Big Sale of Gloaks NEXT MONDAY. Intk Bilif Recnlar Price Po the Ladies of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County: On Monday, November 22, we will lace on sale the largest stook of Cloaks, raps, Newmarkets, Jaokets, and Ohildren's Garmcnts, bought for Bpot cash within the last ten davs, much below tbe real valué. We want to impress upon the mind of he public that this great sale of Cloaks, or great value and beautifnl assortment ïas never had an equal. VVraps and Janneuts have never been sold in Ann Arbor before at the low prioes we will offer at this sale. Now is your golden opportunity. You will never get more or your money. Kemembei the date, Monday, Nov. 22, and oall early, as we expeot to sell out a arge amount witliin the next three or ix days. Mack & Schmid !
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Ann Arbor Democrat