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The anima] meeting of the stnte merino sheep breeders was held in Lansing on the22d in st. Aboutfifty were present. President John T. Rich of Lapeer, in his anuual address, called attontion to the danger wlii -li ménáced tho wool interest by the attitude of the secretary of the treasury in clas-ifying wool as raw material and ■ reuoiniiiunding that it lio placed on the : free list. He said this muaut, if cnrried ' out, the ehtire of the fine flocks of this country and critieised the i classiflcation of wool as raw material, claimiug that t is nu more so than manufactured lumberorcloth. He recommended action in oppo.-ition to this movement and that a competent man bo sent to Washington next winter to care for the wool interests. The Hon. William Ball of Hamburg read a valuable paper on "What should "bé the charcteristio of the stock ram? ' The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, John T. Rich of Elba; Vice-Presideut, H. H. Hinds of Stanton; Secretary, Irwiu D. Ball of Hamburg; Treasurer, J. Evarte Smith of Ypsilanti; Directors, L. W. Barnes of Byron; W. E. Boyden of Delhi Mills; A. S. White of Kalainazoo; S. C. Lombard of Addison; T. V. Quackenbushof Plymouth; Members of couimittee on Pedigroe W Hardy of Osceola. Palmer Surreniers. The complnint again'st Dr. Palmer, charging him wilh reeeiving a bribe, was put in Justice Palmer' hands ou the 23d inst. The uomplaint was signed by Wurden Hatch and the warrant was about rèady for service, when Dr. Palmer walked into the office of tbe justice, accompanied by his lawyer, T E. Barkworth, who after socuring a copy of tho complaint secured an adjoumnient Lor the purpose of consultiugE. K. Conley oL Detroit, and tbe doctor gave bail in the suin of fSO!), with hisíuther Joshua Pidruer, as surety. The complaint is drawn under section U243 of Howell's stíitutes, which niakes the crime punishable by imprisonraent of not more than ten years, or $5,IOJ fine with confine" meñt'in the county iaii for one year. Cal! e i to a Hieher Court. Hon. Ovid N. Case, a prominent lawyor of Detroit, and a well knovvn and active jiulitii'iiin of the state, died at his home in Detroit, Deo 2t. . Gov. Alger at once issued an order eulogizing the late Ovid N. Case and ordering the flag on representativa hall at half-mast on the day of his funeral. Although opposed to Mr. Case in politics, the governor entertained the highest regard for his integnty and ability ,and during tlie lust legislative ses;5ion frequently sonsulted with him on questions of importance. Resnlt of a Charivari. Kdward Morris, about 35 years oíd and a native of Canada, was killed by Louis Bougner, a respected farmer of Long Ropidg, Alpena county, the other night while with a charivari party deniamlin money to buy whisky for the crowd. The sympathy of the better citizens ia with Mr. .JBpugner. The sheriff has taken liim In'to custody awaiting the decisión oí the coroner's jury. The attack on Bougner was wholly .unprovoked andan out rage and lic was simply defending himself and his preniUes from the assaults of a inob. Death of Hou. B. W. Landon. TheHon. Kufus W. Landon, for flfty years a . resident of Niles, died the other night in his 73d year. He was born at Falls Village. Litchlield oonnty, Conn., and removed to Niles in May, 1832. He has been mayor f that city three" times, treasuri'i' of the county five terins, from 1842 to. 1850. He was for everal years nl w masonic lodge of i.!,, i ; erved his district in the statu senate n 18684.. OTATE NEWS CUNDEN SED. Francia Shivers, wno slow his brotber in-law, Joseph McKeon, m Detroit,. Nov. 2, has been fonnd guilty of murder in the first degree. ïhe jury was uuauimous in tbis verdict on the flrst ballot remaining out 15 minutos "íor decency's sake." Berrien Center claims the proud 'distinction of having shipped 11 black walnut logs scaling 4,400 feet, all the way to Germany. Rev. William Domally died in Alpena on the 22d inst. He Was one of the oldest ministers of the Detroit conference of the Methodist church, having preached his first sermón in 1838. He carne to Michigan in 1854, and was much loved and respected by all who kuew him. Wheeler has started a new sect, one of 'the creeds. of -which is that a paid ministry is of the earth earthly. One member got a revelation and got bounced for it. It is reported that the Jesuit order will tftke chargu of St. Mary's Catholic church in Grand Rajiids. Grand Rap'ids clergyinen areflooding tlie state with blank petitions for signatures asking the legislature tb revise tbe present marrino laws so as to ftinke it necessary to secure a Iicen-o before the ceremony can be performed. Gov. Alg"er'8 Christmas present to the veterans in the soldiers' home was used íor the purch&se of books for the Jibrary. The work of frescoing the state capítol is finished. ïhe legUlature will be asked to make another appropriation for continuiiifj the work. Nils Linden, proprietor of a Big Rapids stavo mili, was stabbed 21 times Christmas nitflit. Frank Burns has been arrestod for the attempted murder. It is thought Linde will recover. Harris & Harlow's furniture factory in Coldw.ater bnmed mi the evening of Dec. '.''). I.oss abóut Y11, (HX); insured for about $3,000. ïhe cause of the firti is unknown, The furniture for the new jdiblic library, whirli was to have been delivered the next day, burned. Samuel Hadden has been sentenced to 25 years in the state prisou at Jackson for the murder of his father. The prisoner showed no signs of renioise for his terrible deed Qr care tor his doom. The murder oceurred in Byron, Shiawassee county, last October. when in an altercation. Sam uel, aged 40, shot his father, aged 68, four times, iuflieting wounds of which he died in a few minutes. Active operations on the new Sault railroad have commeuced. A large forcé of men are ready for work on the line, but the öohtractors want more, and will employ all the good men who apply for work for some time to come. K. Dumont of Sault Ste. Marie gets the contract to build the center section of the road west of the Wal ski nver. The Three Rivers citizens' committoe has reported in favor of establishing a building and loan association, with 1,500 shares of $125 each, the association to expire by limitation in 10 yoars. It is proposed that Cheboygart city unite with the county in putting up a suitable building for joiut se, to replace the town hall building, burne'd last week. The vacancy caused by tho retirement of ex-Justice Cooley from the law school chair of Constitutional Law and American History in the TTniversity, has been filled by the appointment of Wm. P. Wells of Detroit. The appointment is regarded as only temporary, as it is oxpected that exJustico Cooley will resume the position when he has done with the receivership of the 'WatMish. Gov. Luce has commenced writing his message. Chas. S. Draper, a young lawyer of East Saginaw, has been appointed university regent, vice James A. Joy resigned. The appoint ment gives universal satisfaetion. A dozen Ionia county farmers have been stuck by the fence machine swiudle. They are doluded into signing "an agreement to allow the machine to be exhibitod on thoir farms," and the agreement turns up in tho shape of a contract. There is an exodus of Ishpeminfc Swedes to southern California, and of Scandinavlans to Dakota and Minnesota. T. A. Hurley, who wasburned out in the big Brouson flre, in which three members of his family perished, will rebuild in ths early spring. The state public school at Coldwater has been in existence 12 years, during which time 2,138 dependent children have been cared for, 1,112 of whom are now wards of the school and 795 are subjects of visitation. The school has a capacity of 300. During the past two years 406 children have been received and 407 indentured. It costs 53 cents a day to light the institution and $11 .49 to heatit, and the total inventory oí school property is $24S,413 57, the grounds covering 109% acros. The average cost per capita for the year ending Sept. 30, 1886, was $107 60, and $55 44 for each child cared for. Ths board ask the followiup; appropriations be made covering the next two years: Current expenses per annum, $33,000; repairs and addition of new lauudry and other smaller items, J-,500. This is a reduction ior the two years to come over the last two years of $12,700. Prof. P. M. Taylor of Albion college, has receutly obtajned a patent on a patched map system used in the study of history, whieh tends to revolutionize the old methods of studying bistoi'y and is considered a fine thing. ♦ jr Jack Medill of Kalamazoo has been sen tenced to 10 yoars in prison for assault with. intent to kill. C. A. J. Howard of the same place will spend 18 years in the same place for forgery. Assistarit Kngineer Frank W. Bartlett oí tho United States navy department, will toke charge of the classes in mechanica! engineering at the Qrcbard Lake military academy, under orders of the secretary of the uavy, dated December 16, instructiag him to report immediately to Supt. Rogera for duty in that capacity, hls term of service to continue untill December 16, 1889. The agitation of the question of consol iating the Saginaws or dividiiig the county, is growing more and more interesting and it ia perhaps certain that bilis looking to the accomplishment of each object will be introduoed in the next legislature. ïhat the sentiment in favor of consolida, tion is growiug in this city is beyond a doubt, hut it is abstract consolidation on which.there is any unity of sentiment. When the details are diseussed it is evident that there will bo a greater differenc f opinión. --Sttinaw Courivr. A beautiful monument will soon be erected over the grave of Sojournor Trutb. The stone is now in Shafer Bros. marble yard; it bears the inscription: "In memoriam Sojourner Truth. boru a slave in Ulster county, N. Y., in the eighteenth century, died in Eattle Creek, 1Ö83, aged 105 years. Mra. Keiser, an old lady an,dalmost helpless, afflicted with cáncer, and living in a house alone at Hunter'a Landing, two miles f rom Berrien Springs, feil into the fire the other morning and was burned to death. Friends living near had built her fire and cared for her. The body was burned almost beyond reoognition when fouud. The wife of Ambrose Elmer, a farmer just north of Hudson, hung herself the other morning while her husband was doibg the choies. Upon his return to the house for breakfast, he was unable to find her in the house and flnally discovered her in the woodhouse dead. She was upwards of 50 ycars old and has grown children, none of them at home. Temporary insanity is given as the cause. Muskogon is preparing for a niid-winter festival. Toboggon towers are boing erected on two sides of Muskegon lake, two miles apart, and sliders wil! be shot from one tower across the lake to the other. Ice boats and a good sleighing track are to be provided. Mrs. Allen Rierson of Muskegon died a few days ago, aiid the day after she was burk'd a letter was received from her husband inclojjing $250 and stating that he would have everything ready for her to come to their new home, Washington Territory. in April. The city hall and opera house in Choboygan was discovered to be on fire the other night. The fire department responded promptly but as the building was dooinod the firemen set to work to save an entire square, composed of wooden buildings. The origiu of the firo is unknown. The city jail was situated directly under the rear part of the hall and cuntained two prisoners, one nanied Uoggy Dumas, an idiot, and both weru burneil to death. The entiro loss will amount to $10,000; no iasurance. The menu of an afternoon tca givcn recenlly by the daughter of a Murray hill niillionaire cousisted only of black tea served in common blue-stoae china and potato cakes on tiny tin platos. At Port Jervis, N. Y., one day reenntly, the railroad ticket agent was Qoored by tho following qnery from a wclldressed man: "Will this train coming now leavc before the one going nexl?" A meeting of citizens held recently at Albuquerque, New Mexico, resnltei. in the adoptfou of resolutions condona ning the allcgi'il atteinpt of Americana to fonn an expi;dition for tlie purpose of getting a slice of Mexican territory. Natural gas lias been di.scovcn;il n paying quantities in nlneteen státes áud territoriea of the rniion. Over sixiv gas conipanies, luiving a eapital ol Í21,000,00p, are doing asucuessful ijusihcs in the western part of Pennsylvania. The famous Centinela ranch, near Los Angele?, Cal., conlain tig twlvo tliousaud acres of the fiíiest gi-alng Landa in that vicinity, was sold rocCntlji to n raüroad eompany for nearly $100,000. It is to be used for railroad purposes. A bilí has been intrbducod in the Mexican eongreas authorizine the conBtrUction of a buil ring in .San Lázaro, in the eastorn part of tliö City of jMcxico. Bull-ñghtinir, liowever, is Fooked upon with sueh disfavor by Möxjcaiuj in general that it s hardly probable that tliebill will be passéd.'


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