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The Japanese Government Paper Mill

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is manufacturing pocket handkerohiefn and clothmg of paper pulp containiug a mixture of linen threads- Soientiric American. Queen Victoria has ordered a glass te set from the Wount Washington glass works of New Bedford. A Boston tea set would have been more historically fitting for her. A good word for the Salvationists: Mr. Spurgeon saya of the salvation army : " If ït were wiped out of London 5,000 extra pohoemen oould not fill its plaoe in the repreasion of orime and disorder." London should pull down the blinda. No sooner is the disgusting Dilke soandal sprinkled w ith chloride of lime than another dose of naatinees is uncovered m the persons of Lord and Lady Campbell. The perfume of the Alpine flower, the edelweiss, whioli is delioious when fresh, has been oompared to the aroma of the tropical banana. The soent rarely lasts over an hour after the flower has been picked. The typewriter dates from 1714, when one Henry Mili obtained in England a patent for a device to "write in printed charaoters, one at a time and one after another," but it was not until 1867 that it was improved so that it would work satisfaotorily . Lansing Republican: The convicta in the Detroit House of Correotion had a roast turkey and minee pie ban que t on Thanksgiving, followed by a magie lanteru show. Poor and honesi laboring men outaide of jail didn't. Be a oriminal if you want to be happy. i A distinguished physician, in e, üerman scientific journal, advocates the general use of sugar as an article of diet. He affirma that during forty years he has eaten at least a quarter of a pound of sugar daily, not counting sugar-forming sulistansea taken at the same time, with benefit. The snm of $2,876 has been turned over to the Charleston earthquake sufferers, as the net result of Miss Mary Anderson's performances in Dublin,f"r their benefit. Mary Anderson's father, a confedérate offieer, is buried in Magnolia cemetery, in that city. Her gift has, therefore, its meaning. Secretary Manning in his report gives the advocates of a war tariff m time of peace something to tliink of. Hig suggestion that the United States are prosperous and harmonious with unrestricted trade among themselves, wliile the states of Europe,each surrounded by tariö barriera against every other one, are not, is fllled with food for meditation. As evidenoe of the truth of thaaasertion that niany young Mormon children are taught the act of perjury from the time they begin to talk. a Salt Lake gentleman who ia familiar with the facts, says that he knows of a litt.e boy ly two yeare old, who, on being asked; wbat he would say if the deputies oame, answered, " I would say my papa daad." The corn erop of this country t'iis year isHaidtobe 1.650,000,000 bushcls. The game authority gives the consumption as more than thie, namely : lS0,000,(Xi0 bushels nsedin human food, 624,000,000. for working animáis. 20,000,000 for seed, 100,000,000 for the prodnctiön ot spirits and glucose, 65,000,000 for export and 900,000,-. 000 for the food of meat producing &üi: mals. The most important gathering óf the age is the general conference of all antimonopoly and reform parties and organizations to be held in Cincinnati on the 22d day of next February. This eootereuce or cotiventiou, will shape the politioal history of the United States for the next twenty years. It is none too soon to take steps' for being well represented there. - Anti-Monopely. The millers of Minneapolis are discussing a stupendous scheme to obnaoliflate all the milis under one management. It is a matter that has ueeu talked of for gome time. If the oombination was formed the company would have a oapital of f 10,000,000. All the milis except the Washburn milis- whioh under the will of the late Governor Washbum cannot become a party to.such au organization - would be taken in. - Jaokson Trihune. It is said that the syndicate that recontly puroliased the Michigan & Uhio, proposes to have an iudepeiideat line from Dundee to Toledo, as that road now pays a handsome sum to the Ann Arbor. road for the use of its track between these two points. This syndicate also intends puahing the Michigan . & Ohio to the Straits, so as to ship grain and other products at Duluth diject over their own continuous line to this city, and thënce to the East.- Toledo; Bee. A memoer of the Geológica!. Survey naya that Salt Lake will be of great value' in the near future, not only on account of the cominon sált it will. produce, but. also for the podium sulphate it contains . Tl. e latter is separated in a floofculent ■ precipítate by the oold weather of midwinter; and anriually thfown up on' thé shorein enormous . quuntities. There are many other lakes in the far JVest wjience an inexhaustible supply of commercial alkalies may be obtained at a small cost. Mono Lake, ü ni., alone being estimated to hold over 78,000,000 tong of sodium carbonate. A child was recently born at the Emergency Hospital, New York City, without a mouth. The pbyeician made an incisión, nutting through the flesh and a tough membrane which oonneoted the upper and lower jaws. Plugs 'of pressed cotton were then put between the jaw boneB to prevent them from umtingui healing. The appearanoe of .the mouth is now quite natural. There 'will be but little lip, and the mouth when closed will look hke a heavy soar. It is thought that the palate and tongue will develop and be nearly normal by the time the child is full grown, and an effort will be made to turn the flesh so that the hps will appear red. "Not orly the men who wore epaulettes on their ehoulderB, but men who marched in the private ranks; every man who íired a shot for liberty, every man who enhsted in the war, red war with its heil of Buffering, pain and disèase, to keep on the map of earth this homestead of liberty, are your creditors aud min_e until the end of all the yeam to come . And whenwe meet óne of these men who maythave left a leg at Shiloh; or lost an arm while planting a flagen Loókbiit Moijntain, or whose eyea went out in the fíame and smoke of thé" Wildemess, we oaffbt to stop and think of the débt we owe - a debt that never can be paid in money." - [Speech of Geo. L. Yaple Some Michigan papers are advooatiug the passage of a law by the Legislature to prohibit the use of .stoves in railroad care. They cite the recent case of cars being set on fire on the Chicago & St. Paul road in an accident, roastihg several persons alive; and they propose steam pipes to warm the oare supplied with steam from the engine. The Legislature wjll, no doubt, wisely go slow on guch schemes. There is lees danger of being burned by stoves than there might be of being parboiled by steam in oase of an accident. Besides, if the cars .of the Chicago & St. Paul rond iiad beeu sup plied with axes, and buckets, so that the passengere coüld release those held 'dowf in the wreek an1 put water on the fire, nobody need have been roasted.- Lansing Republican. Employer - "I don't see what you are kicking about anyhow?" Employé- ' 'The trouble is right here. In good times you bag all the profits, and in bard times you sack all the help." "dambo," says Pat, "give us a song.' "I oan't sing, massa," replies Sambo. "Oan't sing, is it?" responda Pat; "thin why is your leg stuck in the middle o: your fut, like a bird, if you can't sing?"


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