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Tl RED OUT! At this seaeon no.trly eeery onv noeds to nse som ort of tonic. I KON enters into alinoet every phy■ician'e preBcription foi thoe who need building up. Ma H ■EJi___BE5T?0NIC For WenkncM, l,nnsHud% I.nrk of Eiicrjrv, etc, ït HAS NO KQUAL, and ú the onlv uon i:;eJicine that is not iiijurions. Ir EnrichcH the Bloml. InviKorntctt the System, Restores ApprtHe, AldsDigviiUon lt does not ht)tckn or inj-ire the teeth, cause headftchenr produce c-iiistipation - -thrr Jm mttHëinmêdê Mbb Janf: ANDUEW8. St. Helena. Mich,, saya: ''l as su!'. iTii.-i trom ivor cf.nipl.iint. had mich ft ianguid fecJing :md do Ktrorfrtli. I sed Brown's Ii.-Ti Bittem nli graat benefit, in fact novor took nytlnuK t Mí dki ine au mach good." Mna. J. E ChevaLIcr, 47 lvi.-t Montcalm St., Detroit, Bfiob . 5'I.vh: ' I yraa sufferinfr f rum thO Ifects of nnliril f e ver, w bh uearly prottrated by we ikaeM . iiiii jiueri.l dl;ility. I tiht.v! IÏiowh'h Iron bitter and re((aiued raytitrength atni energy. It oriches the hh. ui, and cives aew Ufe aud strength l'i tb wholn pynteni Genoino has atxve Tradw Mark and crosed red linös on wrappur. Titlit) no nt lier. Mad only by 1-!L(MV. -UKUM AL CO.. HAI.TIUOIÍK. ilIK Dr. PARDEES remedí (Ihs Í1I7 Bsllaïh Bbod Pntlflsr.) -A. SPECIFIC fOU RHEUMATISH Scrofula, Sa!t Rheum Neuralgia, Ring Worm AND ALL OTHfcR SKIN AND BLOOD DIS. EASES. IT REQULATES THE LIVERKIDNEYS And Cures Indigestión And all Diseases arising from au enfeebled condition of the system. lt has proven tself to be the most reüable remedy known lor Female Wcakness, and (or diseases peculiar to the sen. Send for our pamphiet of testimoniáis, and read of thnse who hav been permaoently cured by its use. HAsk your Druggist for DR. PA"DEE'S REMEDY and talce no other. Price $1 par bottle, or slx boules for $5Uanufactured by the PARDEE MEDICINE CO., Rochester. N. Y. Catarrh is Causetí By fcrofulou taint in the blood. Thcrofore, to cure oatnrrh, !trij the blood. ThousunÉU who have boen tronbla 1 witb the di?ngreeable symp toma of catan h, i.avebeen cntiruly cured by Hood's Sur upurilla, the bMt blood-purlfyi, g me 'Icino bft. fure thep:.blc. Eboxpali every talat of lmpnrity f rom tbc blood. aml vt'.ulizcs and curiclie ■ It. IX you su [Kt f roin c ila rh, ive HooJ's Sarsaparilli ttkxt "I havo sufTcred with ca'arrh In my hea4 for ycars, aml paitl out h milre Is of dollar i for medicinen, but tav? heretofore röeire 1 only only tem porary rel. of. I beg m tOt&keHood'S Sarsaj-ftrllla and ithelpe 1 meso inu ;1. tVit I dool led t keep oa. Now my catarrh is nearly curei, the wea'sne-s of my bniy all none. my appetite 1? eood -In fact I f eel tike another purson. II x d's Surapariiia ts the best merll Ine I have erer take ., and theonly unt tliat hastiaría me p irmane:it Kood. MiiS. A, CUSïNIXMIAM, PrOTi lOK'l', II. I. Hood's Sarsaoarilla Bold by nll drujïiliti. SI; slx for $j. Preparo byC.l. 1IDJD& OJ., A;o-hjja.-èj. Lorell, M.m 100 Doses One Dollar ÖR. ÏADWAfS" THEONLY GENUINE Sarsap ariSlia n Resolvetit.! KOR THE CURE OF ALL CHRONIC D1SEASES. Srrofuln. Old Scr s, Ulofd Tnlnl". Clironic Rheumatt-ii V.iricose veiif. lihi.dcr tin i Kidticy tonip!ni i-, (iravt.1. Bren h lis, Lousuinptluu, dencnü ucbihty CURED BT Raflway's Sarsf parillian Rcsalvent. Ilumors and Soro of hII kind, parllculnrl; clironic nisiaea rf tl;c sk n. art; c(jr. d wlth km ut reruiinty by a ceonw of KAUWAV SARSAl'AHILI.IAS. We inian oü-ii.ial csu lliat bat rcsUteu a:l uthvr tfL-utiurnt. DIABETES CURED. liOlJlSIANA, MO. Dn. Denr Slr: I have mei nll you remei!W Uh k'Cil kiicmíi in piarlo, and' tli way 1 fouod ïHvcr witli your Revvlvent. Itcnred meo! Diabetes arterthn-u phjslclnni hmd (Wen m up. [deteeted h cminaui y orine In two huurt aiWi tlio uw Jóse, and ihn.e bottlo run-d roe. Your friuud, T11OS. (. HA;K A remcdr coraposet: of Inftrodlonts of extraordinarjr niedicnl propirik's, eventlal lo punfy, heul, ■■■■u r and tl e brokn down ui.d wattea üudy. Sol II. y nll itruxKt'. 81 a üuttle. AUrtAïi Vf., N. . Froyrlatormf Ha:l,i'. Kily lCeltrf and Ui. l(alva'a i ■ 11 -. OTUe DIVERS' GUIDK U ImuiiI Srpt. and Marih, each ycar. 313 iagc, 8„ lU m.ln.niül ovtl 3,600 illuntratioils ■ a wnola Picture Gnlltrjr. OIVE8 Wboleeale Prieel rfïrect to ennstt nrr on all f;oolü for personal or i.:nily ur. Ttlls Iiow to order, and glvrj tiact cost of txtrythtng you usc, eat, drink, wrnr, or have fun wlth. These I-WALTJABLB liOOICS contaln inforniation gltanert from he iiiaik.ii of tlie World. fl will mail a cojiy FRKK lo any address ujion receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailin;. Let os beur from you, Itrsprrïflllly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 827 & 221) Wabnsli Avenue, CbicoKO, 111. ASK FOB THi: W. L. DOUCLAS Best material, perfect fit, cquals any $5 or$6shne. every plr warront;!. 'lakn none anlcsa atBnipca "W.L. Donglas' $3.00 Shoc. Warranted." CotiRrrp. Botton ant Lace. Boys ask - for the W. K. 2óuelas' - - j 82.00 Shoe. Kame atyk-s as W taw SIiüc. If yoi: caunot (ret theBC hoes from .'i eri.aend addrfsson poatal L&: v % card to W. L. Duuglaa, $?( i ,V Br( ckton, Masa. xOj % m m mm n a in northern 't. pJ. ÏO WISGONSIN. MM Rn mm 500,000 acres BHH !■ oí Cüoic-e llardwood Kiirm■B '"- l'ftntls for SultMit f.0i an arre KB on 1,11,1; [mi... RXi'RAOKD.NARV Indure. monts olirred. KO UIIIHTHS ar RTCI.ONES 1 Kuil l'nrtirulnr. wltll Küoil Map, KHliE. Address C I. COI.BY, Lani Com. Wis. Ontnil R. lï., illilivankee, Wis. IJOSEPHGILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITI0N-I878. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS A"TlÏM A CUR E 'ETÍ ï (il-rnion A-lliiim ('ure m-v._r f,uU to piveB iitni Uititf rciiein tbc o.-t e.-rs. lasares com-l fortable sleep; ffecti i-ure wlicrt all ftihcr füil. il tri'tt tenvincn tu m-i k-i'(iru. l'rlc 5O cl SDdH l.OO.of Dru(ciii(3 or br mail. Sample l'KKK torM tUmp, IML. li. OHIFyJAX. M. l'uut, ailnn. WE WANT A MAN ora wonifn in every srh' ol tliytrirt topo to work f 'T iialmme 1 lUily on a n w, do t". hou r.-llt' ainl lucrativo onterpit9. Cnly pu-l c ';, nh j an m t in.m .," in MOii iiuv, wauteX A( .vu W. J uud. ;öi Broadiray, N. V. 4RFNTS WANTPn L"" nro (SjBS-i & Tlülua, lïooil. M tll'Msl'i'.'V "íf ikOME f REATMENT „AJS V re.t ers siifr."in Trom Oti:inic WétkkSWf. NwiT ■ oi;b i.r i" r n;a A'lmrntü, ihontd wltc t DJ. WILL'AMS, IB9 Wis. St., Mllwaukeo, WIS., M-p ir l;ook. t: viiii; tho pfuper uct nut in fnB. 1 1 'H iliiilñ lü, WE WÁXídT YOÜÏ tiix-cncrgrttojüï profltable cmploymcnt to rrpi rneut ua in evt ry county. Palary $75 ier month and expensen, or a l&rfo commissiüu on salea if preferred. GovJs utapta. livury onc buva. Outfit and particular Kreo. 8TAUDAKD SlLVlülWAiiE CO.. UOSTON, JUSl s f üOOYounrMenann''le f i . v to ntteiid tito Dktkoit S " "7 NlllTISlM 1TNI VEIUITY, VZSlSiC-iyi ,.ur,. ,,,r ,,i,v,, ,,sltlons. lii; in lue KU-aut cataluue frec WAN TE D GÖOÜ MAN energetic woiKpr; hu.--incsstri nlsst'i-iion. Sulary $7u Reforencv. Am. M'f'tcHoiiMp, 1 5 Barclay St.. N. Y KÍDDEÍ?8PASTIlLEs!SSiSS mmOBpBPPMmvSI 'harjestown Mhk. BTiwcTnwn I OFFIOET T-nT.T-nntr. te" JllI'úH.ilJ ! Wri'e r .-. il r.iil 11' . I'rre. A. W. íncCORMICK &SO.I, Cincinnati, O. AIIIIIU ■■""! Miiritlilnr Ilaii't 'urrd In 10 to iUIIIM ÜOiIhvs. K-lcrt.. :of.i.,it!.iti-..„ (v ■ ■ lUIni :n !:' ■■■- IV. W- " ■---- -v, KnTt hor," . f,-.t. w, f Brewster VWSafoty Rein Halder Co., Holly, Mich. HftMI.'"TlIltT. S.riirrfillntnpsKitMriit:nn niUlIi bymail.froniBltyAM'sCoLLEGEBunalo, N. T. W.N.U.D.--4--45 AnillU Mn'phlnc llahlt In 1O IPlIlM ioao ilny. -Nl'.v HIK ined. U F I W III J STJCr'lII. LI..m.„u. IH.lo. -


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