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City Locáis. Atteud the Great Cloak Sale, commenced November 22 and continuad thia week. by Mack & Sohmid. No such op rortunity has ever been offered for the )urchase of Ladies' and Children'n 31oakü . If you wish to buy a Jacket, Vrap, Newmarket or Plush Saque, you do yourself an injnstice if you don't inspeot our stock. (lii tcrinti Gold Quartz. limt as taken from the Mines, in the Rocky Mountains, made into beautiful Soarfpins, suitablc for ladies and gentlemen. The rich and rare, as well as very jeautiful gold quartz settings useil on hese Scarfpins, are mined and seleoted rom such famous mines as the Bobtail Mine. Blakhawk, Colo., Warrior's Mark Mine, Gunnison, Colo., Rod9riok Dhu Mine. Quartz Hill, Gilpin Co., Colo., and many others. The mountings on them are the best Gold Plate. They are made Bolidly and are extremely show. You oan easily earn f 2.00 to $5.00 a day by showing them to your friends and taking ;heir orders. In order to introduce them, and our large Catalogue of Mineral Cabiiets, Christmas Novelties, Agate Goods, Indian Relies, etc, at once, we will send you a sample Scarfpin, post paid, upon receipt of only 33c. 6 pins for $1.25; 12 iins for $2.23, post-paid. These beauti:ul Gold Quartz Scarfpins will sell easily at 50c each, and are well worth a dollar each. By buying a dozen at onoe, they cost you less than 19o each, henee you will see at a lanoe how easily you oan make many dollars in your leisure hours. Th is offer ís only good for a limited time, so order at once, and addreas your letters, H. H. Tammen, Mineralogist, No. 935 16th St., Denver, Colo. The cheapest place to buy fine Picture Frames is at Gibson's. Wanted to Loan- From $1 to $10,000, at legal rate of interest. Central Loan Office, Masonic Temple Block, Ann Arbor. Set for your Pioture at Gibson's and avoid the rush before the holidays. Lost - On Main street, or between Main street and Union hotel, Nov. 21, an Amethyst Ring. Please return to the third door north of the post-offlee. Eu gene Gibney. Gibson's Photos are finer than ever. Cali and see them. What shall we give for Xmas, is now the question. A Gold Headed Cane for Father, A Pair of Gold Speotacles for Mother, A Silk Umbrella for the Daughter, A Watch for tüe Boy. C. Bliss & Son have an elegant line of all of them. J. D. Stimson & Son are still at their old stand, No. 5, Ann street, where they sell that famous 50c. Tea and ihe Mocha and Java Coffee thafc can't be beat. For Sale.- Tvo pairs of Blue Heron game fowls, hatchetl lst of June and warranted dead game. Inquire at this office. Kooh & Haller have received the flnest line of Hat Racks ever brought to Ann Arbor. They are on exhibition at their store South ilain street. For a First class dish of Oysters go to G. Schiappacasse's, Huron street. Mixed Candy 12cts per pound; Chocolate Cream drops, 20cts.; Gum drops lOots.; Stiok Candy 15ots.; at G. Schiappacasse's . A fine assortment of French Candies, at G. Schiappacasse's, Huron street. Buy your Beer at the Central Bottling Work, corner Detroit and Catherine-sts. When in the city next week don't forget to cali on Doty & Feiner, who have just received one of the largest and most complete stooks of Boots and Shoes for the fall trade, ever brought to Ann Arbor. Sell cheap and tbe people will buy. All Goods warranted to give fair wear and satisfaction, at Dotv fe Finer's Boot and Shoe House. Fabm Fok Sale. The Albert Case Farm of 140 acres, adjoining the village of Manchester, will be sold at a bargain. Long time given. Easy payments. The place is well watered and bas good buildings. For full particulara inquire of Mrs. Ralph Whiting, Ann Arbor, Mich. Loaning. - Money to loan on first-class Real Estáte MortgageatOurrent rates of Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalists desiring such investments. Every conveyance and transaction in abstracts of titles oaref ally examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor Claibvoint Physioian. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffy blook, opposite the postofllce, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found in his office at all hours. "The single soull race!" exolaimed an olcHady, as she laid down the paper. "My gracious! I didn'et know there was a race of men with doublé sculls." The intímate relation between stomach and brain is shown in the headaehe resulting from indigestión. Dr. Bull's Baltimore Puls willcure it. The remedy for the baby is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. It is free from laudanum. Pnce only 25 cents. Day's Horse Powder is a necessity for hogs; it cures swelled neoks and ulcers in the lungs. "Like balmy breezes," Drexel's Bell Cologne. "These are hard times," said the young debt oolleotor. "Every plaoe I went today I was requested to cali again, but one, and that was when I dropped in to see my girl." There are less persons afflioted wtth rheumatism, siuoe our druggists have sold Salvation Oil. Few are aware of the importance of checking a congh or common oold in its tirst stage. That which in the beginmng would yield to a mild remedy, if neglect ed, soon preys upon the lungs. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup affords instant relief. It is an infallible remedy. Prioe 25 cents a bottle. He.- You are holding that umbrella on the wrong side to protect you from the sun. She. - I know ii, but there is that dreadful Miss Briggs and I intead her to see my new bonnet. Ohdboh Going Pkoplb. - Areannoyed by the Coughing of their neighbors. One bottle of Van Wert's Balsam would cure every cough in the congregation . Go to Jno. Moore's and get a free sample bottle and see for yourself. Van Wert's Pilis will not cause pain or nausea. Van Wert's Golden balm will cure cold in the head. For sale by Jno. Moore. Latei y, in a inusic hall, af ter the bailad lady had warbled: "Would I Were a Bird," great excitement was created by a stal wart miner in the audience shouting, "Would I were a gun." Jeffersonian Simplioitt. - Can be practiced by using Van Wert's Balsam for all Throat and Luug diseases, as it will save unnecessary doctor's bilis. For sale by Jno. Moore. Samples free. Van Wert's Pilis are free from injurious substances. Van Wert's Golden Balm will cure Catarrhal Headaches. For sale by Jno. Moore. A cnrrent paragraph states that M . Chevruel, the French centenarian, has lived to see tour kings iu France. If he has only seeu four kings once in a hundred years, he hsd better stop playing altogether. Most Excellent.- J. J. Atkins, ohief of pólice, Kuoxville. Tenn., writes: "My (amily and I are beneficiarles of your most excellent medicine, Dr. King's New Disco very for conauraptiou; having found it to be all that you claim for it, desire to testify to its virtue. My f riends to who I have recommended it, praise it at every opportunity." Dr. King's New Discovery for ConBumption is guaranteed to cure coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthuia, Croup and every affection of Throat Ghest and Lungs. Trial bottlea free at Eberbaoh & Son's drug store. Large t:ze$1.00. A man sitting on a very hard seat in a railway oarriage said: "Well, they teil me these cushions are stuffed with feathers. They may have put the feathers in'em, but I think they've left the fowls in too." Bbaoe Up.- You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with hendaohe, yon are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sortt-, and want to braoe up. Brace up, but not with stimulauts, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and whioh stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse oonditiou than before. What you want is an alterativo that will purify your b'ood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give reuewed health and strengt h. Hucü a medicine you will flnd in Eleoiric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at Eberbaoli & Son's Drug Store. The Major (rocking Nelly on his knee for Auut Mary's sake)- "1 suppcse this s wliat you like, Nelly? "Yes, it's very nioe. But I rode ou a real donkey yesterday - I mean one with four legs, you know." Bucklen"s Árnica Salve.- The best in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers. salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chappod hands, ohilblains, curas, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles or uo pay required. It is guaran ted to give perfect satisfaotion, or money refunded . Prioe 35 oents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. A little girl, being asked if she had an ear for music, replied : "Yes, I believe I have; for I have heard the sound of a fiddle wuen a man was playing on it at least two hundred yards off." We should economize at all times, but more especially when times are close. Observe the purchases of your thrifty neighbors. More substantial benefits can be obtained f rom a 50 cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positivo Cure then a dollar bottle of any other cough remedy. It is prompt, safe and pleasant cure tor all throat and lung troubles. Sold and en dorsed by C. Eberbach & Son. First Bostonian- "Before we say goodby, Eugene I want to teil you that I have beoome a confirmed vegetarían." Second Bostonian - "How queer! So have 1." F irst Bostonian - "Why, then, we part to meat no more." Second Bostonian - "Yes but we can fish, can't we?" Careful attention to diet is the best guard against disease. It is a fact wliich all should know, that over eating not only corupte the blood but dest roya nerve forcé, and induces dyspepsia, jaundice, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, headache, ague, malaria, and all stomach and liver troubles. Dr. Jones Bed Oiover Tonic quickly cures the above disea?es. Can be taken by the most delicate. Price 50c of O. Eberbach & Son. Little boy (to tteatrieal manager) - "Pa, why is this called a free country?" Manager- "Because everybody wants to get in 'thout paying." The best on ear tb, can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salvo, which is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, soalds, burns, wounds and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Oaly 2Sc. Sold by U. Eberbaoh & Son. A speoulator having married a homely girl the possessos of a very large fortuDe. declared that it wasn't the face of his wife that struck him so much as her flgure. FOLLETT HOUSE. WH. LEWIS, proprietor, Ypsilanti, Mleh. House heated with steam. WINTER HAS COME ! Now is the tiine (or VEICtlTSl AND Heavy Suits ! Our principie is Laro Sales auö Small Proflis Which is shown by the aniounc of business we are doing. We are making up Suits and Orercoats as cbeap as ready made of the same quality of Koods. If you dont believe it. come and see,and then you wiil havo them to fit you. WE GUARANTEE EVERY GARMENT And don 't aak a man to wear a garment that don't give satisfaction We niake Good Business Pants tor 84.50 If you haye your own cloth we will mako it up for you. Come one, come all, and see u before you buy and we will doyou good. No. 10 Kast Huron Street, four door froro the Cook House. IV. O. BURCHFIELD. Sirassöurc Dancing; Mooi, Ann Arbor, Mioh. Prof. Strassburg, Of Detroit, will form select dancing classes, Wednesday nest, at HAN&STERFER'S HALL. Ladies at 3 o'elock, p. m. Children at 4 o'elock p. m. Gentlemen at 7:30 o'olock p. m. Term of 12 lessons, Ladies and Children, $7.00; Gentlemen, 88.00. By new methods of teaching any person of average ability can learn to dance in one terra. Conimissioners' Not ice . LÁTATE OF MICHIGAN , County of Washtenaw, Ö ss. The undersigned having been appointed S' f the Probate Court for said county, Oommisoners to receive, examine an 1 adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Joseph Keedle, late of said county, de ceatied. hereby give notice that six months f rom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estat of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deceasej, In the township of Superior, in said county, on the 13th day of December, and on the 14th day of March next, at 10 o'elock a. m., of each of said days, to receive. examine and adjust said claims. Dated, September 13, 188'i. LINUS HISCOCK, JAMES M MOOHE, Commissione ra PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescrlption of physlcian who has had a life Ion? experiencein treating teníale diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 Iadie8. Pleasant, safe, effectuaL. Ladies askyour druggist for Pennyroyal wafers and take do ubstltute, or incloae postaare for iealed particular. Soldby ll drurêist, 1 per box. Address THE EUBEEA. CHEMICAL CO.. Detroit. Bioi. %T Sold in ,Vnu Arbor by überbach L Son. fllCHIGAN (TeNTRAI The JViagara Folk (Route. Time Table, Not. 14, 1886. All trams run bv Ninetieth Merinitn, or Central Standard Time. u ui mi in. i j.é T .TATION-. d ,L _ X" Si . L 3 ïa ïo i. c o, o j_ ?& f. ?o, sflj a_ a. a.i. k. f. r. .ir. m. Jhicajto Iiv. 6.50 9.00 4.00 8.15 9J0 NIJob. 10.20 12,15 7.45 12.Ü8 1.ÏU Decatur 8.30 S.10 Lawtou 8.4B a. H. 2.27 Kalamazoo.r 1.42 fl.lftl .46 2(0 8.08 ftalestrarg 7.08 3a Battle Oreek... a.38 7.31 so sbo Marshall 8 07 7.S7 1.18 4.17 ilbion 3.3Ï H.SO 3.48 4.40 A, lackeoii Ar. 8.10 lacksou Lv. 3.14 4.16 9.16 4.46 5.3 .irassLake 3.83 9.38 5.47 Jhclsca 3.55 Í.S7 .08 Doxter 4.1ïj 10.12 Vftt Aun Arbor 4.33 5.S0 10.Ï5 4.35 6.03 ïpsllauti 4.60 5.45 10.45 00 ti 55 warne June... 5 15 6.05 11.05 6.S0 7.17 8priii(."-Hlls..., 5.50 .86 U.3B 50 T.oO Detroit Ar. .1)0 B.46 11.46 7.00 8.00 r.u. r. M. SI, Thomas Ar 11.10 10 45 8.40 A. H. Weiland 1.5 151 88 FaUsView i ' a 2Í Niágara Falta 2.22 I 2 33 .66 Susp. Bridge.. I 3.30 1 2 5( 7.10 Buffalo Ar I 3.851 I 8 56 8.10 OINS WMT. 1 ... I &t ax . ! Ja u ""■'" 1 si L si 1 1 f I f_ L[_ ?JtfL 94_ ífl_ A. X. r. . P. M. A. - A. M. A. X. Buffalo L. 7 05 11.30 00 11.35 1. H.l p. ■ Susp. Bridge I 12.31 i 12,35 Niágara Kalls lï.i 1S.53 Falto View i p. h. I.0S 8t. Thomas... 4 10 4.1O 1 15 4.45 Dotroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 9.15 Spriugwells.... 7.10 8.20 4.10 8.10 9 25 Wavne June... 7.40 .53 4.45 8.40 S 55 ípciluuti 8.01 10.13 5.12 9.0ó 10.21 Aun Arhor 8JS' 10.25 5.30 3.12 10 88 Dexter 8.351 5.52 9.55 Ohelsea 8.48 6 07 10.00 Orusa Uke._... 9 10 8.89 10.20 ..„.. r. . JackBon Ar. 10 55 Jackeon Lv. 9.35 11.48 7.07 12 03 Albion 12.Ï2 8.10 11.Í3 12.48 üiruliall 1.05 8.48 11.56 1.10 . A.H. Battle Ireek....! 1.J1 9.24 12.20 1.87 Qaltíbarg 9.57 12.4Ï Kalamazoo 1.58 10.Ü0 4.45 12.05 2.32 Lawton...p. M. 5.18 1.10 Dccatur_ 6.35 2.10 Siles 1.47 8.45 6.40 8.05 4.18 Chicago Ar 5.45 7.10 . 10.8&I ï.00 8 05 The New York Exprts, a fast tram leavea Chicago at 8.10 ir. the afternoon and makes the fol :owing stops, Mich'gan City, 5,17: Niles, 6.13; Kalimazoo".23; Battle Creek, 8.01; Jackson, 9.16 Ann Arbor, 9 45; Vpsilanti, 10.21; Springwells 11.05; arriving in Detroit at 111.5 P. M. The Chicago Express, a (ast train leaves Detroit at 1.30 p m. making the folowiug stops: Wayne Junction, 2.05; Ypsilanti, 2 20; Ann Ar bor, 2.82, Jackson, 3.32, Albion, 4.03; Marshall, 4 22, Battle Creek, 4.40; Kalamazoo, 5 15; Nlles, 6.32; Michigan City, 7.30; Chicago, 9.80. "Sunday excepted. i -íaturtlay & Sunday excepteo Daily. O. w. Rcoolcs, H. W. HAYES, q. P 1 A.. Óhienan AgL Ann Arbnr Detroit, Mackinac & Harqnette R. R. " MAOKINAW SHORT LINE." The only Direct Kou te liet ween the East and the Upper Península. of Michigan. WEST. TIME TABLE. EA8T. bead down I In effect June 21, 1886. bead vp. ta id I +p m I Leave] [Arrive ta m I p m 9:00 1 8:05 I Detroit 10 45 HOP tp.m ta.m p. m la. m. 10 30 6 50 lT....8t. Ignace 8 30 6 00 2 56 B 40 Seuey 5 15 1 138 70011240 Marquette2.... 2 15 j9 30 a. m. p.m. I p ra I p. m. 8 00 12 511 lv....Marquette. . ar 2 00 6 10 s 35 1 40 Naganee 1 25 5 82 8 50 155 Ishpeming .... 12 58 5 20 580 Houghton ... 9 20 5 50 1 Hancock .... !) 01 .. . 6 35 Calumet .... t8 15 Mixed train leaves St. Ignace at 7:00 a. m , arrivés at Marquette 5:30 p. m,; leaves Marquette at 7 00 a. m. arrrives St. Ignace 5:55 p. m. Connections- (1) Vla M. T. (Jo's boats with the Michigan Central and Grand Rápida L Indiana railroads and with the elegant sidewheel steamers of the Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation company for Detroit. Cleveland and all points in the east, southeast and south. The boats of this line leave St. Ignace Monday and Wednesday mornings, Thursday and Saturday nights. (1) With boat lines for Saulte Ste Marie, Chicago, Milwaukee and all shore points. (2) With M. H. & O. railroad for Houghton, Hancock, Calumet, etc , and points on Chicago and Northwestern railway. Standard- Central time. Daily. tDaily except Sunday. tDaily except Saturday. A. WATSON, E. W. Al.LEN Qen'l Suporintn t, Gen. l'ass. Ticket Ag't, Marquelte, Micli Marquette, Mich KlJP fl mrifl Aftar Fortr stut' nSfr AafÊ&ÊInnÊ xprinc i th I Hei S ITprtiunt.fDl0l ■ ia ammaÊmmm fhul Ob, HundM4 ■ VS ■ Thonannd pplloktions for punta ia ■ l] ■ th Ur.itcd Siste nd Foreign ooun■ ral trie?, tii publisher of th Scientiflo FMl Amrion continuo to ot ■ iohcitort I BBM 1 for pnUnti, otH. trd-mrki. copjLk, iorth Uniud Stkt, od (o obUIn palmu in Outdk, Eafljnd, Fraao. G.rranj-, ud 11 othr eauBtri. TUirxpti.noe il n.ciu.lid ud tlutr (MlltU t uw""" winfi and ipMifiMtlta pnparwl ad ñl4 in th PTnt Ofl ob ihart notlo.. Trau nn ruoDbl. Ma sharf for xuinitiaa of imiIi drwini. Adrio bj mail fn. Pattnti qbUind thronhMaDBOe.MBOU th Utt-Ht olrouUtlon tod il tb miMt influutjiil nwippr of iU kind pblliYJ in th world. Th adrantac f luoh a aotlo mrr paumta "nTlíi7 U?íín4njlndldlr illutoUd B.wippr i publiihïd WKKKIiT ai (3.00 a nar, and U admitMd to b th bMt papar 4TOtd to mechanicf. invantioai, n(inrinc worka, and othr d.uartmenti of inlutrial protrM. ublianed in anr country. It onUini th namaa i f fctf üvTïrftvt-to. t. p,i it. u Maná A Oo., publlih.n f Mntifto Abhíw. Ml Broadwar, n York. Handbook abmt malM ft.. g: WINTER VEHICLES ! Do you want a flrst-cUu pair of BOB SLEIGHS! Made of the very best tiinber, in which every tenant fllls the mortice perfectly , and Is palut ed before beiig driven together. Remember, il you are looking for sucha pair of bobs, that tney can be had at, MOSES BOGEK8, Ann Arbor, - Mioh. HENRY BINDER, DEALIR 1M DOMESTIC AIS IMPORTO GIGARS ALL KINDS OF SMOKER'S GOODS. Sa,D=Q-TDle Boom In oonnection, where can be found tlie Finest Grades of Importad Winbs, Liqüors, Champagnes, Ac, o. One Door South of Farmers anti Mechanica Bank, Ann Arbor. Tilla paper la krpt on flle KI th oIBce af ÍYERoSON Mdvertising #gents TIME3BUILD1NQ JjRflg PH1UDH.PHUL ESTIMATESKi2SêiW.S.FREE 't.V-AYER & SONS MAHUJM DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUQKON. Office and reidence ovar poetofflee, fint floor.


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