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Wheat 70 cents. Milán wants a grain elevator. Luce has 8,433 plurahty for governor. L. J. Leisemer of the Post, took in Detroit Tuesday. The official canvaas gives Capt, Allen 1,032 plurelity. There was a fine rain lasting all of Tuesday night. M. J. Martin was in Detroit forseveral days last week. The " Big Four" give a ball at thv armory this evening. Dressed pork is selling for $4.50 and 35.00 per hundred. Hon. Chas. S. Gregory of Chelsea, was in town Monday. J. R. Miner is assisting county clerk Robison about his office. Dr. Tyler's offloe and residence is now in the post-offioe building. Potatoes sold Tuesday, from farmers' wagons, for 40c per bushel. O. A. Stair of the Howell Republican, was in the city VVednesday. Capt. Fairchild is verv sick at the residence of his sister in Toledo. The prohibition vote in this country is doublé what it was in 1884. The ghoiv windowa if our merokants look very attraotive these days. üne Justice could do all the business and have plenty of time to spare. Gen. Jas. H. Kidd will inspeot Company A on the evening of Nov. 30. Rev. Dr. Haskell will preach a thanksgiving sermón at the M. L. ohurch. Ann Arbor school district No. 1 receivas $1,610.56 primary sohool money. W. P. Hazeltine bas charge of the oonstruction of the electric light plant. John Parker, formerly of this city, and late of Jackson, has gone to British Columbia. H. P. Davock, an attorney of Detroit, was in the city Wedneeday, on business in the circuit court. Wm. A. DeLaney and Miss Alice Bowman, both of this oity.were married Mon day Justice Frueaufl. Evart H. Scott reoeived by express from Toledo, Wednesday, six-raonthsold calf valued at $100. The Courer thinks the tax on dogs should be enforced. Here to. Perhaps if it were there would be less worthless cure. Erastus N. Gilbert is working for an appointment in the Auditor General's office. - Courier. And we hope he will get it. A carriage owned by E. Manu was umashed near the toll gate, Tuesday night, by being run into by a cúreles dnver. Judge Walter I. Hayes, a nephew of Col. Chas. Thayer of this oity, is one of the congressmen elected in Iowa. He is a democrat. The studeDt who thought his watch had been stolen, Saturday night, was made happy Monday on its being returned to him. Rnnoh 10, Taesday evening Nov. 23. Mrs. John Remick is visiting friends in Toledo. South Lyon lias a new flre engine, 500 (eet of hose and a hose cart. Prof. Egan, the truss man, of Canada, has been in the city this week. The Evening Journal says that Chelsea has 01 regular and grasa widows. The new Uook and ladder truok f or the fire department has been completed. A depot will be built at Whitmore Lake, on the Toledo road, this winter. How the turkevs will suffer next Thursday, it being Thanksgiving day. New depots on the Toledo road Rre being uonstructed at Samaría and Azalia. Miss Mary Root oL Tecmnseh, whs the guest of Mrs. E. B. Gidley, the ilrst of th week. Ed. Warren is laid up with a broken arm, the result of a kick flora a colt he was driving. The Chicago strike is ended and the pork packere and butohers have gone to work again . It is safe to say that no democratcould have been elected to oongress from this district this year. E. M. Grossman, agent for the Toledo road at South Lyon the past year, has been transferred to Hamburg. Next Monday evening Nov. 22, Janauschek, supported by a strong oompany, will appears at the opera house. There will be a hop at the Olifton house, Whitmore Lake, this evening. Several oouples from thisoity will attend. The shooting match at Jas.Kearns', in Northfild,was an immense affair. Several hundred turkeys, ducka and geese were shot for. Bishop Coxe officiated at St. Andrew'n Episcopal uhurch Sunduy morniug and lectured in the evening to a very large congregation. Mrs. E. E. Brewster of Holly, and Mrs. Robt. Barlow of Fliot, were the ?ueste of Mrs. Geo. H . Pond Friday and Sntnrdiiv last. The Ann Arbor dramatic club is practiciug every week with a view to putting on the boards two or more playn the coming winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wlll DePew, who have been visiting friends in Chelsea the past week, have returued to their home in Harrisonville, Alcona oounty. Jno. Gallagner, formerly of St Clair, died last Friday, of Bright's disease, at the residenoe of his neice, Mrs . Neal, No. 44 South Thayer street, aged 02 years. Charles D., son of Chas, and Luoy Grant, of the township of Scio, died last week Thursday, aged 4 years and 7 montuB, of ínñammation of the lunga. The remains of the late C. C. Baldwin were brought here Saturday from Colorado. Funeral Sunday afteruoon from the residence of hia father, J. C. Baldwin. The following are the officers elected bv the senior dental cluss: President, W. Saunders; vice-president, Eva Smith; secretary, Jno. Martin; treaaurer, E. E. Paxson; manihal, Frauk Sinall. The Bophomore class eleoted offioers as follows Saturday : President, H. Rem ington; vice-president, Miss Childs seoretary, L. O. Sabin; treasurer, E. A. Thomas; historian, F. S. Loomis. Last Friday 100 Toledoites were given a ride on a special train to Alma, on the T.( A. A. & N. M. M. & R, whore they attended a grand ball in the evening. They were the guests of Supt. Ashley. Mrs. Bosana Heney, aged 79 years, and the mother of Mrs. Philip Duflfy, died Saturday at the residence of ber daughter, in Northfield, of general debility. She was a sister of Mrs. R. Clark of this oity. Mra. Gov. Ashley was runaway with Mondav moraing. The carriage was partially demolished and Mrs. A. nas thrown violently to the ground and suffered severe bruises Hüout the head and face. Mrs. George Renwick of New Hudaon, who formerly resided in Northfield, died last wrok, of cáncer. Slie had been a great snfferer. Her age was 52 years. A son, Prof. Renwick, resides in Ann Arbor. For the better convenience of those who may wish to know as to the arrival and departure of trams on the Toledo road, to and from this city, we publiek at the head of the local column a tabular statement to that effect. The question is asked every day, why so maoy demócrata in this couuty refrained from voting at the reoeut election. The truth is they don't like Cleveland's policy of retaining bo many republioaus in office . Henee the kick. Detroit Free Prees: John L. Burleigk, a well-known Michigan man and the leading actor in the "Olio" company this season, was presented by BuÉfalo friends with a very handsome diamond ring at the close of a recent performance by kim in that city. The case of the people against Sarah James, colored, who is on trial for larceuy. kas oceupied the attntion of the circuit court since Mouday. Prosecutor Norns is asaisted by J. F. Lawrence, and Andiew Jacksou Sawyer appeara for the defense. Later, the case was given to the jury yesterday, who found the defendant not guilty. "Kanch 10." This drama of western Life will be giveu at the opera house Nov, 23. Careful preparation has been made for its production, and it bas received crowded houses in other citief. The principal actor is Mr. James Neill, who takes the dual roll of the twin brothers. In this part he has made a decided hit. The play nas been before the public five years, and is very popular. Further improvements oontinue to be made at the uew Central depot. A ftag stone walk has been laid frora the passender house on the east to State street, and the drive way in front of the depot and road to top of the bill, is also to be paved with cobble stones. The grouuds east of the baggage house, as tar as Knowlton's land, between the stone walk and the railrcad track, will b sown to grasa and trees planted. Manohester Enterprise: Following is a lst of teachers who have been engaged to teach our schools in Freedom this winter: In the Feldkamp district, Al ico Guiñan. Haas district, Charles Thompson ; Rogers corners,OUie Vaughn ; Pleasant Lake district, Fred. Feldkamp; Dresselhouse district, Torn Cavartaugh; Flynn distiiot, Tom 8. Flynn; Silver Lake district, L. E. Quinan; Breining distriot. Frank Dettling; Srmtn district, Ahce Quinan . To-morrow evening Lilly Clay's Adamless Eden party appear at the Ypsilanti opera house. This oompany is under the management of Sam Jack, whose reputation in this respect is a suffloient guarantee that the entertainment is a flrst class one. Bemember, it is to-morrow evening, and those of our citizens who wisb to witness the performance oan do so by lea ving here on the 5:30 train on the Mich. Central in the eveniDg, return ing on the train that arrivés here abou 11 o'clook. This troupe does not visit Ann Arbor. " Ranch 10 " coming. Thia popular American drama will be produoed at the opera house next Tuesday evening, by i fine dramatic company, and with specia scenery designed for the pieoe. The flre scène is especially realistic, and the cour room seen in the last act very amusing Comedy prevails throughout the entire piece, and the most satisfactory resulta are produced. Of the play the Syracusc Courier of Sept. 7,says: "The very popular drama, ' Ranch 10,' was present ed at the Wietmg and was received witl frequent and euthusiastic applause. Th play deals ia a most realistic manne with the adventurous life of western ranchmen. It was very tinely acted las night by a etrong company. Jas. Neil in the dual role of the twin brothera showed himself to be an actor of excep tionable ability. The scenery was orig in al and the flre neen e took the house b; atorm." See "Ranch 10" next Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. A. ïerry is visiting friends in Detroit. The Knights Templar social occurs this Friday evening. Albert Sorg is painting some very handsome glasé signB. Wm. Arnold, the jeweler, has a change of ad. in to-day's paper. T. F. Leonard's time as deputy sheriff expires Deoember 31 next. Moses and Dr. Kogers leaves to-day for a visit in Branch oounty. Judge Harriman and Benj. Brown spent Monday night in Toledo. Thos. Walton of Barnia, Ont., is vieiting his sister, Mrs Jas. Kearns. Mrs FraDk Murray of Uoweli has been in the city for several days. Deputy sherififs Preston and Sohott are the oourt officers for this term. Mrs. Fred Belser attended the funeral of her sister's cbild in Detroit, Monday. The Ank Arbob Demoobat publinhes more local news than any other c-nunty paper. For tbe boliday trade Jno. Muehlig is offering some extraordinary bargiiins in furniture. Bemember the prize shoot to be given by the Ann Arbór sobutzenViund next Thursday. Wm. Merrithew has opened a billiard room in tbe Haven blook, on East Huron street. There is to be a Thanksgiving hop at the Lake house, Whitmore Lake. Musio by the well-known Minnis orohestra. Next Wednesday evening Vigilant lose company give a dance. The Ann irbor City band will furniah the rausic. The office of tbe Star mountain ruining company has been moved to the? oom no long ocenpied by W.W. Whedon. In another column Moses Kogers has omething of interest to farmers and othra who contémplate purchasing bob leighs. Mrs. Dr. Gregory, of Marietta, Wis., who bas been visiting her sisters for the ast few weeks, expeots to return home ïext week. A. A. Terry prides himself on running lie only exclusiva hat store in the oity . Ie oarries all the latest shapes and oan t any sized head. E. B. Lewis, formerly Lewis & Gibson, ïas opened a photograph gallery in 8t. jouis, Mioli., a thriving town on the T. A. A. &N. M. R. R. The ordinanoe relativo to a street rail way has been considerubl) cbanged, but we understand that ït is not satisfaotory to the members of the oompany. Chas. Seabolt and party were at Por;age Lake laat week. They had flve lucks, and of the many flsh caught was pickerel that weighed 12 pounds, and flve-pound eel. The new city directory has been rushed hrough with all possible dispatch, and s now being dehvered to subscribers and dvertisers. The book is creditable to ie piTblishers, Messrs Polk & Co. The third wat d seema to be the dumpng ground for the night soil from the ail cess-pool. It is carried in a sewer nto Alleu's creek. Here is something or the board of health to look into. ftext Monday evening the hterary enertainment by the Unity club promises o be very entertaining. ProtW .H. Pettee will have something to say of " Some t the latest thmgs of soienoe and inen tion." Mrs. Wm. Gerisendoffer of Salem, was uried Monday. She was the eldest aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schraer and a sister of Mrs. Frank Murray f Howell, Mrs. Chauncey Thompson, Irs. ( 'has. Meyers and Misa Clara Sohraer, all of this city. Under the supervisión of the new dean ie law school is moving forward in a muoh more orderly manner. Resident upervision was essential to its oom)lete oontrol. There is still room for mprovement in this regard; but "Rome waa not made in a day. ' According to the annual report of the nternal revenue commissioner, juut ssned, less liquor was drunk in this ountry than for the preceding year, beides a fnlling off nearly 50 per cent in exportations. This item should be out ut and pasted in the bats of suoh rank rohibitionists as E. A. Spenoe. The Two Sams have an important announcement in to-day's Demockat. Phis rm is doing a ruahing business, and why shonld they not, when offering o -.ds at the prisea named in their adertisement. It is a long time since the eople were given such bart;ains. Tuis s the fourth year of their business life. Reporter: A good showing of business: During the momh of October liere was shipped from Dundee via T. & A. A. road, 74 carloads of freight oonisting of - lime 22, apples 15, lumber 9, potatoes 8, hay 7, wheat 2, live stock 2, itone 2, ashes 2, miscellaneous 2, houseïold goods 1, wood 1. In addition to above was the usual large amount of hipments of less than carload lots. The play Ranch 10 is an exceptionally good one, being both humorous and pathetio. Of the drama the Philadelphia Reoord of Tuesday, August 24th, says: At the Central theatre tbe Amerioan melodrama, "Ranch 10," reoeived a sütisfaotory presentation. It is humorous and sensational, with stirnng situations; and Mr. James Neill, in the dual role of Torn and Al McClelland, proved himself a good actor. The committee to whom was delegated the power of plaoiig the electric lamps in the various streets, have aompleted their ldbors. While there may be some disappointment as to location, the oommittee have acted just and fair in the matter, and with only one object in view -that of affording the greatest light p ssible for the number of Tampg at their diaposal. Of oourse there will be some kicking, but let them kick. "You needn't talk prohybition to me," sai i oíd Uunole Abele Bimley with an oracular shake of the head. " I know better. There I had four of the likt'liest girls that the corners ever see, un' all the fellere for miles around a-hookin' up to 'em. Wot did I do? W'y relied an1 prohibited an' kioked an' prohibited au' chased fellers all over forty-acre lots, an' wot's the reaalt? W'y ev'ry one o' them girls is married an' bringin' up the likeliest fam'lies in these parts. Does prohybition prohibit? Not by a jugful. - Rockland Courier Gazette. The 20th annnal meeting of the Michigan state bee-keepers' association will be held in Ypsilanti, Decenibftr 1-2, at Grange hall. A very interesting program is being prepared, and from the excellent papers already promised a very uteresting time is expected. Two essays only will be read at eaoh session, the balance of the time being devoted to dis3U88ions. Several noted bee-keepers from other states and Canada, are expeoted to be present. A question box will be one of the important features. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Feterson's Magazine for December, tbat old favorite, is before us, ahead o! all others. lt may be ualled a "prize number." It has two splendid steel engravings: oue, "Aleadow-Sweet," as lovely as we ever saw, and a title page with a beautiful girl's face, also unri valed: in faot, "Peterson" is now the only magazine that goes to the expense all the year through, of these costly anc elegant original steel-engravings. There is also a mammoth color3d fashion-plate likewise eugraved on steel, and coloree by hand- a "perfect love of a thing," as the ladies would say. Still more, there is a colored pattern, in Berlin-work, such as would sell for fifty cents, but which is given, gratis, to subsoribers, for a Chistmas-gift. Benide these, there are ome fifty wood-cuts of faslnon, embroi dery and crochet patteins, etc. The price ia but $2.00. a year. To clubs, it i cheaper yet: tour oopies for six dollar and forty cents, with an extra oopy to the person getting up the club. Addres Oharles J Peterson, 306 Chestuut street tfüladelphia, Pa. Charlee Stubler was married to Emra Zahn of Scio, yesterday. Ex-Presideut Arthur died yesterday morning at 5 o'clook, of appoplexy. The postoftico will be open Thanksgiv ng day from 'J to 10 a. m , and from 6 to 7 p. m. Several hundred ptudents expect to go fpsi to morrow evening, to attend the how there. Cora Davis of LaFox, 111., died in the ixth ward, yesterday, of ovarían tumor, h'inI 28 years. Another ropubliean viotory like that of Nov. 2, will give the demócrata a maority in the U. S. senate. Aloses Marx, the champion woodawer in this section some years ago, aid this oity a visit yesterday. The advertiBement of John W. Maynard, whose grooery is on Ann street, will be found in this week's issue. He arries a full line. "The Iuüuenceof Habit of Thought on Institutions,' is the subject of Judge jooley"s lecture, this evening, before the political science association, A small audience was present at the oncert given by the Detroit Philharmonic club, last Friday evening, in university hall. The program was quite inresting. Mrs. Wm. Davenport of Saline, was hrown from her carriage, Tuesday, on itate street, and severely injnred. The unaway was caused by a dog springing t the horse. Watts & Watts are advertising a great eductioii sale of Jewelry. They say goods must be sold without regard to rofite." Read their advertisement on lie local page. When E. W. Coddington went to 'lorida, some months ago, he left his dorg" behind. Tm-sday the oanine was shipped by express to Barton, Fla., he home of Mr. C. Geo. W. Brown, who has performed be duties of policeman on the univer lity campus for the past nine vears, has een succeeded by a frxend of Supt. Wade, from near JoneaviUe. There was a scène in the county clerk's füce, Monday. when Jefl Davis picked p a hatchet and swore he would kill lie first "nigger" that laid hands on him. Ie didn't propose to Le bulldozed. Mack & Schmid, having made extra urchases, are offering some great bartains in goods in their dinerent departnents. Il will pay any one to take a ook through the establishment. Hoe ad. Some 40 men are at work for the new leotric light company. The polls now ised will be taken down and where possile the line will be ruu through alleys so as to not mar the appearance of the treets. Mr. Alonzo A. (íregory of Detroit and diss Amelia Wolfertz, both of Detroit, were united in maniage Wednesday evening. " Greg" is an old Ann Arboi boy, and a brother of Jas. B. Gregory of the hird ward. From Ootober 15, 1885, to Sept. 17, .886, the sum of $183, was colleoted in fpsilanti in fine-money. Justice Griflen lisposed of 12 cacea, the unes amountnj to -153. and Justice Jojlyn two cases and colleoted $80. Jno. B. Dow and W. E. Walker returned Tuesday night from the north woods They had been absent some six weeks. ïhe deers in front of the exjress offloe, whioh attraoted ao much atrontiou, were killed by them. Mrs. Rachel Bailey, president of the district W. C. T. U., will speak in Orop sey's hall Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. tfrs. Bailey ooines to us highly reoomnended by those who have heard her. Liet there be a full attendance. Chandler Wells, the wife murderer, is Deing tried. Proseeutiug attorney Norris is assisted by E. D. Kinne. The attorneys for the defendant are Messrs. Allen, Babbitt and MoCorkle. An attempt will 3d made to prove that Wells is insane. There was another sudden ohange in :he weather Wedneiday night. Af ter ;he rain a severe gale set in aad the wind ust roared aud whist led tt.rough the irees. ïesterday morning the weather was oold and there was a slight fall of snow. The Soientiflc American, published bv Munn & Co., New York, during forty years, is beyond all qnestion, the leading paper relating to soience, mechanios and ïuventions pubhsbed on this oontinent. Eaoh weekly issue presenta the latest scientiñc tópica in an interesting and reliable manner, accompanied with engravings prepared expressly to demónstrate the subjeots. The Soientifio American is invaluable to every person desiring to keep pace with the inventions and discoveries of the day. Dr.Winohell'g leoture to his Bible class in the Methodist ohuroh, last Sabbat h, direotly after the morning service, was well attended, but ït requires a very astute mind to grasp all his ideas as formulated. He eems to have a vocabulary of his own, whioh is a speoial vehiole for the oonveying of his thoughts - which, by the wey, are, many of ihem, original with himself - to the minds ot his readers. Mcmbers of other ohurohes avail them8elves of the privilege of listening to this great orator and profound thinker. The following jurors were drawn Wednesday, to serve at the regular term of the circuit court, and to be in attendance Dec. 14: Darius Joslyn, John W Howlitt; Lyndon ; Wm. E. Fease, Jno. Brown. Manchsster; Wm. Otto, Henry W. Rbinson, Northfleld; Chas. Heylland, Alfred Waterman, Salem; John Harwood, Frank Henderson, Pittafield; Jobn McKionon, Saline; L. W. üriggs, Scio; L. B. Lawrence, Sharon ■ Edwin G. Fifely, Superior; Chafi. M. Tichnor; Sylvan; Stormes Wheeler, Webster; W, Irving Moore, York; Geo. P. Elliott, Yp silanti town; Geo. Thompson, Benj. Thompson, Ypsilanti city; Gottlieb Neeb, Ann Arbor town; E. B. Lewis, Jno. Howlcy, Chos. Church, Ann Arbor city; Geo. M. Hammond, August; Jacob Blum, jr, Bridgewater; Jno. Sohiefasiein, Dexter; Jno. Missner, Freedom; O. O. Burkhart, Lima; Fred. C. Wood, Lodi.


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Ann Arbor Democrat