For 1Í yoars Thomas Htbden, nn old Englishman' lived in a little ehanty in Portland, Oregon, apparontly very pbor. Tlie other day ho was found dead. evidentlv haring starvod to deatli. In a box in a corner, carefully concealod, were L1.400. The gradually increasing scarcity of gamo is one of the. most striking evidences of the settling of western land. Fifteen years ago bufï'alo meat was no great catch in New York, while in Bt, J.ouih it was of ten a drag in the market. The drug business Is beginning to attract young women. One, Miss Sarah A. Troy of NewHitven. has passed a lirllliant cxamiuation before the Conneeticut pharmaceutical commfssion, and is now looking for a clorkship. Talking recently to a Bt Taul newspnper man, Phil Armour saiil speaking, of his babits : "I go to bed about 9 o'clock in the evenir. Then I get up at " o'clock in the morning and take a bath, that's what you ouglit to do." A bible ezhibited in Boston the other day, said to have belonged to John Hancoek, had on the fly leaf a contract providing for the safe return of the book on the occasion of its loan to a clergyman. Samuel Cross of Cherry Camp, Va., has n 86-year old horsc that is as active as any young horse, and has just out a brand new set of teeth. Will not soil the clothing nor stain the ekln. Hall's Hair Renewer. Try it. ''Ayer's Pilis curod me of stomach and liver troubles." - D. W. Baino, New Berae, N. C. Silk nncl ent feather pompons are mouutcd upon silver wire or pina. A Father' s Protection. Pather, it is as essential for you to provide a safeguard against that uight-nend to yonrchildren, eronp, asto their hunger. Taylor's Cherokee Kemedv of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure croup, coughs and colcis. There are lots of young men who have ■ long purses who also have long ears. Business Men. The business man, practical in all things, .loes not caro to loóse sleep at night that would unflt him for business the following iay, so keeps Taylor's Cherokee Remedy f Kweet Gum and Mullein, which will prevent eróup and eure coughs, eolds and uonsuniption. When a young man is paylng attention i a yonng lady ho is a sort of court [laster. A Neighbor's Experienoo. Be charitable to your neighbor, and teil him of your experience in cnring your ■liildi n of coughs and croup by the use of that simple remedy, Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mulleln. Flax and Irish euipure collars of medium and very largo size are worn by ehildren. A Thief in the Night. A thief in the night is alarming. How mucli inore so is that night-flend, croup, traneling the little ones! Próvido a safejunrd and keep Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet (Juni and Mulleln, which will not only prevent butcuro Croup. There is talk of establishing in London a club for ladies on the model of tho nniversity clubs. A Fearful Leap into the abyss of poverty, over the precipice of shortsightedness is taken by thousands, who mlght bec.omo wealthy. if they availed themselves of their opportunities. Thosfi who write to Haliett & Co., Portland, JTaine, will be informed, free, how they can make from S to $2T a day and UpwárSs. Sorae have made over $50 in a day. You can do the work and live at home wherever you are located. Both sexes; all ages. Á11 is new. You are started free. Capital not needed. Now is the time. Better not delay. Every worker can secure a snug little fortune. You cannot expect a girl of the period to stand fire because she is necustomed to face powder. W. H. Worthington, editor of tho 'Patronn of Husbandry," published at Columbus. Mass., writes unrler date of Feb. 25, 1882: "Your great remedy, Alleii's Lung Hñlsam, I have used in my family for iifteen years for cougbe and colds, and know it to be the best.'' 25c., 50'., and $1.00 abottle. An American lady's idea of a ballet girl is "an open muslin umbrella with two pink luindles. A Miraculotis Escape from the Grave. I have been in poor health with a disoased stomach and liver, causing a cankered moutli continually for ten years. I 'kept about my house until a year ago last June. For toree years prior to that time 1 had a severe pain in the región of my lieart, at times seeming past endurancê. It affected my shoulder, tooic all strength from my arm; could get no relief only by poulticing. My stomach being so diseased, my food eau sed me great distress. My age also Bcerned to bo in the way of my recove] y. and not, I lic lenst of tnv siekness. Iemployed the very best medical assistance I could get whtle ín Caro, this state, bnt little enconragement could I get. Was moved to Vassar Oct. 1. 185, on a bed, giving me every ten minutes a tcaspoonful of brandy and ice with only a teaspoonful of nourishment at a time. I conimeneetl bloating soon after arriving here, every appearauoe of dropsy. We called our Caro physieian to como here, and he s:ii.l my condition was worse than when in Caro. On the 37th day of May last we called a eouncil oí doctors from Vassar, "three in nuinber." All of them pronounced my case incurable. I had with the rest inflammntion of the bowels, and I lay ulmost lifele-s, and one of the leading phy sicians said if I could be restored to a sane mind again it would be al) my husband might expect, and anjrthing that would spothe me ;ill that could bo done My husband göt me ome medicine at Johnson & AVillinmsDn's, druggists at Vassar. and eommeiieed giving it to me, and in three weeks' time they began to put me In an e:isv chair, "for a short time each day," at which time I had no use of my lower limtis and in y back was nnmb; it wm a little more than two montlis before Í couW walk without crutches. I am now a weil womau, have walked one and n hnlf miles wiihin a month. can eat all kinds of food and enjoy it, have eained from 82 pounds, since last Jiny, to 110 now, could say more of sickness, putdelicacy prevents. I want to say to my friend that Hibbard's Kheumatic S pup and liasters are the medicines that cured me. 1 used fóur piasters with the flrst five bottles; have used ten bottles in all and ara wel]. If any one who reads this has any doubt as to the authenticity of my statement, it will afford me pieasura to refer them to my neighbors all al.out here. as they are all astonished at my recoverv. Itis a great family remedy. Very trui y , Mbb. Crbstsb [agb. Vassab, Micli., Oct. 11, 1886. This is to certify that I have kuown Mrs. (?age since h'1 came ti Vassar, and know the facts set forthin her statement above tobe truc. Very truly, Gko. E. Wii i.iamson, Of the flrm of Johnson & Williamson druggists, Vassar. Mich. J. K. Delbridge, Conduit)r on the Chicago & West Michigan Ra llroad, Becom?s Heir to a Large Fortune. I have suffered more than language can exiress with .-ciati: rhenmatism for twelve years. and have expended hundreds of dollars for medicines. I have never found anvthing that has done me ns much good ns Hibbard's RheumaticSyrup and piasters. They are truly a rheumatic speciflc, and 1 take groat pleasure In recommending thein to my friemls. Yours truly, J. K. ])Ei.mtinoE, 28 Pleasant street, Grand Rapids, Mich. The warm summer and early fall in California interferred seriously with salmón fishing in the Sacramento river. The iish seemed too languid to bite, and sought the deep, still holes, where they lay on the bottom and died in large numbers. The Dutylof State Logislaturea. Legislatlon should be effected in every State regulating the sile and of the many poiaons resorted to by women in their desperation to obtain beautiful comrilexious, while there exists in Dr. Harter's ron Tonic erery requisito nocessary to ancompliBh the object without injuring the heaith or endangering life. Swandown in all the evening colors is to be used for trimming ball and evening dresses. Nevvous and Dyspeptio Sufferers fmd Sure relief in Caetbr'S LlTTLH Nekve Pilt,s. 25c. PATESITS obtttineil by Louis Bagger & Co., Attoruey, Washington, D.C'. EstM 1864. Advicf free. Fur panels and edging are features of the newest tailor-made costumes. BARHEI) WlitE. If yon have barbed wiro fcuces, kcop Veter Inary Carbollsalve In your (tables. It tuioi without a scar ond renews the hair lts original color 6Ü cents and $1.00, at Drugsit or b mail. Cole Co., Black Rlver FaJls, Wl. George Gould and wife live at the TVindsor hotel, havinp; five rooms on the second 3oor. for which he pays 1390 per week. In ;his way tho shrewci young man saves probably a thousaud dollars in a week in expenses of keeping house and entertainlug. Tho editor of the Corsicana, ïex., Obtener, Mr. G. P. Miller had a serere attack of rheumatism in lus left knee, which became so swollen and painful that he could not walk up the Etalra. He writes that after a few applicatlona of St. Jacobs Oil, tho puin entirely disappeared, and the knee assumed its normal proportions. A liark red velvet bonnet has a soft crown. It is trimmed with black volvet and with a cluster of red plumes and pompons niountoil on silver pms. Crepé de chine scarfs, with tiny embroidered figures, in all the light colora, are siill worn, and may be nrrunp-d acoording to individual faney. A hat for a littlo girl is of Burgundy feit. with a rolling brim. It is trimmed with folds of velvet about the base of the rrown anddroopiug with ostricb plomes. Two California trampa who took posses sion of John Joy's granary, near Chualer. belped theinselves to somepoisoned whoat whii-h had been propared for squlrrels. Joy had hnrd work to keep them ilivo until the do.ctor came and gave them antidotes. Hummcr coughs and colds generalij come to stay, luit tho uso of tho Red Star Dough Curo mvariably drives them away. Safe, prompt, sure. During the past yoar Danvillo. Va., has íold over -lO.OOO,) pounds of tobnoco, and Lynchburg nearly 50,003,000 pounds. The mosto) it was rawed in the country con to these cities. The aggregato value was about S,0J0,0O0. I have been iCÜing your Athlophoros for i few months and have Bold between ane and two dozen! Tt gives better satis[action for rheumatism than auy other prepartion of the kind I have ever sold. C. Jf. Treat, druggat, .Adrián. Mich. Ifyou onea try Carter1 Little Liver Pill's for sick headache, büliousnosti or eonstipatlon yon will never bo without them. TiK'y ir purely vegetable; Small ind easy to take, all drupgists s'til them. Brussels uet for draping evuning dr-lias half inch tripps, and is to lio liad in all the evening colors. 8 months' treatment for 50c. Fiso's Remedy for Cata rrh. Sold bj druggiats. Princesa Dolgorouki, widow of Lholate Czar, was once a Spanish actreas. ÖUPFEKKns from Coughs, Bokb Thboat, etc. bhould try 'lJSroiT7i' Bronchiw Troche," a imple mit sure remedy. Dainty braakf ast caps are made of f uil Vills of lace, with loops of narrow ribbon irranged on the top. The Biood 19 Enricbed And improved by the useof Cakteii's Ikon i'll.l.s. A girl who habitually banp;s her lnar ivon't be vi-i-y likely tb k1' a husband'a iiair to crinklo and frizz and festoon. Catarrh Can be Cured Ttaounants wbo have boen troublcd with tliat dia agreeable öow f rom %h& nose, oftensive brcutli, palfl over i'i in-iu iM-ii tliu Oyes, ringiug ;uil bwstiog notsca n tho oars, and other dtsagreeabl synipoma of i-üiiin li. !nt ií been pntlrely cured by lioods Jarsaparilla, the Le t blood-pwrtfyng Miodlcine. it expels every latnt of Impurity irum the blooü, rltalizea and enxlches it, aml also improves the general health. if yon Boffer frota nitarrh. try :!■ tod'8 Bar ;i]);wii!a,. "I bi v i troubled with catarrh aboutayea ■aii'-ing gi't-iii sorenesa üi the broncbial tubes aml terrible héadache; I paw tho advertisement oí EJood'B SarMipiiiiliii as a cure for entarrh, and after baklsg niiiy one bottle I am imich better. My catacrb i cured, my thnmt La entirely well, and my ïeadacho bas all disappeared." U. Gibbons, Il-uniit-'ii, Butler Co.. O. "lïóo'J'a SareapartHa h&s helped me more for ;atarrh and impuro blood tl:ai anythingele I ever ued." a. Bai.l, Syracuse, N. V. . Hood's Sarsaparilla 8oM by all drpggiats. H; six tor $. l'repared byC.LHOODA Co., Auuüi Loirall, Maas. 100 Doses One Dollar Vm. JAMES BAGLF.Y, WrtJoL tonwiwi. .. ., , Wtnkls, Oiiio. bnd dik ■kg Tor over a ycar, bta aiiRering from cural;Iawai ■ gmt. Three doses of ATHLOPHOROS curi hlm. Neuralgia oan always be cured by use of A'hlophoros. Aak your drusiifst for Athlotthoros. ïf jou catiiiot get itof him do not try somethine else, bulonler at once frooi iis. WewlU ïend t exprese p:ii-i on receictor prtce, SI 00 "r bottle. ATHLOPHOROS CO.. 112 WalTSt..Few York. A labor of love - dressing to cali on one's best girl. It is the sligbt cold írequently contract ed thai íinnllr Qndermlnea the system. Use Dr. Bnll's Cough Syrap In the beginning stages of cold aiid be cured. fri cents. _ ( 'i'iali for míllinery purposes ire sho a Ín every Bort of design in metal and tortoise shell. Bonnet pins aro also varied in pattern, aud aro made of metal, jet, wood and beads. A hat ot brown silk jersey cloth has tho brim turned up on one side and faced with gold brown satín. A cluster of ribbon loops in the two tones of brown forms the trimming. When a young man starts to visit a young lady who has a couple ofpetpugs it may be striotly true to say tliat ho is going to the doga, luit vet it Isn't good form. Young man, it is weil enough to be neat and tasteful in your rli-ess but it is better to bc moro concerned as to the social set in whlch j'ou move thini abont the set of your coat or pantaloons. Straios and' externa] injuries re the chief canses of weak ankles and joints, l'.y the Lree use of Salration Oila cure will tod in a short time. Au Illinois girl who had receired a doclaration of love in a type writer letter. replied that she was "not to ho woi macbinery." Girls prefer the old style. Dr.Pardee's Remedy, The Greatest Blood Purifierin the World. A SPECIFIC FOR -rRHEUMATISM Scrofula, Salt-Rheum, Neuralgia, Worm, And all Othpr Skin and Blood DÍ9eaces. It Regulates the LIVER AND KIDNEYS Cures Indigestión and all diseascsarising from an enfeebled condition of the system. Se'idforourpamphlet of testimoniáis and read of tho&e who havo been purmanently curod by ts uso. Ask your drugglst for DR. PARDEE'S REMEDY and takc no othtr Price, $l per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Pardee Medicine Co. Rochester,N.y DONOT POISON YOUR SYSTEIÏ with medicines you know nothing about. Nearly every so-called remedy tor Khcumatism aud Neuralgia now offered to the public, contains powerful and poisonousmedicines that ïnjure the Btomaob and leavo tlio patiënt worse oiï than before. Uo not use them. but take ''the old reHable" one that has stood the test for twenty-five years. One that is free from anything iniurious to the system, eomposed wnolly of roots and lierbs, the medical propertics of which are particularly adapted to blood diseases. Dr. Pardee'e Remedv is s;ife and effect ive. Can be used by both old and young with beneficia! reeults. Kive houdred dollars will bepaid lor any case where the use of Dr. Pardee's Remedy has in any way injurel the patiënt. Pardee Medicine Co. For cold in "?FAMBW-3 hcad E "'"■mSWSSS"] Halm works. MtPiioM ? magie. It cm r,!WJnK(í'iu$j?s 0m er, Elizaèeth, Ar.g X fi.'s.a. HAY-FEVER A partiële 1 Bpplled Intoeaoli nntrilnncl is airecable touse.. Price so 9., bv mail or ut tlrurelsti. Scml,iar, Ejy BÍ10THBRS. nrusïists.
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Ann Arbor Democrat