Tower's Fish Brand
Si lföB#l""m Is The Best M fc D Waterproof Coat Nniis ffrnuiBB nniesB Don't waste your moucv on a trum or rubber coat. The FISFI BRAND SLICKEIÏ fwaipea wua me kduvc ig abaolntely wnitr and triwi phoof, and will keep you drv in the hanlest storm TRATib mark. Ask f nr the "FISH BI1AND" si-iCKKRamUaktijioother. If yoar storekeeper doei not llave tli e 'Visji braxo". send fnr tif-criiitive r!itHiv-rH In A ■!. TdU'KK. 'L) Sunmons St.. Boston, Masi
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