Jno. Keck & Company
UNTILN0VEMBER24 VB OFFEB Our $91 00 Chamber 8t, Mahogany Finish, for $73 00 Our 85 OOChamber Set, mahogany finish, for 63 00 Oar 82 00 Chatnber Set, mahogany finish, for 67 00 Our 60 OOChamber Set, mahogany finish, for 44 00 Our 60 OOChamber Set, mahogany finish, for 43 00 Our 55 00 Chamber Set, mahogany finish, for 34 00 Our 90 00 Chamker Set, Solid Walnut, for 71 00 Our 85 OOChamber Set, sohd walnut, for 69 00 Our 68 00 Chamber Set, sohd walnut, for 52 00 Our 65 00 Chnmber Set, solid walnut, for 49 00 Our 65 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 48 00 Our fiO (0 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 46 00 Our 54 00 Chamber Set, aolid walnut, for 43 00 Our 54 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 43 00 Our 54 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 42 00 Our 48 00 CUamber Set, solid walnut, for 36 00 Our 45 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 34 00 Our 42 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 33 00 Our ;tó 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 27 00 Our 32 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 26 00 Our 30 00 Chamber Set, solid walnut, for 24 00 All of the Walnut Sets, except the last two, are Marble Top. We have only one set of eaoh pattern left and wili furaish no duplioates at the above prioes whioh are for Cash only. It's the opporunity of a lite time, be wise and take advantage of il. Notioe the out prióes on the Reed and Rattan ohairs in our window. 56, 68 and 6O, South Main.
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