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Gen. Hazen Is Dead

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Gon. W. B. Hazen, cbief slgnal offlcer of thoUuited States arruy,diedauddenly at his home in Washington on the llitb inst., of diabetes coma. He had suffercd from diabetos for sonie ycars, but of late bad improvcd in health and strength and hopes ver cntertained of his complete re covery. At the reception to the diplomatic corps given by the president, he i took a severe cold, causing him te keep his bed on the 14th. On the 15th inst., he j was up and reported himself much improvod, saying that he would go to his ; flee on Monday. He grew worse and bis i pbysieians were suraraoned, but in spite of all that skill or science could suggest, he breathed his last. Gen. Hazen was bom at West Hartford, Windsor county, Vt., on Sept. 27, leíiü, and was therefore at the time of his death in his 57th year. His early lite was pnssed in i Ohio, to which state hls parents moved in i 1 83.3, and he entered the West Point military academy from that state on September 1, Is51. He was a gradúate in June, in 1S55, and was appointed brevet Second Lieutenant in the Fourth United States i Infantry. He served through the Indian ! war d southern Oregon in Io56, and having been appqinted a Second Licutenant in the spring in that yeur he came east and proceded to Texas, where his eompnny was stationed. During the two followiug yenrs he was enguged almo.-t stantly in active service against the ' di.ins in Western Texas and New Mexico, : and was four times complimented in , eral orders from the headuuarters of the army for bravery and good conduct. During ihis campuign he received a severe wound in the right side from which he did not recover untïl February, 1S60. On the lst of April in that yenr he was appointed to a f uil First Lieutenancy ; on the Mth of May to a Captainoy, aud in February, Is61, he was assigned to the Infantry. Boon alter the breaking out of the civil war he received leuve of absence with authority to take command of the Forty-flrst ment of Obio Volunteer Infantry. On the ' LOt,h of Novemoerho reported totrea. Buck I at Lonisville, Ky., and was assigned to j Gen. Nelson's división, and on the 6th of January, 1S62, was appointed to command the Nineteenth Brigade of the Army of the Ohio. He moved with Gen. Buell'a army to rMttsburgh Landing, took an active part in the battle of that place and afterwards served in northern Alnbama until ordered to assume commond of the poht of Murfreesboro. In May, 1862. he was appointed Brigadier-General, but the appointmeut was not conflrmed until ai tor tle buttle of Stone river, in which General Hazen's brigiidi' was botly engaged and rendered extremely valuable service. He was made major by brevet in the regular army in 1SI53, a reward tor his courage in the battle of Chik:. manga. He was commissioued major geueraiof volunteers to rank Irom December 18, 1864. He was mustered out of the volunteer service in 1S00, and subsequently fcerved as colonel of the thirtytiixth reguinr infantry, and of the sixth iniantry. Duriug t!ie Pranco-German war he was employed in studying the education and characteristics oi the Frenen and Germán troops, and upon his return to the United States, emliodied his otiservation on Üiose in a book entitled "School and Army of Franco and Gormany." In 1S77 he was appointed military attnche to the United States legation at Vieuna, and three years later to succeed Gen. Mver. His controversy witli Secretary of War Lincoln with reference to the Greely expedition which led to his tomporary fcUsuension and acourt of inquiry into his conduct will be remeubered. TJalawfully ProoUrei Lnmber. The secretary of the interior has requested the attorney general to instituto a civil snit against Muckle Bro-. of St. Helen, Ont., for tiie manu:actured va'ue of timber alleged to have been unlaw ully cut from the govemment laiuls in Columbia county, On. lt is stated in the special agent's report to the department that this firm have 'cut nnd removed from Columbia county over 5,IXK.( 00 feet of flr, cedar and maple timber, board measuro. valued at Irom $ to ?10 per thousand feet. when manufactured into lumber, and $5 per 1,000 in logs at the mili. It appears t:-,at the cuttlng at least on a portiou of the lands was done uuder color of title. DETB0IT MABKETS. WnïAT, White í S2 @ ! Wii int. Red f4 W 84Vi l'iih ir bu S75ÍG? 3SJi üinp#rba Si 3 ro (;i mmi Örro per keg 4 25 (3i 4 tu Kkkii por cwt 13 IW (Í13 '25 liuciíwiimr fi.oi R perewt. 2 00 y - 2S MirhiKim pataut... 4 3.') @ 4 S0 Muhifctan rol lor ... 4 CO $ 4 25 Miuiu'-Mta pattiiil.. 4 75 (6 5 00 MinorsutM likTs'. 4 Oti ($ 4 25 Mi.liiK'in i 3 00 @ 3 -J5 Illiuvin rre 3 25 (3 3 50 Applisb, i.r lm 2 35 (i 2 75 KBANS. PIlSluXl 1 35 Kianh. IJnpivketi 75 & 1 05 Hnsswï 22 @ 30 Hl'TTER 14 (S 16 Oarraobs per 100 1 7.1 W 4 00 CiuRKpergnl II) @ 12 Orivukiikik.-!, per bu 1 75 (á ï 54 ('iieesk, per Ib 10 @ 14 Dniii Aitlbs, per hu 4 (i 0$4 l)KKM8Bn llous, :r cwt.... 4 60 m 5 02 Ku8, W do 2:j & 24 Hoxsr. por 1b 10 14 Hoi 82 @ 30 H.iy, per ton, dover 8 00 (tí fl 00 timotby 9 00 @l0 00 MT.T, por bu 80 w 85 Oxions, per bbl 2 50 (d 75 Pivia KiBS, per btl 40 & 45 I'oultkï- Chicken per lb 8 (w 9 Ueei.e @ 10 Turkeys 9 & 10 Dmks K@ 'OW Kooters,live, lb 3 (ré FuwU 4 (A Spring Chickens. 5 % Dtioks 0 @ l'igeons.perdoi. . 100 PbovisioSs- ls Vork ... 12 50 012 75 Family " 12 75 (fflUi IX) Lnrd 7 @ 7H Haras 10 (3! 10JÍ Shoulders 6 @ G Bacon 8 (& 8J TalUiiv per lb. 3 tíl 'i4 LIVit 8TOCK. Cttt.- MarltPt teady and strong; shipping teers, or."U to 1,5!H) ibs. $ 5Ü@J -0, ïtooker nnd feeders, $'2 35@.75; cows, bnlla Hiid mixed, strunger at $1 M) bulk.tJ 41X2 IK), Texa cattle, t2 25;(i öO HtHis- Mnrket strong and 5310c higher early, closing weak. rough and mixed $4( 4 70; packing and hipplDg. $4 ïti"; liffht nery weak at l'J S)(p-I .""; skips, $2 7r@3 sO. SnEBP- Market steady ; common to good, $2 ?:@4 75; clioice, $1 SO@:, western, $"@ 4 50. Texans, Kqta 7.".: lamba, 2(í." 50. The Drovers' Journal special cablegram quotes the market weak ; best American steers Sc lower at 19o per lb. drossud. Important When yon vlsit or leave New TorU City have baggage, expresage, and $3 carringe hire. and stop at the GiiASn Un'ion Hotkl opposite Grand Central Depot. H15 rooma, iit'd up at the cost of one million dollar., f I and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Ke taurant supplnd with the be--t. Hor-e cars, stages and elavated rai'.road to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Brand Union Hotel than at any other - fint-clasa hotel Is this city.


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