EBERBACH&SON, Dealers In Drugs, Medicines And afine tot ot French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brashes. W oal! fpclal attectkm to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus. AND Pure Chemicus of our own Importatlon. A f uil Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricej. STTTIDEHSTT S Are oordlally lnvlted to examine our tock aC jnality and pricea. EBERBACH & SON. ; JAC KSUN FiRE CLAY CO, Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND JDTUk-TTST TIX.3H I All ourTram Tile aromad of Flie C!y. r of unnsiial ütrengih and liglit weight. materially reduces the brrakag and exieiie ol fcrausportation. The ditchiiiR of this jlas of tiling is less expengive. a they do nnt require to be lald below froRt but only deep enoug to eRcape the plow. While this is more t-conomica! !i also aids in obtaining a bettpr fall or uiade to Ue drain. A fu!l assortiurnt of all sizes. for uleinsmall quantiiles, or car load lob, at tht FEIJ10N LUIER YARD, James Tolbert, Agent. ' THe, the Greatest Labor-Savlng Machine of the Age." Tb Vit Editor of Tht Chicaao Trimmt. Dwiht, DL, March 16.- On of the stronRSrt and mo3t couvinrfng factg that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out In the December report of the Agricultural Dep ment of Illinois. Itlstbis: ACKBAOS. lamí;! in corn in Livingston Conaty, lbSl M8,5ST Aerease in corn In Logan County, 1881.. HO.SM liTingston over Loftaa 127,71 Tin.D. Tleld of corn tn Llringston County. 1881. .6,983,531 Yleld of corn in Logan County, 1882 5,O70,94 LWngston over Logan 1.902,5tí In other worda. Logan County has ralsed ner ly as mucb corn on 140.859 acres as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put It in another form, th farmers in Livingston County haT been obüred to plow nearly doublé the acreag of land (2,."9r), and have raiseil but a ver mail percentage of increase of corn over their brethem in Logan County, who only had to plow 140.8)9 acres. Let us give it anot lier twist! A A farmer whc bas his land wcll tilled need only work elghty acres of land and grow just ab-jut as mucn corn as the man who plow 160 and takesallthe rlaksof drouth and much befide. It is not fair, then, to cpnclude that the greateat laborsaring machine today üf the age is the tiM drainï From the same source of iuformaiton 1 Ëather the following as regareis th progros ot le-drainace in these two counties: FííC Total number of feet lald in Llringston Countr upto lStl , 1,14O,7M Total number of feet laid in Logan County upto 18S1 3.V89.4N Thii table provcs beyond all theory that ovfinf to the free use of tile Ihat one county has been able to produc nea-lyas mu;h corn on 110.000 acres-of land another county ha produced pon 268,000 acres, which is nearly doublé, and be beauty of tlie whole is that it wa done with i kalf the work! Mr. Editor, euppose a kind Pi-otIience should lengthen out the spin of onr dayi nntil we saw Illinois tnorougliiy tile-drained, where would be put the corn that thls Stat rould produce, and what would we do with our "tlTer dollarafSamlil T. K. Prih.- RINSEY & SEABOLL No. . 8 Washington St. Hato on hand a complete stock of vrerj thiug ín tho Crocery Line. Tea, Cortees and Sugr&ra, ín larg amounU. and at CasItL IPxd-oes And can wil at Low Fijrures. Th large lnvolce of tías thoy Buy and Salí, U cood proof that in Quality and Pric ihey Give Bargains. They Roast their own Ooffee Tery week, am4 non but prime articles are used. Tklr Batery turnt out excellent Bread, Caket nd Crackers. Cali and se them. PricesGone Down A. large stook of Wall Paper ■elliug at A GREAT REDUCTION] I claim to have the largeat and BH3T SELECTED STOCK Of Wall Papar and Deoorations in th( oounty, and oan give perfect atisfaotioii in Goode or Work . Paiiits and Painten 8npplie8 a special ty. -A-llDext; Sorg, Snoce sor to F. A A.. Sorg, 9S 88, Wahüiugton it. iu Artoi ■ w w apfcwW!fliCBisSSSsLSsí. VaB %ERtfHS SODA Best intheWorlcI.
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