Real Estate Transfers
Jno. ü. Schmid to Rosina HaehuleJ Ann Arbor, $550. Nioholas Oordary to Qeo. Thum, Ypsilanti city, $450. Edith C. Endere to Luoy A. Jones, Ypailanti oity, 8330. Hasoal Laraway to Okas. Helmutb, Salem, $6,000. Chas. Q. Kaercher to Jno. C. French, Cheleen, $800. Annon Lee to Thoe. 3. Sean, Sylvun, $300. Jacob V.Bayer to M. Morlook, 8ylvan, $1,600. Mrs. Mary DuBois was adjudged insane and taken to Pontiao Saturday. Franoeha Hanson to Wm. H. Haok, York, 81,600. C. Tessmer to Chas. Splitt, oity, $650. Catharine Dose to Chas. M. Stoup, oity, $700. Chas. H. Cross to Rosa A. Smith, Salem, $1,700. Rosa A. Smith to Christian Buers, Salem, $],700. S. D. Allen to Helen F. Allen, oity, $1,800. Wm. R Taylor to Winans & Stafford, Lima, $650. J. Weil & Bros. to J. L. Hudson et al, city, 84,100. Frank Crelman to Samuel Russell, Superior, $5,000. Samuel Russell to Clarissa J. Crelman, Ypsüanti city, 82,500. Joann J. Johnson to Jennie Barriger, YpBilanti, 8600. □F. Louis Dohmistreioh to Allmendinger & Scshneider, city. 81,500. A little "fresh air ohild' at Elkland who had never seen a cow before, was vratching the milking procesa with eyes full of astonishment. After looking on in silence tor some time ehe drew near and placiug her hand on the oow's dis tended side, exolaimed, "Why! she's chook full of it am't sheV"
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
John C. Schmid
Rosina Haehnle
Nicholas Cordary
George Thumm
Edith C. Enders
Lucy A. Jones
Hascal Laraway
Charles Helmuth
Charles G. Kaercher
John C. French
Annon Lee
Thomas S. Sears
Jacob V. Bayer
M. Morlock
Mary DuBois
Francelia Hanson
William H. Hack
Christian Tessmer
Charles Splitt
Catharine Dose
Charles M. Stoup
Charles H. Cross
Rosa A. Smith
Christian Buers
S. D. Allen
Helen F. Allen
William R. Taylor
J. Weil
J. L. Hudson
Frank Creiman
Samuel Russell
Clarissa J. Creelman
Joann J. Johnson
Jennie Barriger
F. Louis Dohnestrich