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DANGEBOÜB DRUGS. How to Control Effectually All 8ucn Horrible Habita. y,'i'( h ister, .X. ï. Post-Exprcm, A gentleman who hasipent the sunimer abroad. said to our reporter, that the thing that impressed him most of all was the munter of holidays one encounters abroad nnd the Httle auxiety the people display in llio oonduct of business affairs. ■■.Men boast here," ho said, "that they work for years without a flay off; in Europe that would be eonsideredacrime." ilr. H. II. Warner, who was present at tho time, said. "Tuis is the flrst summcr in years that I nave not spent on the water. Been too busy." "Then, 1 suppose you have been advertising extenslvely}" "Not at all. e have al ways herotofore closed our laboratory during July, August and September, but this summer we have kept it running day and night to supply the demand, wnlcn luis boen three times greater thun evor before in our history at ibis soason." "How do you account for this?" "The increase has come from the universal rteocmitibn Of the excellence of our jn-epara Hem. e hare been uunrly ten years before the public and tho salus "aru conttantlv ini whilo our newspaper advertising ís roiuiantiy dhninithmy. Why. high scien ad medical authorities, non publicly ded that .our Warner's safe cure is tlin unly scientilie sperific ÍOT kidney and liver diseases and forall the many diseases caused by thom." i "Have you evidence of this?" "Abundancel Only a few weoks ago Dr. J. L. Stephens, of Lebanon, Ohio, a Bpeciallst for the cure of narcotic, etc. habita told me that & number of eminent sciciitilic medical men had been experimentlng for years, testing and analyzing all IrtowD remedies for the kidneys and liver, for, as you inay be aware, the excessive use of all narcotics and stlmulants destroya those organs, and anti] they can tured to liualth the habits cannot be broken up! Among the investigfttors were suvh men as J. 11, Hall. II. i., President of the state Board of Iléalth of Iowa, Alexander jSeil, M. 1)., Professor of Surgery in the college of Physieians and Bnrgeons and president of the Academy of Medicine at Columbus. who, after exhaustivo inquhy, reported that thore was no remedy known to schools or to scientiflc inquiry eijuul to AVarner's safe cure!" "Are many persons addkted to the use of doadly druga?" "There are forty milHons of people in the world who use opium alono, and there are many huudreds of thousands in this country who are victims of morphine, opium, quinine and cocaïne. They think they have no such habit abont them - so many people are unconscious victims of these habits. They have puins aud ymptoms of what thoy cali malaria and other diseases, when Inreality it is the demund in the system for these terrible drugs, a demand that Is caused largely by physicians' prescriptions wnich contain so many dangerous drugs, and strong spirits, and one that must be r answered or silenced in the kidneys and liver by what Dr. Stephens says is the only kidney and liver ppecifle. He also says that moderate opium and other drug paters, if they sus;.ain the kidney and liver vigor with fhat reat remedy, can Keep up these habits in cnoderation." "Well does not this discovery give you a new revelation of the power of safe cure?" "No, sir: for years 1 have tried to convince tho public that nearly all the di&eanei jf the hnman system originato in some disorder of the kidneys or liver. and henee I nave logically declarad that if our speciflc were used, over ninety per cent. of these alimenta would disappear. The livor and kidneys seem to absorb these poisons from the blood aud become depraved and iliseased." "When these eminent authorities thus publicly admit that thero it no remedy like ours to enable the kidneys and liver to throw ofF the frightful eitects of all deadly drugs and excessive useoístimulants ït is an admission of its power as great as any one could desire; for if through its influence alone the opium, morphine, quinine, cocaine and liquor habits can be overeóme, what higher testimonial of its speciflc power could be asked tori "You really believe then, Mr. Warner, that the niaioi-ity of diseases come from. kidney and liver complaints. " "Ido! Vhen you see a person moping and groveling about, half .doad aud half nlive. year after yéar, you may surely put him down as havingsome kidney and liver trouble." "The other day I was talkiiii; with Dr. Fowler, tho eminent oculist of this city. wlio said that half the patients who came to him for ye treatmpnt wero affected hy advanced kidney disease. Now many people wonder wiiy inmiddle life theireye s-ight becoines so poor. A thorough course of treatment with Warner's safe cure is what they necd more than a pair öf eye glasses. 'l'he kidney poison in the blond always attacks the weakeit part of' the body ; with somo it effect-s the ;; with othors the head; with others tho stomacti or the luna or rtieumatic disorder tpllowa and nturalgia lertrs thom to or they lose the poicers of taxts, snu-ll or becomo impotent in other ftmetiOftt of the body. What man would iiot give his all to have tho vigor of you'th at command?" "The intelligent physician knowa tliat these complaints aro but symntoms: they are not the disonlur, and they nre Bymptoms not of diseaae of the head. tineve ex' ètpmaeh, or of virility, necessarily. but of the kidney poiion in the blood and thev m iv prevalí and no pain occurin the kidiic II is' not strange that tho enthusiusm which Mr. Warper displays in hú .'ippreciation of his owti remedy, whièh re stored him to health when the doctors said he could uot live six ïuonths, should becoine iufoctious and that the entire world should ]ay tribute to its power. For as Mr. Warner says, the sales are constantjy increasing, whilo the newspaper advertising is constantly dimlnihfng. This speaks volumes in praise of the extraordinary merits of preparatloiis. The rasin growors of California expet to make en avoivige of $400 an acre this year. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers fs easily appliod, and colors brown or black. The prompt use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will of ten prevent serious luug troubles. Thirty-four salt wells have been put down iíi U vnniing county, Now York. this year. ■ 'J_ How to Make Money. No matter in what part you are located, you should vrrlte to Hallett & Co'.. Portiiinil, Maine. and receive, freo, inforniation about work vou can do and live at home. at a profit of from Í") to $'J' and upwards daily. Süiue have made over íH'Jina day. All is new. Capital notnoeded; Hallett & Co. will start you; Ejtber sex: all ages. Thosu who uominence at once will make sure of snug little fortunes. Write and see for yoursolves. Baltimore people read by gas that costs ouly 50 cents per thousanq reet. "lama merchant and plauter," writes Mr. T. N. Humphrey, of Tenn , "aud it gives me great great pleasure to say that lor severe coughs and cold's AHen's Luug Bal.sam is tho best remedy now offered for sale. I have induced many to try it, with the best of resulta." Atdruggists. 25c, 50c. and íl.UO a bottlo. An unusually largo banana erop is reported from all part of Mexico. A Lady's TJnfortunate Experieice. TVas that of one of our acquaintancea who sull'eiod firom scrof illa, a ycllow complexión, and distre,a of the stoniiich. for 3-ears before using Dr. Harter'sironTonic, which finally cured her. About three tons of yarn are used overy year in the manufacture of baso balls. Sixtieth Year. The JWiV Compatiion celebrates this year its sixtioth anniversary. It might well be nauied the " Universal Companión," since its readers are found in 400,000 families. It is so wisely edited that its pages are as interosting to adultsas to the young people. Beaidea the best Bhort and Serial Stories it contains a great variety of popular and usetul information on Natural History. Science, Homo Arts, Games and Sports; and is fully illustrated. It COstS but $1.75 year, and a subscription sent now is creditod to January, 1888. The markets of Tacoma, Washington territory, are glutted with huekleborries. BECOWK'8 BaONOHIAL Tuoiii:s for Coughs andGold: "Tho only artlcle of the kind which ■■■ Unie me good service. I want nothim; letter."- llev. R. H. Craig, Otisville,'.N. V. iiold uyi'y 11 boxen. Bugar-caue has been successfully raised near San Luis Obispo, Cal., this season. If afflicted with sore eyes, use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eve Water. Druggists soll it. 25c. SEND THE ÑAMES and ADDRESSES OF YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST To th umlfirHlciieil, iui(I b will mail them a copy of Ilie B. i M. K. B. l'amplilet , torlpllve of the BROKEN BOA COUNTRY, toi iher ivith a laiuc in a p of JSebraska. P. S. EUSTIS, Ces'l Pau. and Ticket lgt. t. & H. E. l., OMAHA, NEB.


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