There are Womeii vvho have none of those ailments known as Female Complaints, yet who still need Zoa-Phora. When a woman has been working about the home, or sewing, teaching, taking care of children, or of sick ones, until her nerves are all unstrung, and she feels as though she would fly to pieces, and everything irritates and annoys her, a dose of ZOA-PHORA wil! strengtheri and soothe her nerves and rest her. Sleeplesmess is cured bij Zoa-Phora. For Sick ILitlache there is not a more ■■eüable preventive and cure than ZoaPhora; it works liko a charm, In many casas where everything else has failed. 'Ancl any woman who does suffer from nmj of those complaints eoiiMai' to her sex, '■ should not delay a day to use Zoa-Phora. Our book on disëases of women and children, should be read by every woman, especially by mothers of daughters. Sent ín sealed envelope on receipt of five 2ct. stamps. Address, H. G. Colman-, Beo. (Mentlon Lbla papeft) Kalamazoo, Mich. N. B - If yonr druggist does not keep Zoa-Phora write to the Zoa-Phon. Medicine Go Kajamazoo, IVLieh.
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