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Motherless Child

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From a far awav country town a box of wild flowcrs had come to the Children's Hospital in the City of C . Just at dusk thu new nnrse sloppcd In her ronuds before onc cot whcro u pooi' lililí' pufforer lay, cl.isping in his ihin linntls a bnnch of blut! violéis. Tho littlc fellow tossed and tnrned from sido to s'.de; ever und ftnon he woulil start up uwrniur ng gometbing abont "Little Jack," tlien fall b:ick whispcring. "too late, too hite." "Bad case, bad c;ise, nnrse; fatlier and tuothcr both died of same fe ver. baby fonnd dead, and this boy will go BOOD;" and the old doctor shook his hcad gravely. "Poor litlle fellow," nuirmurcd the nurse. "To die alone, no inotlicr's hand to w pe away the gal heling deus of death; no motuor's anus; no mother's kiss!" Shc brushed back the damp golden corla from the white forehead; tho blue eye.s opened wide and a faint voce whiSpered, "Molhert" Thenursöbeni pityingly over him, his cycs scaroheil her face, tben elosed rearilj. "Oh. ] want my niother, I want niy ïuother!" he moaned. "Poor baby," sa:d the physician. "bc will have his mother soon." The child started up, "Rock incmoiher," he cried. Very lendeily the docto lifted the little figure and placel t in the mirse's arni; the wcary head dropped pon her shouldcr; the hands, stil holding the violets, were fokloil lovingly around her nec-k. To aml fr' shc ciadled liini; the room wasgrowin; dark, :i faint streak of light cauie in ai the eastern window and slipped soflh across the ledge. "Sing to üne." the child whispered: very swcetly on the air rose and fel. the mus c of that ol.l, h. mu: "Hlde me, O, niy Snvior, lildo, Till tbe storm of lifu 8;" Nearei' and ncarer crept the moonlight till it toiK-hed the swaving iiguro: "Safe luto tbc liaven guldr, O, reeeive my ootil at last" Tho soDg cearcil. "Motlicr, 1'm too tircd to knei'l to-night," murmurad tlie chihl, then sofily arlilcd, "Sow - 1 lay me dowit - lo slccp 1 ," witli a long sigli the blneeyescloseil tiroJlv: tlie arms slipped down; :ill v:is st.ll. The moonlight floodcd i lie room wiih silver; it lingcrcd :ilxmt tlie littlo wliitc robeJ cbíltl; it fel I upon the golden curls nntl half-eloseil liils; and the withered flowors fallen loosely now f rom the tired lmnds. There w:s a íaint, sweet perfume of violets as the rocker crushed lo aiul fio; nothing gtirred in thè room save the swaying figure in the nioouliglit. The doctor touched tho nurse and gcntly Süid: 'Thi; child is with ils mother." - Detroit Free Press.


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