WM. THEISEN, Merchant Tailor ! Has the flnest line of CLOTHS In the city frem which to make selectioas. Garments cut and made to order. Only flrstclass work turned out. Satlsfaction guaranteed, Next to Ann Arhor Savings Bank, On Htjdon Stkeet West. j. d. stimson. w. f. stimson STIMSON&SON! - DK-tLERS IN - mM GEOCERIES ! TRY TIIEM. tW East of the Post-Office. Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PROPRIETOR. I uu now prepared to deliver to my cuitomers, or others in waut of BEER! A First-CIass Article, noaltlvely manu fuctured of only Hops Malt ! EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED BEER. Give it a Trial and be Convincet). H. HARDINCHAUS. BE SI MER LLOYD &KEÏ'8 EiilliÉ kh ! AND E. W. VOIGHT'S PILSENBE ■ AND HEINGOLD I XLi JeLh _ET&. R3 Ai Arlior Orp Works D. F. Alimentar Manuf acturer and dealer In Pianos, Orpiis, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyonn calllngattbe works, foot of WashingtOD Street, can examino eoods and pricea. I can cc nvince you of the Great Bargains ! I am offering. D, F. ALLMENDINQEB, ANN AliBOB lSBf 1 il MACKINAC. Th8 Most Eelielltfal SUMMER TOUR PaUco Stoamers. Iott Bate. ïour Tripa per VTeelE Botwoa DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvory Wealc Day Betweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlto for öur "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contftlna Pull Fartioulars. Maüod Frce. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Gen. Pas. MT.i DETROIT, MICH. HENRY MATTHEWS Kcsps a First class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kinds of Fresh, Sak and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Prices ït;asonn.ltle. Thanking those who have so lüjcrally patrón, (szed me In the past. I a!so solicittrad from ttew patrons. HENRY MATTHEWS, Horon Street, - Aan Arbor, 1 oh.
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