J.t. Jacobs & Company
To the Public. In having our special inducement sale we accomplshed our object and sold a great many more goodsthan for years during the same number of weeks, and by so doing wewere enabled to make somevery large purchasesat aboutourown price, which will allowusto continue the SPECIAL INDUCEMENT 8ALE until December I O. Nothinsc of the kind was ever known in Washtenaw County. But we are determined to divide with the farmer, laboring man and mechante, this year, on account of the low price of wheat and wages. Remember this special sale wil I continue untll Dec. 15. All Kinds of Cloves-black, white and coiored, will be closed out- no room for Finedress shirts 9 1 .26, sold elsewhere for S2.OO, Nos. 27 and 29 South Main street, Ann Arbor. The Famous One-Price Clothing House.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat