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JWighiganCTentrai The JViagara Falk (Route. Timb Tablb, Nov. 14, 1886. All cralns run by N'inetieth MerU'lan, or Central Standard Time. GOINO BA. btatiohs. g ïl -sa " II I f_H gl la Ig a_ A.H. . M. F.M F.Ï.IP.Ï Jhicaso... Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.40 8 15 9.10 Nilee 10.20 12.15 8.18 11.13 12.56 lecatur_ 8 68 2 10 Lawtou 9.18 a.m. 1.4Ï Kalamazoo.. . 1.60 U.37 6.45 12 33 2.3 Saleaburg 7.03 2 68 Battle Créele... i.27 7.31 1 30 3.20 Siarshall 8.10 T.67 1 68 4 06 Mbion - 8-82 8.20 S.23 3.48 a, u. lack8on.....Ar. 8.10 lackson Lv. 8.14 4.23 9.11 ; 8.15 4.50 iraHsLake 8.48 9.38 o 18 Jhelsea 8.56 9.i8 6.85 Dexter 4.12 10.07 6 50 A.nnArbor 4.83 5.80 10.25 4.35 6.0-1 rpMlantl 4.60 5.45 10.J0 4 52 6 24 iVayne June... 5 15 6.05 11.1.3 5.15 6.4 Sprlngvelte.... 5.50 B.&5 11.86 5 50 7 20 Ueiruit Ar. 6.00 6.46 11.45 6.00 7.8 1 St. Thomas Ar 11.10 ' 9 50 8.80 Weiland Ai.53 12 44 6 06 Falls View 1 19 Niágara Falls 2 22 1 23 6.85 Susp. Bridge.. 2.30 1 84 6.50 Burfalo Ar U 2 45 7.50 GO1NG WX8T. ■ te . S ï SS Si 8TAT!OHi. d ,LL„■ gg 2 99 P O tuB W L A. M. F. M. P. K. "A. A. . A. V. Buffalo L. 1130 10 00 11.35 A. M. P. M Susp. Bridge.. 12.80 12,8 Niágara Falla 12.40 12.56 FalU View p. H. 1.05 St. Thomas... 4.10 1 10 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.01) 8.00 9.15 Springwella.... 7.10 9.20 4.10 8.10 9 25 va.ïib Juut... 7.41' 9.53 4.45 8.87 9 55 ipuilantL. 8.01 10 12 5.12 8.68 10.21 Aun Arbor 8.J61 0.26 5.80 0.12 10 38 Dexter 8.851 5.50 9.84 Chelsoa. 8.48 6 06 9.52 Orai Lake._... 9.10 6.27 10.15 P. . Jackeon Ar. 10 53 Jackeon....Lv. 9.85 11.89 7.10 12 08 Albion 12.10 7 53 11.11 12.46 .i ..rshall 12 30 8.40 11.52 1.10 A.M Battlu Orcek.... l.IÏ 8 52 12.12 1.87 Un!eebur; 9 25 IÍ.5 Kalamazoo...... 1.50 9.46 4.45 1.40 2.82 L;wton...p. M. 5.18 1.47 Decatur. 6.35 2.12 Siles 1.40 8.22 . 6.40 8.03 4.13 Chicago Ar 5.15 6.40 ...... 10.80 1 00 8 05 The New York Expros, a fast tram leaves Chicago at 3. 10 In the af ternoon and makes the f olowing stops, Mich'gan City, 4,55: Ntles, 6.49; Kalamazoott.fS; Battle Creek, 7.83; Jackson, 8.49 Ana Arbor, 9 45; Vpsllanti, 9.5C; Sprlngwells, 10.85: arrivinginÓetroit at 10.45 P M. The Chicago Express, a (ast train leaves Detroit at 1.30 p ra. ma!dng the folowing stops: Wayne Juncfioa, .0f: Ypsilantl, 'i 20; Ann Ar bor, i 82, Jaokson, 8.82, Albion, 4.03; Marshall, 4 22, Battle Creek, 4.40 ; Kalamazoo, 5 15; Mies, 6.82; M!chigan City, 7.80; Chicago, 9.80. 'ounday excepted. JSaturday tíunday excepten fDaily, O. w. Rooolbs, H. W. HAYES, 9. P V A., (hieaao. AgL Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Kailiray. Time table goinz into effect Sunday Nov. S8th 1888. Uoing North. i Going öouth. STATIONS. 6. 4 2 1 . 3. 8 Pass Ex. M ai) Standard Time. Pass Ex. Mail p. m. p. m. a. m. L've.l Arr.l a. m p. m. p. m. 101 8 i5 5 15: TOLEDO. 9 50 180 1180 7 42 4 00 6 05 Monroe Junct'n 8 4b 12 in 31 8 03 4 10 6 15 Dundee 8 32 li 82 10 42 8 14 isi 6 3 Milan 8 W 12 13 K) 00 9 40 4 52 7 00 Pittsfleld 7 871143 9 4C 10 03 5 10 7 18 AN ARBOR 7 11118' 980 10 30 5 8 7 30i Lelands's 6 45 1113 9 10 p. M. 5 45 7 4s Whitmore Lake a. m. 10 Si 8 68 5 58 7 55 Hamburg 10 .V! 8 6 6 28 8 30 Howell 10 30 815 7 80 910 Durand 9 80 7Ï0 7 4 9 52 Corunna 9 08 6 88 7 551001 Owosso 900 6 38 9 l-ïll 83 Itliaca 7 4K 5 15 9 tf.1145 St. Louis 7 7 4 5T 9 H 11 51 Alma 7 30 4 B0 1 1 30JI2 45 Mt. Pleasant 6 8i 4 00 P. H. I". M. A. M. A. H. All passenger trains run daily Sunday. Triüns run on the South Lyon Dranch leave Anu Ariior at 10:03 p. m.,Leland's at 10:3), Worden 'a at 10:40, and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. ra. : leave South Lyon at 6:30 a. in., orden's at 6:10, Leland's at 6:15 and arrive at Ann Arbor at 7:13 a. m. Oounectlons at Toledo with railroads divergIng. At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling-tf CakeErle ■{ R t Alexis Junction with M C. R. K. L. 8. R'y, and F. & P. M. K. B. At Monrot Junction with L. S. & M. 8. R'y. At Dundee, with L. 3. & M. 8.. and M. & O. R'y. At Milan with W.. Ut I, 4P R'y At Pittsfleld with L. S. & M. 8. R'y., at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R . and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing Northern R. R., and G. T. Ry. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNETT, Oen. Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agt. Detroit, Mackinac & 31 arque t te R. R. " MAOKINAW SHORT LINE." The onlv direct Route Between the East and the Upper Península o( Michigan. WEST. TIME TABLK. EAST. REAii down In effecc Nov. 14. 1886 read op. I tp ra I Leave] I Arrive Itaml 6:10 ... ..Detroit 11 10 tam ta.ra p. m ia. m. 7 00 50 lv 8t. Ignace 8 80 5 5 IS 10 40 Seney 5 U 12 15 68D Uit Marquette2.... 2 15 1 17 00 a. m. p. m p m p. m. V2 ü'i lv....Marquette. .ar 00 1 41 Naganee 1 25 155 Ishiimning 18 68 S 30 Houghton ... 9 21 5 5) Haaouck .... 01 6 35 Calumet .... t8 15 CON--BOTION8- (1) Via M. T. Oo's boats with the Michigan Central and Grand Rapid & Indiana railroad. (2) With M. H & O. rallroad for Houghton, Hancock. Calumet, etc , and pointe on Chicago and Northwestern railway. Standard- Central time. ♦Daily, -t Daily except Sunday. A. WATSON, E. W. ALLEN Qen'l Suporintn t. Gen. Pass. Ticket Ag't, Marquette, Mich. Marquette, Mich MRS. N. H. PIERCE. MAGNETIO HEALER, Cure Without Medicine. Chronic Cases a Specialty. Acute cases yield at once. Wlllanswer cali. Budines hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 8V Poatiac Street, gtb Ward, Ana .rbor, Xlch. JOHN WOTZKE! TH M Bont and Shoe Maker. A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED The Only In Ann Arborthat Manufacturas lts Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALL ANO SEE SAMPLES. OVER JNO. BURC'S. No. 43 South Main Street. NoSideShow X) CD -L- H v ■+- flR - - -2 - CD 9 Jj5 4. A. TZ EBT, o 7. HAT8 - ai AKBoa, - TheLatestShapes BURCHFIELD'S I the place to Order Your Suits ! The stock Is complete and you w 11 be utoainhea at our prices. You don't need to buy ready-mde clothlng lf you will but come and see our goods. Bring on your cloth lf you want It made up. Repairing, Cleaning and Dyeing. Rememberthe place, No. IO last Huron Street, four doers west of the Cook House. FINE GROCERIES ! I have, at my (tor on Ann Street, Sugare, (Toffee, Prunes, Raieins, Citrón, Sy rups, t'inost N. O. Molaues Ohoioe Roll Butter, The Freshest E'jjs, Apples, Nuta and Pop Oorn THE FINEST TEA IMPORTED TURBER'S Celebrated Pomajo Coffee and l-o. 8 Cigsrs. I sell f or Cash or to responsible partta on rasonable time, JNO. W. MAYNARD, Ank Street, - Ann Abbor, Mich NEW GROCERY HOUSE STIMSON BROS. Proprietors. E-verythlnir in Stook ia TVew and Frexh. A Full Line of Dry and Wet Crocerles; also Fine Assortment of Crockery. Remember the Mace, No. 9 North Main St. Ann Arbor, Michigan. PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MATTHEWS ! Ann Arbor, Mich. All nppllcations properly made. Thousand of dollar have been logt becauae application were not oorreotly made. No charges unlen uo cegsfui TAKETHEA.A.DEMOCRAT


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