Perry Mason & Co.
400,000 Copies reacly Nov. lOth off ha Doublé Thanksgiving Number of the Youth's Gompanion Elegantly Illustrated. Mailod to any address for Ten Cents. fu i, luí New Subscrlptlons sont at once, 11 pp i ifin wíh íiL"r)' win inciude "ie f"MrANioN I I UU IU JUIIl II FREE from tho lime tho subscriptlon Ís reooived to .Tan. 1, 1887, and a full year from thatdate. Thls offer indudes tho Thanksgiving and Chrlstmas Doublé Xumbers. Picase mcntiín this Paper. Addreas 37 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat