THK (REMANÍA HOTEL. 1ORNER WASHINGTON' ANO SBCOND ' Btreets. Win. i.. Frank. proprletor. íam Lle rooms travcllnjt men. K-orv room eated by steam. BOODRICH HOUSE AH. GOODRICH, Propriotor. corner Arm nml Fonjrth Btreets, opposite the Court House Kimare. Everrthing in firsteki.-s order. Xewly furnisuod. Barn ucconimo.lations. J. R. JOYN"ËrT T ICENSKD AUCTIONlïYR, is nowpre -Li pared to render liis services to all desiring them. When you wish to sell nnything at aiiction givo him a cali. Ho may .■e found the first door west of Nat Drake's p.uce, Huron street. P. M'KERNAN, ATT O U N E Y-A TL A W. Collections promptly atndod to. Money to loan. Houses and lot or sule. Office in Court House. JOHN SCIINEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postofflee, dealer in Fresh, Smoked and Salt Moats oL all kinds. Lard in any quant iiy. D. M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAX. Dfllce over t'ie Post Office, -t Ann Arbor. lUch. COOK HOUSE. MRS .11. HUDSOX. Proprletor. Newly Furniisheci. Tbc leading house in Ann Arbor. UNIOX HOTF.U FIR8T-CLASS in all reswets. Evervthlng new. Fine rooms, well lurnisbod. Terms, $1 per day anti upwarüs. Special rates to weckly boarders. Mcals, 25 cents. Jolin Schnelder, Jr., Proprieior. Corner of Wuslington and Second stn:ets, Ann ArböT, Mich NICHOLS BROS. W. W. & A. C. NICHOLS, D. ü. 8. Dental ' oölce Masonic Temple llloo.k, over Saving Bank. Ann Arbor. JOSEPH CLINTON, TITERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines & JjL Worden'a. All work euarantced or no charge. JOHN F. LAWKENCE, ATTORNFY ATLAW. Office, nos. 3 and i, (irand Opera [IuU!-p, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NOKKIS, ATTORNEV AT LAW. Does a -reueral law collection aii'l conveyance business. A modorate patronaRe is resDectfully sollcited. Office in the court house, Ann Arbor, Midi. O. C. JENKINS. SURGEON DENTI8T. Rooms No. in South Main Street, opp..?lte tlie Kirst National . Ann Arbor, Alk-h. ANT( IN BISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and (iravenes mimufactured from Tennessee and Italia Marble and Sctoch and Auierlean Granito, líhop oor. Detroit and Catharin!' -U.. Ann Arbor, Midi. WILL1AM 1IEKZ, HOUSE, 8I6N, Ornamental and Fresco Painti r. Gilding, Caldmlning, Glazinc; and Paiwr Hanging. All work done in the best etyle and warranted to ;ive satisiaction. Shop, No. 4, West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Abstracts of Titles on Beal Estuh' 1HAVE a complete ccniiiation of the oni.iü Records of W&flhtenaw Coi nly (o dftte, in lu.l big all Tm flties. El cutï-ns or anv incumbrancce tm Kcal Ebtatc, ili:it is '' Uecord ín the Rrgteter's o'Tlice, is shown by inv Sixks. Offiro in th otuVcof the secrttïry of th.'. nshu-naw Muiuil ir.surnce comnany, in thr hicmcnt of the Court House. C. II. iANLY. Ann A rbor, Mich. NEW lARK Ë T. C. W. VOGEL, Proprietor, Late of Chelsea, at THOMAS UATTHEWfi) OI.D STAND On Ann Street. Fresh anti Salt Mai'.ts kent on h"4. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organizad 1869, uniier the Banking Li k ÜiUitata hu aow, induuiue capital Ftucfc iU., te, en $soo,ooo ass&tb. Bufona man, QuardJans, Truatee, La4ii and her pron will flud thU Bank a SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT Plao at whlek to make Dt potiw and do buainMK interst is Allowed n All Savings Depssifi Of ll.Oiandupward, according t-o the rul oí th bank. aud intrit couapounded mi aunt .lljr. Monty t Loan In Sums of Ï20 t I6.OOO. eonrd bj ünlonmberd Kaal Kftats and Mfiat od leaurlti. DIHBUTOR3- Cbrntl Maok. W. W. Wlnw W. D. Harrlman, vriU'aa Daublv, DaTid Ríoíct, Danlal Hlioook and W. B. SmlU. OTFICBRS- ChrUUan Maak. rroUIent; rr. w nu. VIceFraitdent: C. K. Hlioock. Oaktr NEW COAL JARD ! For the flncst coal :n the nuirket, and low . the public are t&vlted to cali on tv MICHAEL STABLER Cor. Washington and 2d sts, Wlio also fllls Ordön f'r XT O O 13 ! N'ow is the time to lay n your coal. MICHEL STABLER. Ann Arbor Get Your -Property Insured By C. H. WILLEN, IISSURANCB ilOBNT, Mo. 4 South Main trt, Ann Arbor. Th oMt tLKtnej ín Ui citj. ïstabltehed a qurtr ut t ctaturjf ï. R)rMtititte th fgllnwin (Imv .-lam companiw, #Hh orr M. 000,000 &k. Home Ing. Oo., of N. Y.; Continntd Iüb. Co., cf N. I.;NiafrBlnA 0., o N. Y Girará Ina. Qo., of rhs}.: Orla Ib. Oo., of Hartford; Ooiswercïal üaioa f Londci; LüTtrpool uJ LondoakjJ CRW lar Kat lew. LMm UWally adjtate a4 twHJjyt. o, ■ MjltDW. _j
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