C.bliss Son
FOE THE FALL RUSTID HOLIDAY TRADE ! We are now showing the largest stook of goods we ever oarned, being more than doublé what it was last year. ELECANT DESICNS IN LADIES' AND CENTS' WATCHES AND CHAINS! Sohd Silverware from the celebrated GORH AM CO. Silver Plated Ware of the ROCERS' manufacture. Our Plated Knivee webuy in srross lots, and sell them oheap. Opera Glasses Gold-Headed Canes, Silk Umbrellas, Mounted with gold and silver handles. IDIAIULOIIXriD R.IIJGrB ! SPECTAOLES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Neatly and Promptly Done. IVo. 1 1 South Hfttin Street, - Aun Arbor.
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