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wpiyiEN N-tl(:i iMinvcd trSBCthf Or wlto nuffi-r from IiillriuUk'M pMaUar to lUtlr Mi, khould try ÈHïB M" BE5TT0NIC. This medicino oomtrinM Jxoa with poro vegetable tonlc. and ia invaluahlu fur Difwa&es peculiar to V o in ff il and all who load weduntary live, It Enrlchea and I'iirifie tho lïloml, Stimuluteis the Appttitr. Strengt lu-ti tho MiiBclea and NffTM in 1 . tlnrouKliIy J nvitfcirii tcw. Clears the complexión, andmakestheBkin Bmooth. It aoei not hlacken the toeth, cause headache, or produce conatipation- all other Iron medicine $ do. Mrs. .T. W. Holt. 8t. Charlen, Mich., saya: "I used Brown'a Iron lüittTH for fem.tlo vreakneuwfth reat benent,andchirfullyr(jcniiiiiiundittolikeBufferiir8.'t Mes. S . A. Oorkt, LandDff, Mich..8ayn: " I have been trouhled with weaknesses peculiar to ffmaloe for years, but found no permnnt relief until I usod Brnwn'B Iron Bitter, whichhaecompletelycurediue." Genuine has above Mark and croüecd red linei on wrapper. Takt no utlicr. Made only by IMtOWN CHEMICAL CO., HALTlUOltK, M. Have hc" hearttly enjoyed by the citlzeiu of nearly Qvery iuwii and city in the United Ststeo. Marvel ou s ('ure: have hcca performed, and witneseeil by thooBands of people, who can (estify to Hamïin's W izard Oil. IT BAS N) IQDAL FOB XBX COKE OF RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA.TOOTHACHE. EARACHE. HEADACHE. CATARliH. CROUP. SORE THROAT, LAME BACK.CONTRACTED COROS. STIFF JOINTS. SPRAINS. BRUISES. BURNS. And Many Other Pains Causcd by Accident or Disease. lt ïh H.-if'' a nrork finicklyand gives universal satishictioii. Forualeby dniiigiBte. Price.50c. OmfiongBook malled f ree toer rybody. Adriross WI7'RD 0!L OOWPA'IY. CHirïAGO. EfTONIC mA V 11] purify tho Bl-OOD rejitulato HH the L1VER ami KIDNEYSitnd F M RESTOBE thoHEAITHanriVIG■k ' -„ L of Appetite, imlivrt-st ion.I.iick of ÖtronBth and Tired FpulinKsby- L Bolutely cured: Bones, musJff . c'ed nn n erres rrceivo new l forie. Knlivens the mind B. andsap;lis Urn in Power. _ - - Stifferinii from complninls 1 A nlfQ hmwiII find iMUlfaO in DR. HABTER'S IRON TONICftHafe nnd sneedy cnr. Otvesaolear, heal"ipleiion. Frequent tjttemit-i ai rounii rfeitUK only ndd to the popularily of the nririniil. Do totoxperiment- tt the Orioinal and Bkbt, 4 Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS W flCure Conatlpation.Liver Comnlaint and Sick ■ illcidache. Sample Poso and Dream BookB 1 malled on reccipt o f two cents i n postase, j THE GltAND IIATMDS IIKKD Holstein-Friesians. j " - Alout 100 niïAD of both sexes and all agcg. Sevcral Head of BULLS READY for SERVICE Up to two ye.irs old, Choice Cows and Ucifer? bred to my prize scn'ice bulls Prins Midlum and Jonge Carré, Who have no superiors. A spreiaky of young pairs not -ikin for foundation stock. Every Ilead KeffistTid and Guaran t eed Pure-Bred. WriLefor Catalogue and prices, and state age and sex desired, or come and sec the herd. M. L. 9WEET, Breeder nnd Importcr, [MEïmoNTHisi-ArEK.J Grand Kupids, Mich. ELY'S CatASDU CREAM BALkShSii whena!pliiil Into th.BT PRwJ.' ?■ %T riüil virus. i:Mi-!MïMLS?'fT7Öij "Ur. I liiMlthy 8 in'tiun. ItBSsSi-Cn" . nFifll lrotpi't'-tlii.iiiiMii!,niiMWAvrrVPDlnl u S M ,,f i-.u-.-il ;■,-, F nArH.VfcKg.:e cf t rom additional inlii-i iy ■& tfrS i'Kinpli.'U'ly lie;il I li Bu 3'Tfi !.I■(■s ii il ri'-tures the Bf N%.ËH SODM ii[ !;ll ÍIT1I H y 'Vfi ' ■■ Snnfr H _Q05op3H A Quick Re-ICTÍS-l A partiële is,,l:,.,i intoeaoli nntrllan(l t nereeSSJft'S "■'' ' '"■■■ ets., t,v rajU pr Kt rtrupiiisU, OwcgoN.''vCU 'r' ELY BUivniKliS. Dn-tuistS. i nn nnn söld in onëday IUU.UUU n New York City. utlii'iil Medal "i.'in'rty RnllKhtenloK the World," Btatue i'iu' i,i'. H:irtln,lh IledalUon n tfie referse; flnesl Medal ever old. Blze of sn.vER notPatented by American Cummlttes !t:ul M. Barltaoldl. Malled to any addresa on reteiptof SB .i'.:. ra ir.i.'i Boyi and other. Status u i.iukhtv .m'i-c Co., mj Beekman S;.. New York. jn. HBW UÍTHJÍTIOlf! " tXConisof Boeoh have been Sa wed by oneman inOliours. Hundredi h tvo s&wed ." . 6 contedally. "Exaetly" whatevrry Farmer and Wood 'hopp.T wanta. i'trst ord from your ". ic-i n 1 secures tlio Agency. Iliustrated Cal idSreM 101.li1.1r aiu Mm 1,1 u,; CV., U R mm! M., liUnfo. IM. ■ I& fè& ÏÏD IN NORTHERN k% M J5 wiscohsin. MM BI tUf 500,000 ACRES ■HS BI of Choice Uatdwuod FarmL" ■■ inji l.itft N t r S:i.e :,r f.', 01 au acre jtime. KXÏBAOKDINART imlueo. menu offered o nimiTiis ur t'YCI.O.XES! Knll Partlcnlara. wKU ood Map. VSCEB. AddreM ' fol.liY, I.anii toni. Hb,Ceitnl K. 1., lilmÚM, Wis. Plao's nsuxtóy for Catarrli Is the I B But, Easiest to Use, and Chenpeot. B ■ H Alm rood fbr CoKl In the Head, I I Eadache, Ilay I'ever. Ao. Sü ceuls. I ITTsT H mTc üREdTI ■A Gorman Athinn fure m-ver nu (o piieB ' m nnmciiiu ríiií i. '.'om-I forttM tieop; effecM curvn vh:re ai) ether ■ tünce rto-r i ."r et. atidB 1.(), ol Drnul Swnpla FKKK f.rB stamp. IHi. ie. SilllfrVMAX. Si. 1'nui, Mlnn.J f SQOYouiikMcm aml I.:uïïcs f f. v L ntteml the Dktroit JS " x""" BDSIHl -- I' M V I ltHITY, f ,& fLf7s&? fsnvXx%-AX- Mlch., and preI A {OZrU pare fof paylng (Ktfltlonf. Lwtff3l cuiliri.' in the West. KU-fuutcataUigue free. ■ ■MnDHIN-OPIUM Iï:iït Païnlo.inly lBlliFn3n( 11 1 at H. ,. ■■. Tn'ütmiMii RPBniSl fnnt "■■ i'inl uirl Mi i' ■■w tintil ynu n r iitMictitixt. Tcirns l.uw. B H 9 IJf tiiunii' ICitufily i., Ijüt'jiyi'dc, I ml. YañtíogooTYan cnorgetic workcr; Ijtisinessln hiaspt'lion. Salary $7Cl Beiereiu'i-s. aip. r. ü. .;■-,■. i ,' n m-l.'y st.. N. Y pa n ■ on James Klver, Va., m rinremont r Dn Iwl N "1 "v. lllustrnleA Circular Free. rHIIIIIO.I. f AMIIA riarenml.Vi. KIPPER 8 PAOTÜ55BS.ISS: AIIIDM nn.l Morplilin' lliiMt ('iircl in lOto IPlIlifl Rd.'nv ■. i: '' ": ntiwits curad lll IURe inUlpMta. Dr. Marsh. auincy.Mich. VIBfTVI i FARM8I Mild Ollmate! Chenn HlfUliilA Homes! Northern Colony! lila trated circular lri A.O. IÏI.I. ('cntralia. Va. D1TPMTP F. A. I,KIIM. XX. Solicitör U I rni I Patentó, WASHINGTON, f I Lll I O D.C, gend for Circular. ál B? to $8 a day SamplM worth ji.m fkrr. LinM Tk n"t un.T.T f.Tt. Brewster VWSafoty Rein Holder Co., Holly, Mich. W.N.U. V-4-?9__ HnIM Morpllliie HaUl CUf 1U 1 OPIUM i&ssBf&gsgr


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