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Habitual coetiveuees is the direct result oí habitual neglect. Keep the bowels regular by the proper use of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pilis. Pnce 25 ets. Oive Day's Horee Powder to your cows. It will improve the animáis and increase the flow of milk. Do not stupefy your baby with opium mixtures, but use Dr. Bml's Baby Syrup. It is safe. We do not believe in "women'a writee." They are generally long, with a postcript, oovering both sides of the paper and croased in two direotions. Mre. Jones, how is your health this monuag? Thank you, madam, muoh improvèd. I bought a bottle of Dr. Bul I's ('uugh Syrup last night, and af ter the first doee, my cough was checked, I slept well, and have not coughed ODoe this morning. Ifs curious; Germán like to tak e a little beer with their mosio, and Amenoans like to take a little mooio with their bwr. Autiiaent wUl ooou eot oaly "in tu best regulated familias," but every where and at all times. Therefore keep Salvatiou Oil convenient. The court qnardnlle will be very popular during the fall. It will be followed by the matrimonial pa de deux. Sa ved His Life. M r. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Hurse Cave, Ky., says he was, for man y years, badly afflictéd with Phthisic also Diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimos almoet throw him into convnlsions He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle after taking six bottles, wae lentirely cnred, and had gained in flesh eighteen pounds Says he positively believes he would have died, Lad it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at ñfty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Son. No man can run independent when dogs are following him. Candidatos may have this for a pointer. Dost Exfekimext. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your langs are in iiauger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a oold. Do not permit any dealer to i m pose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, but be ure yoa get the genuine. Beca use he can make more profít he may tell yon he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon get t ing Dr. King's Nevr Discovery, whioh is guaranteed to give relief to all Throat, Lung and Chest affections. Trial bottles free at Eberbach & Son 's Drug Store. It is understood that Henry Qeorge is willing to ron for king of Bulgaria if the Czar will give him a full hour for nooning. Bucklen's Aunica Salve. - The best in the world for cuto, bruises, sores, ulcere, slt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranted to give perfect satisfacción, or money refunded. Prioe 55 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. The riowerb that bloom in the spring have nothing to do with the honey nowadays. The farmer's bees find it easier to sip glucose from a pan. The great souroes of the extensiva eurative range of Dr, Jones' Red Clovea Tonic are ite great blood purifyiug qualties and ite gentle asperitive action, therehy removing all reetraint from the secretive organs, curing promptlv and oughly dyspep8ia,eo8tivenes8,bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, sick and uervous headache, ague. malaria, and all stomaoh. liver aod kidney troubles. The moet delicate stomach aceepts it with relish. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. Perhaps the Philadelphia girl who took laughing gas and slept three days had better take laudanum next time - or, say, a Philadelphia weekly. Judge of a governnient by the men it produces. Judge of a man by his deeds, a tree by ïts f mits, a medicine by ite resulte. Time tried and true is Dr. Bigelows Positivo Cure, which contaiu the good qualities of all the best cough remedies without the defecte of auy of them. A safe and speed y remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Sold by Eberbach & Son in 50 cent and dollar "bottles. Healing tothelungs. Safe and pleasant for ohildren. ".My dear." he said, "what is the difiference between ingenious andingenuous?" "The difforenoe between u and i, my love,1' she replied, and he scratched his head for a diagram. The beat on earth, can truly be sald of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, wliich is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25c. Sold by C. Eberbach & Son. "Say, Mr. Snobby, can you play cards?" "Why, no, Johnny, I can't play very well." "Well, then, yoii'd better look out, for ma says if Emma plays her cards well she'll catch you." City Locáis. Koch & Haller have received the finest line of Hat Racks ever brought to Ann Arbor. They are on exhibition at their store South Main et reet. "Were you ever caught in a sudden squall?" as keil au oíd y achtman of a worthy citizen. "Well, I guess o!'' sponded the good man. "l've J to bring up eight babiee." For a Firetclass diah of Oysters go to G. Schiappacasse's, Huron street. "Wbere's Jones?" "Dead" "Dead? Well, I declare ! Paid the debt of nature, eh?" "No;compromisedat lesa thanfifty per oent." "How so?" "He left Lis better half behiud hini. " Mixed Candy 12cts per pound; Chocolate Cream drops, SQuts.j Gum dropa lOcte.; Stiok Candy löcts.; at G. Schiappacasse's . "Charining girl, that Miss Lucy, Jack." " l'hing eo? I never could bear her. öhe always treate me as if I was an ass, you know." -'Indeed, I didn't know she knew you." A fine asaortment of French Candies, at G. Schiappacasse's, Huron street. "What is the matter with you, my friendV You look ül." "Yes. Tve got kleptomania." "Taking anything?" "Oh, vee; taking everything I can la y hands ou." Herman Strassburg & Son, the well - known teachers of Detroit, will start a select sobool at Ann Arbor, Wednesday next at Hangsterfer's hall. Messrs. Strassburg have a national reputation as teachers of dancing, and this will be an opportunity for the people and studente of Ann Arbor, to learn dancing in its perfeotion. Their advertisement in this issue gives complete partícula. "I do love dress!" exclaimed a young society belle. "Then I should think you would wear more of it," retorted the cynical bachelor friend of muidle age. Buy your Beer at the Central Bottling Work, corner Detroit and Catherine-sis. You seem to hare plenty of business here," said a drummer to Miss Fitz, the dressmaker. "There's a heap more bustle than business," was the lad's reply. When in the city next week don't forget to cali on Doty & Feiner, who have just received one of the largeet and most complete stocks of Boots and Shoes for the f all rrade, ever brought to Ann Arbor. Sell cheap and the people will buy. Young Hopeful (on seeing a negro baby for the first time) -"Mamma, is that a spoiled ohild?" All Goods warranted to give fair wear and satisfaction, at Dot v & Finer's Boot and Shoe House. The New York newsmen have undertaken a big job in trying to regúlate the universe. They are boycotting the World and trying to sell out the Stars and the Sun. Farm Fob Sale. The Albert Case Farm of 140 acres, adjoiuiug the village of Manchester, will be sold at a bargain. Long time given. Easy paymente. The plaoe is well watered and has good buildings. For full particulars inquire of Mrs. Ralph Whiting, Ann Arbor, Mioh. A young man absent on a trip to Paris, writAa Hint ha huil ViApn all thrnilirh thrt capital of FraDoe and considerable of his owu. Loakino. - Money to loan on firet-elass Beal Estáte MortatíeatOurrent ratee of Interest Satisfactory arraugementa made with capitalista deeiring such inveetnients. Every conveyance and transaotion in abstracts of titles carcf ally examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. Kinq, Ann Arbor CliAIBVOIÍÍT PHT8I0IA1Í. Dr. L. D. White is atill in the Duffy block, opposite the postoftioe, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found in his office at all hours.


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