Wilsey's New Music Store!
ME SPECUL SALE ! One 7 Octave öquare Piano, 885 00. One 6 Octave Square Piano f 40 00 One 6 Ootave Organ (fine) $65 00. One 5 Octave Whitney Orgn. $60 00. One 5 Octave Taylor Organ, $50 00. One genuino Singer Machine, $20 00. One new Household Sewing Machine, $35 00. These goods are in good order - some as good as new. They raust be sold. See them at Wilfley'g New Muaic Store, 25 South Fourth Street. Daríng the recent Exhibit of Needie Work at Scores ot Ladies pronounoed the "STANDARD" to bethe fineet Sewing Maohine ihey had ever seen. It is the Lighteat Runninjf, Quietest and Swiftest Maohine in ;he market. Don't fail to spe the "STANDARD. For sale by A. Wilsey, at his New Store, 25 South, Fourth Street, Ann Arbor.
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