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'BITTERS Combinlng IROS with PUliE VEGETABLE TONUS, qulckly and eompletely CLEANSES _nd KXIÏ1CHKS THE BLOOD. Qulckens the actlon of the Liter and KJdneys. Clours tho complexión, mak es the skin smootli. 11 does net injure the tt'ctÍ!, cause headachc, or prodnee eonstlpation- ALL OTHEtt IKON KEDICIXES DO. Physicians and Druggmts everywliere recoiumend it. MlBfl IHEZ Johnbon, St. Charles, Mii-h., Baja: "I have usud Brown's Iroo Bitters íor Kcmfula MidRkin diseases witU most satisfactory rer-ultb. 1 eonbider it has no equi] ju h Mond pulidor." Mías Louis a Bahrowh. Aipena. Hioh., saya: "I have ti sed Browu's lron Bitter for impure blood with ranch benefit. I can saí'cly rocumm-'ud it,1 Mk. W. D. Wakker, WiUlamstown, Mi-h , s&ys: For t)ie lant four or iive years I have boen in poor health. caused by impo veris hed blood. I used Brown'R lron Bitters with nmeh benefit. I now eiij "y A Nd. 1 huultli." Mus. J, CtHavxh, White Pigeon, Mich., Bay_: "I have usi'ii Brown's Irun Bitten ín the fimily as _ tonic and blood uurifier, and tliink it has no niual " Mr. ÍÍeo. C. V ANDER, with MHtutra. T. li, Rayl 4 Co., Detroit, Mtoh., n.iyn: " I ased Brown's Iron liitters for impure blood with the uiust effeotive resulte." Genuine bas above Trade Mark and ernseod red linea on wrapper. TiiUr un othrr. Made oniy by 1Ï1ÏOWN t1!KM!!.M,í'i.. RT1 Tí. THE ONLY TKÜB fíyíiioN EfTONlC M Wlll purify tha BLOOD rryr.lct TO___L_A the LlVCR e 3 KIPNEYS and 1_P___ RESTORK the HEALTH and VIO' mft ORof YOUTH. pyopepsin.Wnnt V3.'" wb Appetite, I_dieeation,Lack of QHNB Strength and Tired Fetling itb H& eolutely cured:, musC'fc. ce9 RnCl nrvs r'cnive new JMBftfc. forcé. Knlivens the mind ■SB and supiilios RrainPoww. : a g- # SuffTiug from enmptnintR LA nlfaG pecnlitir totlipir f-wvill find MIBKO inDH. BAEÏEKS IKON rONIGiisafe and spesdy curn. Civcs a clenr, heiUnplPsion. Frequent attomjtH at coi'nttrfeit■líTonly add to tho popular) t y of the original. Do iot experiment- set t ha Original ani Bvkt, l Or. HARTER'! LIVER PILL3 V Oure Constipation.LiVPr Comnlaint and Sickm dacbe. sample Dose and Drcam EookB tpt r í two cents in poptno. p IÍ1YERS' GVIDE la Issued Scpt. niiíl Iarclif eatli jrear. JOQr 313 pages, SiU'.j incïitM, willi o ver 3,5OÓ illwstrutiong - a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wikoleaale Piice direct to coitsnnirrs on all gooris for personal or finnily use. Tclls lioiv to ordci-, and gives exact cost of everything yon use, c-af, drinU. wrar, or ha-re fan with. Tliese IJVAUAÏÏLE I5OOK.S contain informal ion lcaned from the marUets of the ivorW, We will mail a copy FRIÍI5 to any address upon receipt of 10 ct. to defray expende of mailing. Let ns litar from yon. Kt sjwctfully, MOIMTGOMERY WARD & CO. 827 & 220 Wabaah Avenue, CUicnso, I1L ROCKY = MOÜNfïlN : GLOVES M:ulo from Fawn SfeinKId, a very rtnraliloand hHndmateral, anknown cüsi. Prloes from%HO I.AO for t'ommon Lcngth; a rO for Button CuffDrivinpr Gauntlets made to order fnrl,adiesor liento, every Btitch Bilk, Postase paúl. Also ixiian Tanned film-, Bfojccasi i'mkklB C othiuir (fringed and (iltiin) JLetsgrins. Mnnfj ISeltH, te Bnckflkin for salo. - nmpb'i of i. ather -vith tt tchfitv ir. ■. AUo CCanfcup of htmdreds of styleí of Glovee and Loatlier Xo volt ies, and direct ion s íor measurement. Disojunt to agente, lleíi'renco. ünion Bank, Denver. A. A'HtY, Denrer, Culurado. 'ÍGE'S IViaÍDRAKE PILLS urea certnin rnre fnr "LIVRR rOMPr.AVT. SrCK HKADACHK, CONSTIPA I'ION, DY8PEPSLA. They cloanse the stomach, purify the blood alid inorease theappotite. The best pill in the world. Frice 25 Cents. Sold by DrKtsts or seniby niaU by C. W. Snow & ' o., s racuse, N. V. For l'Vyuran-.l Agüe hpo Moore'a Agüe Pilis, by mail for 50 cents. i'"rom c. W. Snow &Co.,Syracuso, N. V. I CURE FITSÍ Whcn i pay curo l i" not mean merely to stop thom icir a time &nd then liavo them return auln, I meitn a nuilral cure I hftve mmla tlio dlpeaso oí FITS, El'ILRPSY ve PALUNOSICENESSa llfo-loug study. Iwarrantniy remedy to cure tho worst caaes Becauso othors hnvo lalled Í8 noreason for not nov rocelvlng a curo. Sendat onco for a treatlse and a Kree Bottlo of my itifulUble rempdy. Give Expresa nnd Post ÜHice. lt cont8 you i nn nnn sold N ne day I UU,UUU IX NEW YOKK CITY. Official Medal "Liberty KnliKhtcning the World," statne one Blde, Bnrtholili Medaillon on the rovt.-rse; flneel Mcdal ever sold. Blze of bilvkb dolí-a ft. Patent wl by Amorican Commil tee and M. . líanhoidu Malled to any addross üd rccclptofSS Cents. Agenta w' e'i School Boys and others, BTATÜB of LIBERTY M'F'G CO. Beekman si., New Vork. CThe oMest merïfcïne In fhe worlí fs protiaTil y m Dr Isaac Thomoson's a& i:ij:k a b i;s i:yk w a rs: Thls artlolo i a rarefully preparfd Physl.-tan's prescriplion, and hns been In constan! ue nfaiiv n centa ry, and not wit tho many other picjiara'lons Inat havpbron introdiifod into the marfeet, the sala ofthls Brt'tlelscanstantly Increaeinp. If the dlreo tlons llowed H will oever fall. We purrlcularly Invite the at fi' f ion of physlclana ti merlts. john l. thompsún; sons & co.. tkoy. n.t. To Make Littls Folks Happy Wf send the Deltghtful Story, Thessy's ChristfAS, bj Maroaket munev to any ehild whosa MldresB ia sent touswith s '.'. (ent stamp for muiltut. D.LOTílLiOV & CO-, Boston. T! e ! t Are BABYLA? )'i)vtH; V[HK AWAKS, -■-'MI: Olll LlTTI.n MKN AXD WOMEN, H ; '1'mk I'.1, SfSi . H a year. Bend to i), l.m i !{i!',vMi,;llMMl 8TKEET, BOSTOK. ■ JOSEPHGiLLOTrsj STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-IB78. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS bh Piso's Remody for Catarr.i ;a Hifi Ë3 I Bfót, Kaaiest to Use, and Cheapeat. I E wTV Tt8 ËSr A%a "JB jJH LSSMrfb Sb AIso good for Gold in the Head. I JJ Headacbe, Hay Fever. c. M cenU. I ITTstiSïa'cü re'STI MA Oi-rinaii Athimi Cure n vtr faíUtí) RireB ' V xminriiitur reiiefm iho worst rnses, insures com-BJ fortablc sleep; effect cure wliere all others fail. AM trial eonvic-s the mott kptleat. l'ricö 5O ot. andB] Í1. 00. of DnUCglMa or hv mail. Kaniil; FliKK forBj up. mi. it. SCHII'FMAN, St. I'auUJMInnJ HÖIVIE TREATMENT Ai rea Iers BiifTrhi(? from Ororanii1 Wi .! no8, Nerroun or Cltronio Ailmcnts. Pi ■Aiite to DR. WILLIAMS, 189 Wis. St.. ukee, Wis., for a Mt-vKge hook, ffiTlutr ';■■■ er ireatni-nt In ri: 1 1 . m I 'Ir. n-.v,1 ,n.-. áfiPHTC WASJTCn tosl" xovki.ty Ktro HUCNIO HAÏlItU Mil IIIVi: sal KUQ ,-- j PATTBKNS, tor uiakini; Ruga, ' "' '" . 'Ilill"-. ,hl : i i, .. 1 ,■. S..-fl t pi - --5 ;f_v&; by mail lor Sjil. Cll: TI. ARS pg JSf:EIr6. gá?s éoWE WANT YOUï í.'rrS'ÍS profitublo employmcnt to represent Ufl i" every county. Sahxry S?i per mom h and expeBBen, or a large comiñission on cales if preferred, (;'-itaple. Kvery one bnys. Outfit and partlculani Freo. - STANDAiíD SILVKKWAiU-; CO., BOSTON, SIASS. 0 fiOOYounMpn and T.adies J . to attend tho Dktroit J7jS' " B08TKKSa U I VKKSITY, f Mlch., and pre l,Z4'sZ pare for payini positlons. Uut'cst colUije in the WeaU Elegant catalogue free. sUllKr " ' Cured at lïouir. Trcatment tlflgBIIn sent on trial and NO I'AV n-kod iffB uritil you are henctíted. ïerms Low. 1 C Hniiiano Kemedy Co., IiiFa.yettc, IncJ. WANTED GÖOD MAN enci-etlc workpr; business ín lils stctlon. Salary $U Keferencen. Am. M'f'g House, 15 Barclay St.,N. Y KIPPERS PASTILLES.?y BrWiinWO I OFFICEPS' rny. Bonntr. Et. riiriOlUnO yrUe f,„ ,■. .rond law. Free. A. W. McCORMICK &SON, Cincinnati, O. APto S8 a BamplM worth 11.80 FREE. Llnei Sfc not under tKe horse's feet, Wrlta Brewster VV Safoty Rein Holder Co., Holly, Mich. rinillP'''1''11'1" ft'viT. il., iit C'liireniont ! I H rJ] t .,[ . i Circular Free. I Hlllfiw.l i' il AM : ■'m 'fiiluill. Vu. VIBiirvT I FARMS! MiW 011 mate! Clionp llUilA X A Homes! Northern Colony! lllustrmeil circular free. A.O. BLI88, Contralla, V. TiiïAir ÍTOT. Secure ButnpsHKtlucatlon lm .Tl I j bv mail tnniiBüvw r scoi.i.ri;F.nuffalo, N. Y. _____ Alllllll Morphlne Ilablt Cnred In 1 II PI HM " "'■ No pay tlll Cnr_ W. N. U.d7-4--47 AniliU nnd Morphlnc Hahlt Co red In 10 to U f I l IH m " Pns Dr. Manh, Quüicy.Hich. .


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