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Til (i -., MAN A HOT..I-. nORNFR VA IIP (JTN AXD SEC(N: J s'r ets. Win. I . F i n'; ]'o ríe'"-. ; ani p'e ion fo t avilin.; nuu K try reo n L uteJ bv steam. COODRICU IIOUSE AH. GuODRICH, Proprletor, corner Ann and Kourth streets oppoite ihs Coui't Hou e Square. Ëverythlns in lirtcln-s order. Kewly furuiolied. líarn -ccomino lations. - J. R. JüYXER, T ICENRED AUCTION ."5VR. is now pre Xi pared to render bilí services to all desirin tbem. When yon wlsb to ell miythin at auctlon give liini i cali. He muy .s found tl. o Brt door west oL Nat Urako s, liuroii street. r. M'KERNAN, ATTORK E YA T-L A W. Colleclions promptly atended to. Mnney to loan. Hou-es aud lot.' or sule. O.lico iu Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDEIl, Yfo. 37 Korth Main Ktroet. opposite 1 lie i' postotlke. dealer in Presb, Biuokedand balt Meiits of uti kindi. Lard iu aiiy quantity. D. M. ÏYLEll, M. D., pHYKICIAN. 3fHce rver ."ie Post Office, J Aun Arbor. Mich. rnOK HO3K MRS .11. HUDFOV. Pr ri tor. SVwly Furnisbed. Tüc lea llng house In Ann Arlr. UNION HOTEL. FIR8T-CÍ.ASS n all respect. Ever thlns Dcw, fioe rooms, ell furnislieil. Tjrms. fl per day añil upwanlï. Bneclal rutes t woc'ilv bnardere. Me.ils, 25 cents. Joba Bcbnetder. .Ir., Proprie or. Corner of WashDKtou and Second streets. Aun Arlxn, Mich N1C1IO1.S BROS. W. W. A. V. NIUIIOI-S. D. ]). S. Dent-il nBire Masonlc Temple li.ock, oveí1 Savii;Hank. Aun Ar or. JOSEl'll CLINTON, MERCTIANTTAILOR. tíhop over WtnenA Wordeu's. All wolk uuuiaulucd or no chaire. .I0I1N F. LAW1ÍENCE, A TTOHNFV AT1.AW. A Office, no. -T aDd t, Grand Opera IIouso, Ann Albor, Mirii. E. B. NORRI3, i TTORNEY AT I.AW. I)ocs a rencral I iv A roUecticm umi convóyate buIncM. A mnderat tatronaie is resiieetfuüy solicitud. Ullice in toe court boi:?e, Ann Arbor, .Mich. O. C. JE.NKINi!, W V. llliriV.1 (l.l 1 I lj 1 . It , . if .-r il I 0 Main Street, oim site the Klrst Nutioi a' Bank, Ann A rlxir, M ieh. ANTÓN EI8ELE, "nEAI.ER IN M0NUMENT8 and C.rave1 ' stoni'S mnn ifactiire.l fro n T niiexopc an I Hallan Slarhle a ui Setoch and Aiinrfcaii Granlte. f b i cor. Detruit auJ (Jiitlmruu iU. Ann arbor, Midi. W1LLIAM II RIK, HOUSK SKiN. Orniiinemal anil Fro-pn Paint r. (i Idlni;, Cal.iinliiiiitr, (Ih.íiil' anil Paper Hanjliitr All wort done in the bont stvle and warrant'd Ui. tfive satisiaetiou. Sliop. N". 4, West Waebiu.toa stroct. Aun Arbor, Mkh. Abstracts of Titlps on Keal Estáte In WK c ii p'. te .en 'M'i.n ■ƒ uncial Iti of V B'rpn w Ouinv 'o ííji'c in in ir allTix ' iitc. Kx cu'ii'PHfir n fnctim' r nc-1 Hl R ai K-tilc, 'lini o lït.-or ' i'i Ih U viW'oK r, is no n bv tn' h Kik-i Offi -■ tn ih nffi -uH tu-e-r i(ry if ir. . M-ht r.a v Mü'u I i--?r nu rnn ;mv. in 'hr tn-cmtn' 'f The Curc ilousc C. II. NI.V Vin rSr Mie-. n ëTwmXr k e t. C.W. VOGEL, Proprietor, Lite of fheléea, at THOMAS MATTIIEWS' OLD STAND On Ann Street. Frenh anil Balt Mjci kenton h"l, The Ann Arbor Savings Bank .0rrHiii.r1 IMV. nlutcr Ibe Orm-rjLl Hunkin I. tí Uu üULt kift uuw, uduuiug cailal bl-M,l lic, (U., OTMU $.-.00.000 AUMX.XS. BiwlnoM mon. Quonlimis. Truitea. Larflea and lihcr 'truuit v. ill Itud tlti liunk a SAFE AND C0NVENI1N7 fiae al walefa Co make Depotiu and ilu hmiuw. :nters1 is Allowed on All Savings Depcsili Ot l.iH) and npwarfi. acfordiiiK tu Ihf ri:l nl lh buuk. aud tulvrMl couipuuudt-d bcmi-auun .ÜTMonoy to Loan In Suma of f23 t 3,OOÜ. tacared tj Cnlsoumtwrod Kul (U! nté XMt lood tscurtliAs. DIBEOTOR"?- O.rl-tln Mnck. vr. XT. vrint W. l. l'.Hrhiiinn. Tii;b Dtuble. lJid ItiiiKr. OuUl llluiuckanil NV b. Hiuim Oi'ïlüSK -ChtiuUü Mc. rrMliIont; vr. WId. Vlce 1'rMldi ut: J. K. UlioK-k. l lilor new mum For the flnpst coni 11 tlis market, mul lo pr ei, the public are mv.tcd lo cail on tMICHAEL STABLEF Cor. Washington and 2d ots, Who also filis ordei's for 'AT O O 33 J. Now Is ihe time to lay In jour coal. MICIItL STAHI.ER. Ann Albor Get ïour Proprty InsuredSy C. H. MILLEN, IISSUrtAIVCK AGKNT, Ko. 4 South )!in trret. Ann Arbor l'hr oldl in i)i city. Kutablitlied qurw of ccnilirj fO. K- rtfentil.ï th fr.ll.MTln,; ftn.fc clau compaiiie. wuh avr $30,000,00 ÁmrH. Hom Ins. Co., of N. Y.; ContinntI In. Co., a N. Y.; Niñera lus. tx, d H. Ï-; Girard In. Co., of Plnln.; Oruul los. Co., o' Hartford; Coimi:crcial Csmi of LonUt-i; Liverpool and lionJoufcbd Globe. Rta low. Uwt Ubrllf dtoic4 u4 f- Mj id. _ O. tt ltlttUW.


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Ann Arbor Democrat