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The Giant Of Medicines!

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The Most Effective and Popular Remedy Ever Discovered. WHY IS IT SO EFFECTIVE IN SO MANY DIFFERENT DISEASES? WITY one reuiedy can efft et so many cases is this The di.ipnses have a common cause, und n irmedy that rau ffect the cadse, i ormanriitly cures all distases. Inlike any uthcr orao in the body, the Kiilncv wbeo dtecaaed, mai itself bc fn-c frora pain, nd tut ver fact'Uint it. Is not 1 in ui I ■ Is rnuny psofile to di;n, tbat It Is d.sease.i, But U-lal Atilliwi'it !s u' ree thal il i a i v fiir uuiir tvillt :hi1 y. glve ïbrtii no aln liecause it has f. w if any DSiTCi ei séntation, and these are the onlv mcuns o!' cnnveyinir the srnsc of pain:thus nnconsclously dlvasefl il JImI tli e ilir hvtt'iii. We o uot open a wat h to see if il is iioriu or is in Loo.l order: We luulc at lbo huntis or n te the aceuracv of its tim. So we need not op n the khnev tosee i it s ciisca ei. We stmlv the rondition of thss-stem. Now tben, l.llSlOV OlSÈASii produces any of the POLLOTVINO COMMOH and UnsubpBCTBD OVniiDTTllV] O Kaeklic')e; - Nl slAL IKSI11L TOUBfH1" atnioht; Flutt ring and ÚI IVI I I UIVIOilaiu 'n lDe D art; T'r(%li feelinjf; Unusual amount of (.kkasy r'KOTll IX water: 'Irrltated. hot and dry skin; Kitkl A pp .Ut ■; Scaldinir s nsatlon; Acid. bitter ta te, with furred tou.,ue in the Moritlnsj Headachc and ia: bu idauor of pal E. on scstï flow of ihkiíiui.ciihh watbk; Fout Storaich; Heartburn with Dys isia; Inteuse pain, upon tuddeu axcitement In the Snall of tbc Bark: 1) i-dsii of mvcous soMt-TiMK AFTf K t'rination : I.oss of Memory ; Hheumuti m. cliills and lever and! Pneumonía; Dro; slcal Swellln:s; Redor white i.rick du t, aj.iui,s and TUB castü in tiiï watkb; Const pntion. alternatins; with Jooeness; Short breuth, Plturlsy and BroDchlal kffectiont; Yellowish pale skin, etc. These are onlv the tuur disorders or symptoius caused bj a di-eased condltion of ih'UdM's. .Now linMi, isn't it dear lo you that tbc kiuDi-ys, bcinï (■■ chupc o ti'e" d r iiL'i'ments, if thrv are restor.'d to bealth by the great spiKlftc, "W.4K'l-:ifS H WI'. 4 I Iti:.'1 the rrajofity of tbr a' ove ailmen'.s wili disappcar' T„e e is NO MYSTERV ABOL'T IT. It does cure mnny state? of the svstem prccUely a e have indlcated. Ni w w.nn the kidneys are diseased, t'io albumen, the life propirrty of the blood, escapes ib'Oiigu tl e r walls cól passes away in lliè water, wbMe the urca, tbc kiduev polsoD, rctnaiu, and it 's t!i s kidnei rotsoN in 1H-: blood, that, circu In t ing ihrouKhout tbc tn tire body, affects ÍVHU' OKOAN and PSODDCHS Al.LTIIS ABOVK SÏMJTOMS. T pi-nfoie say o. nlidentlv ti:at ' 4 It lOlt fü !AFK 'URE" Is THE MOST K11KC1IVE MEDICINE EVEK UISCOVIÏliKl) for tijc binnan rnee It. Is the oiirio.i reiiR-dy which, overcoming tbc common cause, ksmoves tiib Gif'ATKST possiBLE NUMÜtR OF IVIL EFFECT8 FROM THE KYSTr.M. I.ct U llotï a lew of tbesu disease and how they are affccUd by kduev poisou, and enred by "WARNER'S SAFE eUBE.""" OOKIOI IRÜDTIOM 'n a K'et many eas:s Consumpt on Is onlv tbe elPec-t of a UUIN OU' I" I HJIl'Jisea'c'J c"id ' "D ol t:ie V0 an1 "ot a" oriürinul (liscasejlf ' the kiüni-vs are inactivo aml tb Te is ani' n ttiiral weako 'S8 in Oio lunes, the kidsky poisoïi attacks tiieik sib-tancb and eïuntuaixï thkï wastb nwav and re destroved. Dp your lïnger in acid and it I burued. Wash the üiir.-r every day ia acid and it soon bicornes a festrlnis! sore and is eveutually áestrnvéd. The kldn?v I'oisnu a id in the blood bas Ilie suiim; 1etlrili ■ ■!!.■ I upon "iifiw: i"nr this ni.s m a person whose kidneys ar.' ailing wil have ciuve attai'Ks of r.v uuüsia iu the Si r.n of the ytar, Luns; fevirs, Couirhs, C'olds, Broo b lis. Pli (■;:., at ll seasons of Ih; jear. Recïlfy the actlon of th:; kidner8 bv "lVarner's SAI'K l Rï','1 a hunlreds of thou a:ids have dooe, aud y u vr 11 be siih'kiskü aï the imi'IioveVENT IN TUE COXDITION OF THE LUNGS. imnAIDCfl CVC OIOUTi K-'ny rl!l with soine persons bas an especIMKAIHtU tYt-blbH I . ,'í'u-Pri;a.íeORnovTrur1iCt aúre'.or disordired eje-I(tbt, n any ] ersons have writti n US ex res? n; ur rise that aftr a thorouarh of treiuni ui wltli ' armr's S %MK CIJItIC, ' eye-sioht has berjj vasti.v impb0VM. lu fact, one of ihc bcstceulists in the country sa.'s that half tuk ptiknts that como 1 1 h'm wltb ha 1 eycs, ui n examinntion lie difcovera are V1CTIM8 F kidnky msoüdeI!. We have no doubt M;at Ibe reaaon whv so niany people complaiu of lailina; èye-sleht ( a lv in lifc, is Ihat, all uncouscioua t ■. tbemeelves, tin Ir kidneys have been out or okdeu fob TEAjts, and the kldney poison is eradually ruiuing the s-ystcin. Onil InI LJ A DITOi I' is a well-known fact, recently sbown anew, that opintn, JllLJIVI tlAul I Ui morphlne, cocaiue, whisky, to a co and o.hjr enslaving vi iviii v habiu capture their victlrus by tiieir paralyzing eftects UDon the kidaeys and liver. In ttaesu organs tus api'.etite is düvblopbd and kcstained, and the b st authorities state ttat the uaiiiis can.not be g"Tten rid OF UNTtL TUE KIDNEY3 AN'D LIVER ARE RESTORRD TO PERFECT HEALTH. F, ir ihis parpóse, leadlng medical a.itborities, after a tborouf;h isatiination of all cl amants for the h n r of boinz the only specifie tor tbose or g. ns, I-ave awarJed the prize to "Warner's SH'Ii Cure." ni ICI IRÍ A TlORl Kver.v re: utable phvsican wül teil you that rheumatism is HHrlllvlA I lolVI caused by an ac:d cónditioQ of the syst m. With soino it U I II il.wmi'1 i urc acd orkdnei. r0:s,.n; In others. itislitbc acid, or 1 Ter pvsn. Tliis a-il ;onlïin i ennsed by ii:i vilj oí" lio kitlney mul livt-iv lal" :ki i"" ' ""■ "ïK'li and lood ;issin.l:iln orGun. It affects olljieople more tlian yonèe people, necauFe,yie aciil bas b-en oliectln In tbe systeni for yeara and linally t!e systent hecpmes entirolv a ■ diti d. Th s ac.ds t ■ duce all tl e va-lous lur.r-.s of rbeümatism. 'Wiirncr's S KVK i'nre" act ns; upon thn k dneva and Kver, níuhalizinír the acid and cotreetmií tbelf falsa action, cures r a iv cases o r e imatsm. "Warner's S4I''E Rlieumatic Cure," altcriiutin; wiib tbe use of 'Wanicr's Safe Ccre'1 Üomíle4eá tbe work. rl k nnrn nifinnnmO Gross and other bieb medical authorü'e sav UUnUUL.ll UIWUMU1.IIW. ai il, r,l-..:i.lion ofllickitlnev5 and urinary tract Uric acid coastantly cours:ns; thro lïli lui'se oraus infl an.8 and eveulually destrovs the inrer membrane, producin? the INTENSE s; kimíhino. Simetluia8 thn k du. y uc'd fOLiniFiES :n the kidneys n the form of Gravel, wirch in t 'ie cent to the hladdcr produoM kidneï ror.ic. Sometimes t'e ac tl ïolidifies n the Blad !cr, tro uulng calculous ok Stone. "IVarner's StlE Cure" bas restored ihóusands of casea of inna ution aad eatarrh oí the bladder and naj effectively correctcd the tend.'iiey to the forma t on of tri avel and stone. It challenqes comi'a.iuson with all othei remedies iu this work. Buy to-day, m "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." " nOMOrOTinM Coneestion Is a eollectins; tosether of blood In any one place. I IM 1 1 1 li I JIN' I' there is loss of nervous actiou in any oran thu Llood vessuls UUI1ULU I yn do not a!low th blood todreulate umi it stu,'i.:i!e. If th!g condit:on exists very toner the coHectln.e bood clot and eveulually iiestuois tui okoan. Wany in is na are unconscioi'.s victlms of this verv common condit.'ON The bearl, determined as it is to torco ülood Into cv ry 1 art oí the svsicin. has lo oi hurde.r lo et it thn u.'li the cloEged organ, and evenliiaHy Ihe llcart brvak do n and palpitat!) u. . xers aive action, rush of blood t the n. a.d. H;4treasin li-a. 1 acli;s, ind:cat; that the Coat ■( on lia become cltroni: and is do;n(f danuisre to the entire svstem. ConeexPon ol the k dn.s is ..f Uf ([..nimonest ol cotnplHln an.l Is the lHiiinin;omiiili Ciáronle mUery. ""'uncr't SAl'l'. Cure" will remove it. !-!-■ 1 P" rínillini AIMTO. Wnatwe linve nM about Conrestton - FFMA r uUMrLA N o p1m wiih pwiicuur f,, to iw b.v rL.ITlnl_l_ VJUITII 1-nill I V. JompWiitiuTlMiy aie ai commoiis can be, ird as evry doctor can teil you, niost of them begin in lilis ■oiiKeliv trondi(ion of Ilic svtein. which. not b.jni; nu.ariv coirtfcUd, gruw ui d and pro Vimes ttae couoí:e-s siiff?r nr b'eti tan be ;; luded to Lut nut diBcubeJ in n public riut. Uive been pt'rmjtni'iilly care. m nhn niononcDQ. íífcaLMa,'íL tliat s0 many' maniy T1" W MJnlJrnO rit tfrl Rlnoe ttiey 1 ■ a v . % viii iliins.h. DLUUU UIUUI IUL.I lüi ..tboronirh-lV'ativ.cit wiifi 'apner sSIFE rin-c' tb-lr thick ar.d turril blood, thefr heavy, hlotclied, Inr lalile i u d sati r' d UDder lts potent Influ-nc-. kidnrt poison in' tuf. i.i.ooi thwkbkí it It n not reíd lv ouritii'd in tbe lunes, and iuü result is tbc Impunni- coijpt' out of tjic Df Ihi' b.'dv andlFTIIKRE II AXÏ LOCAL IUSF.ASE AI.I. TUK BADSReS IN TUB lAfl.HI EnMÍToTOLÏkctthbrb Oar experience jusillies us in f.w stcmfiDt that "Harier'ii SAFfc Cae" ls'"tbe greatest blood puriöer known." lh; trt-atiueut iiüisi be viry tUorouu. ____.. . fx nionnnCDOi Manv rrl'lc comnlaln more or le'S Xl IMAl.H I SI I"! JrriïV tbrougboul tbc ycat witb stomach disÖ I UIVInUn UIÜUIIULIIU. (r(Krs: Dysp,,W; „,gictioB, Watr brab heat and dstress in the atomach. sharr, pa'ii?, frequ. ut aclu-, nt J ...wtitf, laok f Kow these are kxaotlï the conditioss t will bc pruducad la.the KnuA WHKÍtTEBLOOD rS riLLBD WITU K1DNET PO1SOS : People dÖ8 tbclIlSllVf WiUl nll ortg of w'ïrt riïïkS ,bnt_l BO better: Tucy never wlll ret better u..t:l thvy k:v tl. -Ir attrn, ton Ui" th"r...M'in--vivn.'of kld'ify ana liver act.on b tbe mean, of the ouly ipeeiflcWkKWKB S SAFE CIJRI2." AMiATintTirtKI nil IO Tbefc a stressing aflnvdU, mare cnmmon C0NST1PATI0N, PILES: :%::;z:nlz d.seasesüisapi'.-ai. i 1 n rl I m Many people ufter i.n'od (ponies all fhcir H s wltii beadacb". HEADACHES: SuVeiarüiïïSW be re"a:d -.1 quite certalnly a oJ" kidney .rini. THESE ARE 8CIENTIFIC FACTS, StSl aV'of LEJTn"ir.';vlb.hop"ígCói.tibf; ü..t t„c Eh,t or ,, ■. g.ven ' "tdfij?ewofTBjj5itdtaeMt, but we can Ml them lr.,m ..r expcr!en-e UT KNLMV or THE HÜMAN IIACB; ,Pl -1 l ., ''" ,L ?i !tm Tl.o Tlld' 0 DM! W .O STwa 8 i W imi.i;m ; -m f e, . ne t, . ,, ;;;;; J; t;.. ... .1, ; . gr en?;, &Wffi&ÈX& t'ÏWMrtTJiS SSU-t SS d,sa, b,„ tl.ose org.o. are restorijd to bealtn. ASKYOUEFRIENDS ANDNE1QHB0RS WHATTHEY THINK OP "WARNER'S SAFE CURE. "


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