KA80NIC M HÉCTOR V. lus Abbob Iommandsby, No. 13- Moets flret Tuesdayof eacii month. W. W. Mchols, E. O.. W. A. Tolchartl, Recorder. Washtenaw Chaftbh, No. 6, R A. ii.-Meetg tlrst Monday of eaeh month, C. K Hiscook. ü. 1; Z. Konth. Secietary, ChItham Lodok, No. 130, Order Sons of Saint George.-Meets the Klrst and Third Wednesdav evenings oach month. at 8t George s Hall over stimson & Son1 grocery, A"" street. President. Chas. T. Hougntby; Seeretary, Jno. H. IBeklee. MICHIGAN CENTBAL. TRAINS EAST: ..... 4 33p in iwi íñraáñ .' 5 30 p. m K% Yo?k-TndÜm.ted Expres 10 09 p. m Atlantic; Kxpreas ;;;6 40a.m Grand KapMs and iVet'roit Express . . 10 38 á. m ., „ 8 !6a. m 3iail in'tëam Ddv h'rnrMN . ... 11) Jö a. m &imSdËüaüi-acüïi f; n, ÏSm-r ::::::.:.ioF:S Th" New York' and' Limited. Atlantic and Nicht Express trains east, and the Chioago. Fvening, and Pacific Expross trains west, rnn every day In the week. Bunday included. TOLEDO ASIl AN ABBOR.1 TRATNS NOKTH. Expres Passenger ï d m l'assenger - 1? a' m MailPasa-nger iñ'iñ. '■'tkaïx.söüth. i::am K)rtws ras.snnn'-r ,',„', 'I !!', Passenger 3?„S Mail Passenger Mp.m 'pe.'fgeV train leiwiÜi" tv tor Soul b at lSoVslook nnon, returnin? arnvre here at 'i:io p. m. AMUSEMENT. THE GRAND ÖPËKA HOUSE POSITJVBLV ONE 1FPIAB1HOI ONI.V. Tuesday EveniñgTNov. 23, 1886. GUS MOULTON, - - Manager MARK DAVIS, - ■ Business manager The Popular and Sucoossful Melodrama, RANCH tO Revisad! Reoonstructed! Most Attractive! Most Interesting! New Soenery! Comedy ELFect8 Perfect! Realistio Mechanical Fire Scène! MR. JAMES NEÏL1. in his dj-rte Admission, 75, 50 and 35 Cts, Reserved Seats can be secured without extra charge at Yale's Postofflce News Depot. MSm. Daicii Scïflol, Ann Abbob, Mich. Prof. Strassburg, ni" Detroit, ivili form select dancinp; classes, Wednesday next, at HANGSTERFER'S HALL. Ladies at 3 o'clock, p. m. Ohildren at 4 o'clock p. m. Gentlemen at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Term of 12 lessons, Ladies and Children, $7.00; Gentlemen, 88.00. By new methods of teaching any person of average ability can learn to dance in one term.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat