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Cleanses the scalp, and leaves the hair soft and beautiful. If you have any form of throat or lung disease, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A Red Butte. Wy., correspondent says these are blue times for the cattle men. Frices are down, feed is scarce, a hare winter is feared, and the cattle are in bac condition to meet it, being thin and poor During the war, Dr. Lloyd of Ohio, from exposure contracted consumption. He says: "I lmve no hesitation in saying that it was by the ue of Allen's Lung Balsam that I am now alive and enjoying perfect health." Don't experiment with new and untried medicines. If you have a cough or cold, take at once Allen's Lung Balsam. ' Gov. Robinson of Massachusetts is an active rnember of a swell Boston tobog gunning club. For Tiikoat Diseases, Coughs, Colds eet., effectual relief is found in the use o "Browx s Brüxchial Troches." Price25 cents. The official investigations made in Prus sia relative to the causes of : mine explo sions show, among other things, that many explosiona attributed to fire damp, or outbursts of gas, are really due to the fine coal dust in mines. "One Nail Drivea Out Another." is a Freneh saying that finds exempliflca tion in the way one disease will substituto it-elf for another and graver one, in very many cases. Liver disease for instanci will 'soon induce blood disorders, throat ailments, skin affections and eventually beeause of impoverished blood, consumption itself, unless, indeed, it be treated in its incipiency aud early progres3 by Dr Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery' which acts as a specitic in these ailments, aecomplishing a rapid cure by its powerful alterativo action upon the great or gans of the body. The income of Mme Patti from her pres ent six months' tour iu this country wil be f 150,000 Young or middle-aged men, suffering from nervous debility and kindred weuk nesses, should send ten cents in stampsfor large treatise giving successful treatment World's Dispensary Medical Assoclation Buffalo, N. Y. Jesse Grant is in San Francisco and Ulysses is nttending to the interests of his wife's estáte iu Mexico. Tour Friends Will Hever Teil Yon, but perhaps somebody, wlio isn't your friend, wilt, that your presence is rendered offensive by the toni, fetid smell of your breath. Every word you utter, though it be the very echo of wisdom and poetry, disgusts your hearers, and your laugh is Ïiroductive of anything butmirth to tnem. t is a duty you owe, not only to yourself, but to society to remove this cause of offense. Dr. Suge's Catnrrh Remedy will heal the diseased mucous membrane, will bring relief to yourself and others. Do not hesitate to employ it. When Emperor William wants to shoot a deer he sits in his carriage and has the deer driven within easy range Men look Bloyenly with mn-oTer heels. I-yon'i Heel StifTcners liecp boots strttigin; Ko, a pair. The Chief Signal offleer has decided to establihh a station in Alaska. During a smart suow storm at Modoc, Cal., a rancher was in town trying to sell load of watermelons. PATEHTS obtninetl by Tjouia Iiacyer & Co., At toroeyo, Wuahiuatou.D.C. Eat'J 1&64. Advici free. A woman of l.ewiston, Me., who isa torekeeper. while talking with a customer crunipled a ílo bilí in her hand. ïhen she forgot what it was and tossed the little wad into the flre. She remembered it when her cash that night was $10 short. Many people's remarks are irrelevant, but íf you' ve got a pain or ache or a bruise, balvatiou Gil will reach the subject instantly. Price 25 ets. A youne lady s tlriving a cab in Berlín. She asks thriou the ordinary f are, because she sits by the side of her employer while she drives him. Francis Darnell and his 17-year-old son visited ürirtin, Ga., the other day, nd crowds folio wed them. The father is 4 feet 4 inches tall and the son 3 feet 1 inch. An unknown lnnatio was captured recently by offlcen at Springfleld, Ky. His iaroxysms of violence ouly come on when ie hears some one inquirenis name. A big gopher snake was killed recently atDaytona. Fia., in wliose stomach was 'ound a thrte-foot rattlesnake, still alive. The gopher was over six feet in length. British Guiana is making large shipments of gold to Englnnd, aud the prospecta are the Bhípmenta will rival in valué the great exports of sugar, molasses and rum. Although we have heurd persons remark- "it is worth itsweigbt in gold" - still Dr. Bull's 'Cougb Syrup s to be had at all Urug stores for tho small price of 25 cents a bottle An o ra n ge tree over -100 years old, in ths orangeries of Versátiles, was ürst planted by Elanora de Castillo, the wife of Charles III. A MiracnlovsE3cape f rom the Grave. I have been in poor health with a diseased stomaeh nnd liver, causing a cankered niouth contiuually for ten years. I kept about my house uiitil a year ago last June. For three years prior to that time I had a Bekere pain in the región of my heart, at times seeming past endurance. It affecttd my shoulder, toon all strength from my arm; could get no relief only by poultioing. My stomacb lieinp: so diseased, my food caused me great distress. My age also seemed to be in the way of my recovery, and not the least of mv siokness. I employed the very best medical assistance I could get while in Caro, this state, but little encouragement could I get. Was moved to Vassar Oct. 1, 185, on a bed, giving me e very ten minutes a teaspoonful of brandy and ioe witli only a teaspoonfiil of nourishment at a time. Í commenced bloating oon after arriving here, every appearance of dropsy. We called our Caro physlcian to come here, and he said my condition was worse than when in (Jaro. On the 27th day of May last we called a coundl or doctora from Vassar, "three in number." All of them pronounced my case incurable. I had with the rest inflammation of the howels, and I lay almost lifele-s. and one of tha leading physicians said if I could be restored to a sane mind again it would be all my husband might expeet, and anything that would soothe me was all that coula be done. My husband got me some medicine at Johnson & VVilliamson's, druggists at "assar. and commeneed giving it to me, ana in three weeks1 time they began to put me in an easy chair, "for a short time each day," at which time I had no use of my lower limbs aud my back was numb: it. was a little more than two months before 1 could walk without crntches. 1 am now a well woman, have walked one and a half miles wifchin a month. can eat all kinds of food and enjoy it, have gained from S2 poands, since last May, to 116 now, could say more of sickness, putdelicacy prevents. I want to sav to my friendn that Hibbard's Hheumatio Syrup and i'lusteis aie the medicines that cured me. i used four piasters with the first five bottles; have used ten bottles in all and am well. If any one who reads this has ahy donbt ag to the nuthenticity of my statement, it will afford me pleasure to refer them to my neighbors all aliout here, as they are all astonished at my recovery. It ís a great family remedy. Very truly, Mits. Chèster Oaob. Vasbah. Mich., O=t. 11, 1S86. This is to certify that I have known MtFJ. Gage since she came to Vassar. and know the facts set forthin her statement above tobe true. Verv truly. GïïO. K. WlLLlAMSON, Of the firra of Johnson & Williamson, druggists, Vassar, Mich. J. K. Delbride, Condactir en the Chicago Se West Michigan Kailroad, Bccomss Heir to a Large Fortune. I have suffered more than liMigizage can expre-s with soiatic rheumatism for twelve years. and have expended hundreds oí dollars for meilÍL'iiies. I have never found anything that hiis dnne me as much good as Hibbard's KIn-urn:, t ie Syrup and piasters. They re truly n rheumatic speciflc, and I take great pleasure in recommending them to my blenda. Vours truly, J. K. Dei.bridoe. 2S.PleaaDt street, Grand Rajiids, Mich. The public i-uriosity as to what Tennyson has to say about "Locksley Hall Sixty Years After'' will soon be grutiíied. Have been haríily enjoyad by the citizene of nearly every lown and city in the United States Marvolotis Cures have beon performod, and wi neesed by thonsanle of people, who can teatify to THE WONDERFüï. HKAÜHO POWEB OF Hamlin's Wizard Oil. IT HAS NO KQDAL FOU THE CVRK OF RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA.TOOTHACHE. EARACHE, HEADACHE. CATARRH. CROUP, SORETKROAT, LAME BACK. CONTRACTED COROS. S1IFF JOINTS, SPRAINS. BRUISES. BURNS. And Many Other Pains Caused by Accident or Disease. It ie safe and 6ure, doe itw work quicklyand fivee universal satisfaction. For salo by druggiste, 'rice.50c. OurSonsHook mailed fret' toevorybodj Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY, CHICAGO. THB SETH THOMAS WATCH Best Wafchïn America for the Price. mSyfcJEl u Jfc'i ! U RE K y 'iaail"uMliM-lyfurnn6O d.v.a Ijv I)r. KlvW . allIorne'ntlectro.Macnt-'tlc Ilcïtl&SrfM'W'rruítB'''onlllinMl- tJuiua'itecdtli flBBKTkjásfáír onfr ono In tho worji prenerating ITfflBol cónttnuous Klerlrlc ,f Manndia fVTK - -curmt. Srientltlc, Powerf nl, Vuralilc, wV Jromfortahle and Effective. Avoiri frauda, fc Over Ü.OOO cured. Si-ivlsrimp rovpamphlot. AI-SO RLLCTJIIO BELT8 FOB DISEABES. Oí. HORNE, Inventor, 191 Wabash ave. Chiucd. VJsafoty Rein Holder Co., Holly, Mich.


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