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City Locáis. Life Insurance at its Cost. The Southern Michigan Mutual Aasoiation of Union City, insures on all ges trom 20 to 75, thus giving you a hanoe to oarry insuranee on yourself and also on your aged relativee, if in ood health. After 30 days you are in uil membership. No waiting three or our years and then taking a pro rata hare. For f urther inforniatiou inquire f Mr. O. B. Swartz. agent, at the Goodrich House, or of A. Eisele, A. Qwinner, or Dr. J. Kapp. Atteud the Great Oloak Sale, oommenced November 22 and oontinued this week. uy Maok & Schmid. No suoh op portunity has ever been offered for the urobase of Ladies' and Ohildren's jloaks . If you wish to buy a Jacket, Vrap, Newmarket or Plush Saque, you o youreelf an injustioe if you don't inpect our stook. Glltteriug Gold Qnartz. Just as taken trom the Mines, in the locky Mountaius, made into beautiful ioarfpins, suitable for ladies and gentlenen. The noh and rare, as well as very jeautiful gold quartz settings used on hese Scarfpins, are mined and seleoted rom suoh famoug mines as the Bobtail line. Blakhawk, Colo., Warrior's Mark line, Gunnison, Colo., Rodariok Dhu line. Quartz Hill, Gilpin Co., Colo., and many others. The mountiugs on them are the best Gold Plate. They are made olidly and are exiremely showy. You an easily earn $2.00 to $5.00 a day by howing them to your friends and taking iheir orders. In order to introducé them, and our largo Catalogue of Mineral Cabiete, Christmas Noveltiee, Agate Goods, ndian Relies, etc, at onoe, we will send 'ou a sample Scarfpin, post paid, upon receipt of only 33c. 0 pins for f 1.25; 12 ins for 82.25, post-paid. These beauttul Gold Quartz Scarfpins will sell easily at 50c eaoh, and are well worth a dollar each. By baying a dozen at onoe, they oost you less than 19o eaoh, henee you will see at a alance how easily you can aake many dollars in your leisure hours. This ofFer is only good for a limited ïme, so order at once, and address your etters, H. H. Tam men, Mineralogist, No. 935 16th St, Denver, Colo. The cheapest place to buy fine Picure Frames is at Gibson's. Wanted to Loan- From $1 to $10,XX), on watcbes, diamonds, etc. Central -oan Office, Maaonic Temple Block, Ann Arbor. Set for yonr Picture at Gibson's and avoid the rush bef ore the hol i day e. Lost - On Main street, or between tf ain street and Union hotel, Nov. 21, an Amethyst Ring. Please return to the ;hird door north of the post-office. Eugene Gibney. Gibson's Photos are liner than ever. 3all and see them. VV'liat shall we give for Xmaa, is now the question. A Gold Headed Cane for Father, A Pair of Gold Speotacles for Mother, A Silk Umbrella for the Daughter, A Watch for tne Boy. C. Bliss & Son have an elegant line of all of them. J. D. Stimson & Son are still at their )ld stand, No. 5, Ann street, where they sell that famous 50c. Tea and the Mooha and Java Coffee that oan't be beat. Fob Sale.- Tno pairs of Blue Heron game f o wis, hatohe 1 let of June and warranted dead game . Inquire at this office. Eooh & Haller have received the finest me of Hat Raokn ever brought to Ann Arbor. They are on ezhibition at their store South Main street. For a First cl ass dish of Oysters go to 3. SchiappaoasBe's, Hnron street. Mixed Candy 12cts per pound; Uhoooate Cream drops, 20cts.; Gum drops lOots.; Stick Oandy löots.; at G. Schiap paoasse's . A fine assortment of Frenoh Candies, at G. Sohiappaoasse's, Huron street. Buy your Beer at the Central Bottling Work, corner Detroit and Catherine-sts. When in the city next week don't forget to cali on Doty & Feiner, who have just received on e of the largest and most complete stocks of Boots and Shoes for the fall rrade, ever brought to Ann Arbor. Sell oheap and the people will buy. All Goods warranted to give fair wear and satisfaotion, at Dotv & Finer's Boot and Shoe House. Fabm Fob Sale. The Albert Oase Farm of 140 acres, adjoining the village of Manchester, wil) be sold at a bargain. Long time given. Easy payments. The place is well watered and has good buildings. For full particulars inquire of Mrs. Ralph Whitïng, Ann Arbor, Mich. Loanino.- Money to loan on first-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Current raten of Interest Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalists desiring such investments. Every conveyanoe and transaction in abstracts of titles carefolly examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor Clatrvoint Phtsioian. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffy blook, opposite the postoi&ce, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found in his office at all hours. Not exactly a square thiiig - the "oartwheel"' giWer dollar. The Bloodthiiwty Anarchist.- Are foes to the health of our politioal ïnstitutioDs, but Ooughs and Colda are greater foes to bodily health. Van Wert's Bal aam will oertaiuly cure all Coughs. For Bale by John Moore. Van Wert's Pi lis are very mild in aotion. Van Werte Gulden Balm is agree able to ue. For ale by John Moore. A Cübk of Thboat Disease. - I was sick a year with enlargement of the heart and general debilitv, and during tbat time I had been under the oare of seven different doctora, After all had failed to help me I was oured by magnetio treatment, by Dr. N. H. Pieroe of Grinnell, Iow.i. I only took seven treatmenta and am now sound and well. I cheerfully give tbis testimonial and recommend her to otherg. Signed, Frank L. Blandford. The candidato is known by the election oigars he keep. Some of them are vüe. Home Rule Fob Iueland. - Is simply a question of time and it is only a question of time when a negleoted Gough will lead to oonsumption. We guaran lee tbat the timely administration of Van Wert's Balsam will stop any Oougb. For sale by John Moore. Samples free. Van Wert's Pilis are very thorough in operation. Van Wert's Ooiden Balm oures Oatarrh without irritation. For sale by John Morre. Seerns as if Hallowell, Me., would be a good looation for a telephone oompany. Dr. Buli's CoughSyrup is partionlarly reoommended for children. It oures ooughs, oolds, croup, sore throat, and whooping oougb. It is pleasant to the taste, and aotslike aoharm. 25 ots. Henry George says the time will come when no man will be allo wed toown land which he does not use. F rom that it will be only a step to the time when no man will be allowed to own anything whioh anybody else wants. "Jaok hall pipe and Qill shall dance" just as long out in the open barn as they please. The free bom American citizen don't fear neuralgia with Salvation Oil to the front. Frioe only 25 oents. For the distress and discomfort resulting from indigestión use Dr. Ruil' Baltimore Pilis and be relieved at onoe . Donotdelay. Price 26 oents. The quality of the sexos has been oonolusively demonstrated. Two girls have been expelled from a Maine collega for haz in t;. Tou can increase the flow of milk from 10 to 20 per cent by giving your eows Day's Horse Powder. People who want tbe earth, do not cry out to have it blown in their faoea by wind in a dry time. Constant orying induoed by oolio makes any baby cross; Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup relieves at onoe. Sweet as lilies' breath, Drexels Bell Cologne. Many a man who imagines that he is a big eleotnc light flnds out, to hls sorrow, that he is only a little tallow dip. Renbws Heb Yoüth.- Mrs. Phoebe Ohesley, Peterson. Clay Co. lowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of whioh is vouohed for by the residente of the town. "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; oould not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Eleotric Bitters tor having renewed my youtb, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 5üo. at Eberbaoh & Bon's Drug store. Professor in Astronomy: "Mr. J., can you teil me whioh oonstellation the sun will enter next?" "Oan't, sir." Professor: "Oorreot; the stellation of Can oer." A Captain1 Fortúnate Disoovert. - 3apt Coleman, sohr. Weymouth, playing jetween Atlantic Uity and N. Y., had ben troubled with a cough so tbat be was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Disoovery for Con■umption. It not only gave bim instant relie: , bat allayed tbe extreme sorenees n bis breast. His ohildren were simiarly affected and a single dose bad tbe saine happy effect. Dr. Kmg'a New Disoovery is now the standard remedy in he Coleman bousebold and on büard be sobooner. Free Trial bottles of this Standard Remedy at Kberbaoh 4 Son's Drug store. The New York Sun has an editor in congreso, aud an anarchist paper in that city has an editor in jail, Neither paper M bragging about it. Bgoklbn's Árnica Salve.- The best in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, (ever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ohilblains, corns, and all skin eruptionu, and poeitively cures Piles or no pay required. It is uaranted to give perfect satinfaction, or mouey reftinded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For snle by Eberbach & Bon. A correspondent asks: "Is it wrong a oheat a lawyer?" First o beat the lawyer and we will ansvrer the oonundrum. MRS. N. H. PIERCE. MAGNETIC HEALER, Cures Without Medicine. ChroDic Cases a Speclalty, Acute cases yield at once. Will answer calis. Business bours: 9 a. m. u 6 p. m. 89 Pontiac Street, Sth Ward, Ana rlxir, Mich. TDRKEYSANDCHICKENS! 8HEEP AND LAMBS, FOR SALE. Delivered to Private Besidences in all paits of the oity. JOHN HUDDY. Fred. Brown ! At Ciabsbns Old Place. m m ! Ijcl"u_oxs and Oigars. HOT SODP EYERY UI WM. THEISEN, Merchant Tailor ! Has the flnest line of CLOTHS In tbe city frem which to make selectlons. Gamienta cut and made to order. Only flrstclaas vork turned out. Satisfactlonguaranteed, Next to Ann Arbor Savings Bank, On Hdbon Stbbet West. C. W. VOGEL, Propriktor, Late of Obeloea, M THOMAS MATTHEWS' OLD STAND On Ann Street. aniS AND SALT KXATS KXPT ON HAND


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