., MasoñP' NO Bl t liumlin Organ Piano 0o.,v Af Vw9 tcfttr uil fcindï o-ïfl mrA. fcílLti-B At the New Orleans Kxjtosi-llftttnMaHV tion, juints wade with it ( B5s jmLlL9fi] dureif ii U-stii'.fi strain of over PJH f fl 1 í jfflil H 1600 Pounds JKurMMUfl ' ■ ' inm. Wx TWO GOLD 'MEDALS. li Scnd lii-Kvir.l and I ■!■- ■■■■ ';t:'o lorsaluliie ci:i. KIÍEE. I1LSSIA CEMEKT CO., Gloncester, Hm. ffl LA i&á tf%O IN NORTHERN Í m i;álO wisconsin. ■ ■ BS B# 500,000 ACRES I HV ot' Cbolco llardwood Farm MÏ mi: l.ainis for Sale at $j. 00 an acre on long time. KX'ru.oi!i)iNAUV Inducemnu offered ' BKOiTm 01 CTCI.OX es ! Kuil Partlculra.wlth Kod Map, O. I.. llli.UY, Land ('om. Wis. Central I!. l., liilwaukee, Wis. ■■■060% C A T A R RH, rTT' !goS3iS HEADACHE, t- - PAT JAN 586 ? ASTHMA, CQ SS ' NEURALGIA, Ïnickly relievcil by oshiK Cnhni' Mout hol nhater and bv oöntinned OM effect a ure. Satisfactíon roaranb el or mone; refunded. U lasti from ili mr ntlis (o oncyoar. Prloe 50 cents; lv in.nl or at drug tris t Circulara malled un appllcatíon. H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Rivers, Mich. pTÍRBRÜÜKs;Es LeadinffNos. : 14,048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works: Camdcn, N. J. 26 John St., New York. PAYSthFREICHT 5 Ton WaiOH Srales, Tare P.'.am a:nl K ani Bitt (ut táS. LZ f ImTllMBMle. Furfi.-.-priiïüliil 81400. OAYS t Éfci MADE CLEAR BY A NEW AGENT n f JyY W-x Si'lIIne our l'nrlvulh-d I KrlMiCmilV STOVMC FM PMS SHMCf.F. msÊUÊ IB '11u niost con venten t a nicle éMIJn over pffered to Hoosekeepozii HnV1'9 Circuliirs fri'C. Address, JW SHEPARD & CO., CINC1NNAT1. 0. ■ gPHILA. SINöERSZU BI UIA I A l'ull iSfi af BV ygyl jIW Atiaetimeiita. PW &S9 "ï H'AKii.t.vrKn Rrfitu Yoai'a. Seud for JqAskA o. a. woon ét co., CSST"5" 17?i.l0thWt.. Phlla.. P I GURE FITS! Whtn I ay t-ure i ( BO mesn mt-rcly to stopihem ror a timo aud tho bttvo thera return bí;lih. I turan a rad!J, „re i havo mudo tho disoaao .r KITS. KPII.KySV or FALUX0SICKNK3S Ilfo-Iougitudy. 1 ivrrDtmJ remedy to cure the wortt cases Beciuiso othors na falled in no reftson for nnt now rucolvin h ciiru. send M oïc?) for tre.tl.o aiul Krot. Boni. cf mj Infitlllbla remedy. Glo Kipre. and l'ont ortlce. lt cü.h yoa Dh,V ,,,r a trjjd, gd gg,, gt „„ Yorfc mFACE, HANDS, FEET, and all thelrimperfectione. inchidbiK Fola] Devolopmcnt, Hairand Bcalp, Superfluoua Haii Blrth Mari.s Molen, Warte, Moiii Frecfclcft. lïwl v i'.iack Mtting andtheir t n-atment. i ie for book oTfiOpasfimstthedlttoa. Wr,J.H.v,i:rtln:iv,i; V IVui lSu.Allwuiy,N.V.,tt'bM 1870. HOME TREATWENTg roaders surfiinif from Orfrailic V7eaknws. NotTons or AUmcntS. sli.nilrj wtite to DR. WILLIAMS, 189 Wis. St.. Milwatikes, WiB., tor a M-.í'}fi' book. ivinjf the pruper truatment in full. nnlili AutNIO IfANItU mkiiim un i Kin -- j i'Airi:i;Ns, for maltintc Hum. ■ --- ,". [Ui-. H S, M t! ■!). .■!.-. ..mjI ia; bj mail SI. (MRCCLABS ' i i:ki. K. KOKS Jk CO.. ? f TOl.l'DO. OH II). ■ BffeBDHINE-OPIUM Hai.it Painlemly ÍShIIII sent on trial and NO I'AV aiki-1 ■ ■H W Ulltil y'H '' I'('!HM!'' I. 'l'.:rts l.'iw. If 9 Humane Kvinoily Co, l.:i Fayottr, liiü. WANTED GOOD MAN eiHMfictlr wi.rkir; business la hl8 MOtlOn. Salar.v $7U iteferclK-rs. Am. .'M 'f 'k House, 1.5 líarclay St.. IÍ. Y linur BTODT. Boolt-koepltut. BoelneM forins nUIViriViiiiiaiiHiil, AMtümetlo, Shorthand. eto, thoroucl:ly lauRht by mail. circulara (ree, BRTASrS COLtEGE, Buffato, N. I . kídípástillesíEIS HHHHHHBHBRffiRBP Laiiciiuwu, Alaia, JRClITi WlMTrn''"r"i'' Ni'i-l:in[IH(sticll. fllit-.NI WflNItUi,,.,, k evor publlfhed Fot ■ cl ctrcolnro nddrese Nationai rrii.Co. ('lii':i':i. priurTfiuo i oFFirKI'S'Pny, Bonntr. Ete. llrli oluH 0 ! Wirf ford culinand lis. Free, A. W. McCORMICK ASON, Cincinnati, O. TPI CPDAPHV r.ciiin hen and nra CLtUKArnr g ,,,v. Bltuatlon7ui nlhed. write Vmlentlne Uit., JanTlil,wlt. Apto $8 a day Samples worth fl.M FItRE. Lines Sl St unTfrfKê hors?' feet. vriu Brewster Vl Safoty Rein Holder Co., Holly, Mich. W.N.U.D.--4- 44 Anillll Morjihlncllaj.lt Curad In 1 IMll M to ÏO luj. o puy tlll l 111 e. V I I W lïl DB. J. SriTHiM, Lebüuun, 01U
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