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THE OBI MA-N: HOTEL. 1OKNKK WASHINGTON AM) SECUNü vv streets. wm. I . Frank, goprietor. iam plc roims travdiiig men Eury room ü ated by steam. BOODRICH HOUSE AH.' GOODRICH, Proprietor, corner A nn and Fourth streets, opposite tha Court Uouse Square. Kvery thine in flrstclass order. Newly furnished. Barn accoinmodations. J. R. JOYNER, T ICENSED AUCTIONUïR, is nowpre i-i pared toremler his services to all desiring them. When yoii wisli to sell anything at auction givo hiin a cali. He may .e found the first door west of Nat Drake's p.ace, Uuron strest. P. M'KERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections ■ii promptly atnded to. Money to loan. Houses and lots or sale. Office in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postoffice, dealer in Fresh, Sinoked and Salt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. MRS. K. II. PIKIiCE. MAGSETfO HEAI.Ell. ('ure Witlioul ','iiioiilc . Oasi' n Speol ,i'-lil at once Willknswer all. !ii int'ss hoiu's-: 11 a. in. to (i p m. .'ÍK Pontiju" Street 5th War.l, Ann ,rbnr '; FOLLETT HOUSE T II. l.r'U'is proprictnr, Tpslbttiti, Mlch. tt House heftted with steam. DKANM. TYLtiR. M I). ■pHVSICIAN A.ND SÜQKOK. Office ;;m: n -m1 iif ju-e over postofflce, lirst noor. COOK HOUSE. fRS .H. HUDSON, Proprletor. 1U. Newly Furnished. The leadlng house ta Ann Arbor. UNION HOTEL. ' FIR8T-CLASS in all respecta. Evervtliins; new. Fine rooms, wel) furnlshcd. Terms, $1 per day and upwards. Special rates to weckly boarders. Meals, 35 cente. John Schneider, Jr., Proprietor. Corner of WashDgton and Secoud streeU, Ann Arbor, Mick NICIIOtó ROS. W. W. & A. U. NICHOLS, D. D. S. Dental office Masonic Temple lilook, over Saviags Bank, Ana Arbor. ' JOSEPH CLINTON, ifERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines & ■"■ Worden'u. All work euarantecd or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFY ATLAW. Ofllce, nos. 3 and i, Grnnd Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mieh. È. B. NORRIS, A TTORNET AT LAW. Does a eeneral law xV rollrctinn and conveyauoe business.' A moderate patronage is respectfully soliclted. Office in tnc court liouse, Aun Arbor, Mich. C. C. JENKI.N8, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms Xo. 10 South Main Street, oppositc tbe First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mleu. ANTON EISELE, . DEALER IX MONUMENTS and Gravesiones mannfactured from Tennessce and Itnlian Marble and Setoch and American Granite. íhop cor. Detroit and Catuarinc sts.. Ann Arbor, Mich. WILUAM HEKZ, HOUSE, STGX, Ornamental and Fresco Palnter. Gilding, Calclmlnlng, Gl&zing and Paper Itaniring. All work done in tbe best etyle and warranted to give satistactión. 8hop, río. 4, West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte I HAVE a complete co'nrtfialion of.ihe Official Records of WaBÏHon.iw County to date. in:lud inK all Tiix Titles. Execuüons or anv incumhr.mces on Rtal Estáte, that is of Record in the Register o'fiice, is shown by inv books. Üfiicc ia tlv olljccof the secntary of th.N'ashttnaw Mutual insur.ince company, in the basement of the Court House C H. lifcANLY. Ann Arbor, Mich. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank prianizd 1M9, usdr Ik Goaerjtl Bauking Lw 'tí Uiia atat kas , incluuiuf capital 6toX ,, M., 9TMU $600,000 AMSMT. Bufni-u man. QuardlaBB, Trusteei, Ladlei aol itkr persons will ftnd tu Bun k a SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT PUe at wklak to sake Dposáu and do kmlns Interest Is Allowed n All Savings Depwltt M (l.etandupwara, atcordlng to th nilas d It Wank, aud iuwrst 0ihouuIm1 a muí aast air. Mony t Loan In tumi of S2S t B,0OO, lecored kj nmlsaMbers4 Kaal CiUt aai mm iod loaBrtllaa. Chrlnla Maok. W. W. Trinas W. D. Barrinan, VTIUUm Oaubl. Dand Kinscr. DaBlal BtKMck nd W. B. SKltk. OFFICICRS ChriniiQ Maok. rrwldsnt; W. YT Wlml VR-o President: C E. HlKWOk. OMalar NEWIOALIARÖ ! Kor the finest cónl in tlif mafket, and low pricet, the public are nivited to cali on ÍV MICHAEL STABLER Cor. Washington and 2d sts, Who also illls orders for 7V O O 13 2 Now is the time tolay in your coal. MICIIEL STABLER, Ann Arbor Gel Tour Property lnsured 9y C. H. MILLEN, INSURA.NCE AGKNT, o 4 Soutk Main straat, Aun Arbor. Th oldart agenuy la Uw elj. Istablfebtd a quítVr T eapturj afo. Kprsantlie h followlnjr (In olass compauiM, wIUj ovr $,000,000 asarte. Roma lm. Co., et N. Y.; ContintntaJ las. Co., cf N. ï.; ïRmfara hu. Ö9 i K. Tj Quar4 Ini. Öo., of Phila.; OriM ïus. Co., of 1 [ wtford; üonntcreiftl Vntot i IxjBdi it; Lirarvool and LondomtM fW Bate low. Lhm HkvUlr ijostW ui


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Ann Arbor Democrat