Ií he ? . 1 1 1 1 1 Ul nsk a ,;tl kns, Oh, I shouH 1)" so cháry; For t w. .r.M raken sucTï swe'ct Misj I( lie should 8k a little kiss, That I ahould never wiah to mil The blnsh preliminary, - Ii he shoulil aak a littlo kiaa, Oh, I bhüuld be so chary! If he shonld daré to squeezo my hand, Or touch iny little flnger, No blueh on pk'kct could withstand, II he shonld daré to squeeze tny hand, Tlie cliancp to warn my beart uuiaanned Ky blood that faiu would linter, - ■ ]ï Ík; síiould darc to kiss my hand, Or touch my little linger. IE he nhould ever como to woo, And tíhould to wed beseech me, What sliould a happy maid ii do, 11' he should ever come t. woo, And brep.the h'- rowfl with great actoi O darlilíg ' ;iiid teacli rael If lie should ver come to woo, And sliould to wed heseech mol
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Ann Arbor Democrat