The Twins Of Locana
A Vierma correspondent writes: John and Jacob Tocci, the tins of Locana, who have been shown in álmost every city of as the successors of the lamous Siamese twins, are dying in the Prater. The boys resemble each other exactly, and are now in their tenth year. John and Jacob are separate as far as the sixth rib, and have one abdomen and one pair of legs between tliem. Jacob moves the rightleg, John the le!t. The twins cannot walk, and keep their balance by lacing their arms around each other's neck. Jacob eats often and heartily, and is the liealthier of the two, and to all appearance it is he who keeps his brother alive. One dajz theiwins quarrelled over a toy, ana Jölin gfew so excited that his heart-blood suddenly ceased to tiow, ■ and he changed to a condition ofconiplete lethargy, froni which he had not nwoke on the tollo wmgmorning. The boy suflered frbm the same coniplainc a year auo in Berlin. and Prof. Virchovv then declared that a recurrence of the lethargy would certainly put an end to the twins' lie. A nuinber of Vienna physieians are observina the nialady, but they entertain little hope ot John's lite, and ü John die6, Jacob must iollow liim to the grave. The twins as they lie in their bed offer a strange contrast; Jacob with íeverish eyes and a red face geeras lo harbor all the blood that lias retreated from John's lifeless body. The conscious boy cries incessantly, because he has often heard Prof. Virchow's remark repeated, and knows that his brother'ij death is but the harbinger of his own. The poor creatures are meeting with the sanio fate that some time ago put an end to the life of the Siamese twins; the second of ivhoni died of poisoned blood vessels, after having spent six terrible hours with the corpse of his brother. The advisability o: an operation separating the living trom the dead brother was discussed at the time; but before a resolution could be taken death i had dons its work. The twins of Lo( ana, wlio tor the last eightyears have travelled to all the wqtld'a shows, were to have left for New Yoi-k, where Barnum is said to have engaged tTïem for a year at a salaiy of 30,000 fr. In the event of their death the párente have 8öld their body to a London anatómica! museum for
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