A Goodly Old Kitchen
A correspondent of the New Orlen ns Picayune, who has been visiting in Canterbury, writes: "Just outside the gate and across the way from the shop of the pol at o and pork merchant's there stands, as it has stood for a couple of centurias, the old Faktafl Inn. We went in" under the sign through a low doorway, overgrown with ivy. At thp end of the hall was a lovely old kitchen with a Hoor of cool tiles and a gorgeous dinner service of purple, red, blue and gold displayed in wide racks against Wall. A bright fin; wasbnrnmg, the red coals glowing between the bats of the grate, and a Vast deal of cooldng was eoing on. The kettle is boiling with a ïussy efïusion like that of a comfortable, home-keepinc, göod-hearted, motherly woman.bustling aboutto getthings ready for hef good man and the children A leg of lamb was roasting before the lire. A string or thin iron chain, believe it was. was fastened trom the mantle shelf, and from the other end hung the meat, dangling directly in front of the grate bars. A píate was set underneath it to catch thedrippings. Ihad a bit of that lamb, with some mint sauce, for my diniier, and I can attest that it was most excellent eatim?. I wisfa I had some of it at this moment. A trim younii woman, wearing tho whitest of mob caps, the cleanest of white aprons, stood before the fire broiling a chop. She had a long-handled, doublé tin broiler or gridiron in her hands. The chop was shut np in this, and she patiently held it before the fire as we would hold up a wet towel to dry, turning it round now and then; and what, with the tea-kettle, the bursting of the skin of the leg of the lamb, the sizzing of the savory chop, most comforting, if deafening, noisea filledthecosy room. The girl turned a rosy face at ns and armled comfortably. The smile, the goodly old kitchen, the rows of delf on the wall, thenodding red hollyhocks out in the garden, the recollections of that swinging, jolly old Falstaff, of the charming windows and deep window seats warmed me te the heart with enthuslasm.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat