Interesting to MedĂanles. We are in receipt of the Mechanical News, for Nov. 15th, and take pleasure in oalling the attention of our readers to the merite of that Journal. It is among the papers that oome to onr editorial table, fllled with orginal and ohoioe illustrations of the important and novel inventions of the times. lts editorial pages are replete with well considered artioles on practical subjeots, readily understood by any reader, while its miscellaueous and newa matter make it attractive to those interested in the industrial prosperity of our country, the whole forming a rich store of useful reading. The publisbers announce that every person who sends onc dollar (the subecription prioe of the paper) will reoeive the "Meohanioal News" for one year, and a yaluable premium. The premium alone is worth the price aaked for the paper, but will only be given to those subscnbiug before Jan. lst, 1887, after whioh time no premium will be ffiven to subscribers. The offer is most liberal and every mechanio ahould send for a sample oopy of the paper, whioh will be mailed free of charge With your own name, give the na mes of your friends interested in such subjeots, and copies will be mailed to them also. Address, The Mechaninnl News, 110 Liberty st., New York.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat