Mr. Frueauff wa bom at Nazaretb, Northampton coanty. Pa., Mav 25, 1838. üater his father, Rev. Eugeue A. Fruelufif, moved to Lititz, Lanoaster county, Tnere Mr. Frueauff attended John Beoh's aoademy for some years, and then Nazareth Hall, after whioh he etudied aw with Hon. 8. 8. Blair of Hollidaysoerg, Blair oounty. After being admitted to the bar he went to Europe where hespentfour years- 1856-60 -in study . He first attended the university of Ber. lin, and subsequently the university of Heidelberg, where he took the wmma cum landa degree of LL. D. Then he traveled extensively in Italy and Switzeiland, after whioh he attended the Frenoh law sohool at Caen, in Norman. Upon hia return to America he settled at JEaston, Pa. At the outbreak of the war he beoame firet-heutenant of Co. A, lst Pa. Vol. The regiment was out three months, and upou ite return Mr. Frueauff again settled at Eaaton, but did not stay long, as he soon reenlisted in the 153d Pa. Vol , of whioh he was major. He passed through the battleï of Chanoellorsville and Gettys burg. In the latter battle Major Frueauff oommanded the regiment, the colonel having been taken prisoner and the lieutenant-oolonel wounded. At Chancellorerille Major Frueauff was slightly wounded. Upon the return of the regiment he settled at Hollidaysburtf where he married the aocomplished daughter of Judge David Caldwell. Afler the death of tors. Frueauff the major returned to Lititz, Pa., and practiced law at Lancaster. While residing there he married the daughter of W. 8. Taggart. In 1879 Major Frueauff and family went weet and located at Leadville, Col., where he soon acquired a very large prantice, eepecially in mining suita. He took an active interest in the schools of Leadville, and was president of the board of education, which in the last ten years he has brought system out of the chaos which existed in the public sohools there. He also took a great interest in Sunday sohools whereever he lived, and was superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school at The deceased leaves a widow and six ohildren - one daughter and five boys- to mourn his departure. His mother, a sister, Miss Clara, and one brother, Herman T., of Bethlehem, Pa., and Eugene K. Frueauff of Ann Arbor, Mioh., also a brother, .still survive him. The funeral took place at Leadville, Col., Nov. 13. In Mr. Frueauff's death Leadville sustained a irreat loss, he being held in high esteem
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
John Frederick Frueauff
Eugene K. Frueauff