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Great consternation has been caused in England by the resignation of Lord Randolph Churchill from tho British cabinet. The desire to increaae the expenses of the Admirality and War offices, to which Lord Randolph was opposed, indicatcs, it ia believed, that the governmont is of the opinión that a European war is imminent and that extra naval and milito. ry preparatious on the part of Englaud aro required to make hor nfluence feit on the continent. Another reason asigued is that Ghurchill did not feel equal to endurs ' the rigors of a coercivo policy. Father Fahey, who was senteneed to ix months' imprisoumcnt on Sept. 18 last, on a charge of haviug threatened the ownei of property in Woodford, from whieh he had been evicted, has been unconditionally released from prison. Father Fahey was given the choice of ilnding bail or going to prison for six months. He chose the latter, saying that if he gave bail it would be a tacit admission that nis defense, a denial of using threats, was unfounded. Parnell is seriously ill and in a very dangerous condition. When able to actively resume work he will conveno the Irish parliamentary party in the council chambers of the Dublin Corporation. ilenry M. Stanley, the African oxplorer, arrived in London on C'hristmas day. He will prooeed immodiately to Belgium. Berlin will be illuminated on Jan. 1 in honor of the eighticth anniversary of Emporor Willinm's entry into tho army. It is rumored that the emperor will seizo the occasion to rauko an address to the reichstag deploring itd attitude on the military bill. The Swiss governmont has prohibited the exportation of horses. Recent heavy snows have been a godsend to tho idle in Kerlin, nearly all of whom found einployment. A state of siege is being enforced at Frankfort, Germany, on account of threatened socialistic outbreaks. The czar is an excessive drinker, and Austrian papers fear that in one of his fits of delirium tremens he may precipítate a war. " A Freneh fisherman of St. Brieux sues the English government for damages resulting from being prevented from flshing off th Newfoundlaud coast. DETROIT MARKETS. - Business is very quiet, and the movement of wheat is greatly restricted White wheat is quoted at 81@819, and red at 81@82c. Corx- Quiet at 37@37i cents. Oats- From 39@32cents. is the range of quotations. Ci.ovehsf.ed- Solling well at $4,57i- Bari.kv- Quoted at $1 15 for No. 2 state and $1 25 for No. 2 western, per cental. Rte- No. 2 in demand at 55e per bu. Fekd- Bran $12 50(212 75; coarse middlings $12 50M13: fine middlings, $13 50@15. Sales 18 cars bran at $12 50!12 75 and 22 cars line middlings at $14. Flouk - The niarket steady at the folio wing: Patont process $)( 5U@4; choice city brands, $4@4 25; patent BiiohigaD $4 25@i50; low grades, $2 50@285; patent Minnesota, $450@5;Miiinesota,bakers' $385@410; rye, $3 25@3 40. Apples - The niarket is rather bare. Dealers having anything to, offer are stiff in prices as before quoted, viz; $2 25@3 per bbl. for fair to fancy. Bkans - City picked mediums quoted steady at $1 35 per bu in car lots. Unpicked dull at 75@$1 05 per bu. Beeswax- The market quiet at 22@30c per lb. Bcckwheat Fi.oir- Per cwt, Michigan $2$2 25; eastern $2 50@2 75. Offeriugs free. The market dead dull. Butter- The market continuos dullThere is a good supply of everything but fancy qualities. (.Jood to ehoice diary quoted at 15(L'17c and creamery at 25@27c. Cabbages - Active at $1 75@2 per 100. Cideu- Ulariñed, 10@12c and cominon at (5c per gal. Ckamif.iíhiiís- Per bbl, Cods, $7 50 per bu. do., $2 7B@3 s": Jerseys, $1 75@2 per bu; Michigan, íl 50(2 per bu. The supply good aud trade fair. Cheese- Full cream, Michigan 13@13Wc; New York 18i@14c; OWo, '.Oliic. Dkif.u Apples- Common 4@4cand evapora ted ll@12c. The market firm; stocks light. Dressed Hoes- Rail receipts 592 head. Arrivals by wagon moderate. Prices unchanged at $4 O0i 85 per cwt. Eogs- Receipts small aud market firm at 23c tor fresh nnd 17@18c for pickled. Gamf. - Per pair, partridgeb, 50@55c; Mallard, üri@75c per doz, quali, $2@2 50; squirrels, $L per doz, rabliits H!@12c each. Honey- Very quiet at 7@9e per lb for extracted and lüyiliic for comb. Supply large. Hops- California choiee, 30c; 18S5, 18o; New York choice, 34c. Hay- Per ton. $S@3 for clover. $11@12 for No 1 timothy and $9@10 for No. 2 do, baled in car lots as to quaïity. Mu.t - Quoted as to quality at 80@85c per bu for Canadian and G5(a)70c for Michigan. Ndts- Hickory, $1 25@ 00 per bu ; black walnuts, 50@6'Jc per bu. Onioxs- The market is steady at 80@Ö0 cents per bu. Stocks light. Potatoes - Per bu from store, 40@45c; in car lots S.:j((i40c: inactive. Pollthy- The omarket is glutted with left over stock. Very few inquiries were ropoited and piices were lower on dressed and live as follows: Per lb, chickcns, 7c; geese, 8c; turkeys 9@U): dueks, B@10c. Live, per lb, rooster, :tc-: fowls, 4e; spring cliicks, 6o; diK'ks 6c; turkoys, 7(CSc. Per pair; pigeons l5@20c. Svi:i:t Potatof.s- Dull and scarce at J.'X'í ;',:.'." per bbl for kil n drled Jerseys and $2 75 for Baltimores. Tai. i.ow- Per lb. 8Xc. I.IVE STOCK. Catti.k - Market strong; choice 10c , er: shipplng steers, 950 to l.TOO lbs. $:i lu,, 5 80; stóokers and Cceders, $3@S85; cows, bulls, and mixed, $1 S0@3 35; bulk $2 10 2 80: Texas cattle, $2 5U@i 00 for cows; $2 (S0X3 25 for steers. SOOS- Rough and mixed $3 90@ 480; parking and Bhlpplnef, $4 30@4 00; light, I3 6S@J 80; skips:: :o.:i S0. Siikit -Market steady and strong; natives, $2 r(l@4 50; Texans. j u„i:; 25; lambs, Important. Wllen yon visit or leave New York City, ■avi baggage expressage and $3 carriags hire, and stop at the Grand Ukiok Hotbl. opposite Grand Central Depot. 615 rooms, fltted up at the cost of on million dollars, $1 and npwards per day. European plan. Elerator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages ftEil elevated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for leu money at th Grand Union Hotel than at ut other &rb Uu botel ia th dty.


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