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"Siberia." Thursday evening, Jan. 27, at the Grand. P. Irwin has been granted a pension. The electric works have a telephone, , No. 47. A. Jackson Sawyer spent Sunday in Ohelsea. Jno. Donovan of Northville, was in the oity Saturday. Artbur Marshall of tb is oity, is the latest to receive a penirion here. Prof. Cady of the university, is giving leesons in vocal musió in Adrián. The Ypsilanti Commercial favors an appropnation for the gymnasium. W. G. Burchfield was in Milan last week, taking meaures for clothing. The funeral of Mrs. Lucinda Hall of the town f York, was held last Friday. Joe T. Jacobs spent Saturday, in Detroit, combining business with pleasure. Chas. M. Jones and wife of Charlotte, were the guusts of B. F. Watt over Sunday. Christian Miller of North Fourth street, had a stroke of paralysis, Saturday. Monday Jno. Walker shipped by express a buil terrier to a dog fancier in Texas. President Angelí delivered an address to the studente, in university chapel, Moaday. Prof. Winchell lectured in Detroit, Monday evening, on " Man in the Light of Geology." Several poems on the "beautiful snow," have founil their way to the wa&te basket. The M. E. church at Dixloro hae been handsomely decorated at un expense of $100 or more. Jno. Finnegan was in Webster, Saturday, on business oonnected with th Jno. Devine estáte. " Siberia," in six acts, a play of thrilling interest is anaounced tor Thursday evening, Jan. 27. Charles Stabler, son of Mrs. Jacob Stabler of Soio, died Saturday. of diph therïa, aged 11 years. The toboggan slide still continúes to attraot both old and young, who seem to enjoy the sport hugely. Fred. 8. Avery, a uephew of Mrs. C. C. Clark of this city, is manager of the Central hotel in Adrián. Justin McCarthy will lecture in univesity hall one week f rom to-night, Jan . 28, on " ireland's Cause." In another column will be found a change of advertisement for W. G. Burchneld, the merchant tailor. liev. J. T. Sunderland discoursed, Sun day morning, at the Unitarian church on " Religión as an Experience." Frank Hargsterfer has harvested 7,6U0 tons of splendid ice. He nuished fllhng lus ice houses Saturday. The Joe T. Jacobs clothing company report business lively at their mammoth establishment on South Main street. E. R. Doane of Dexter, has gone to Florida to indulge in the cultivation of oranges. He will only winter there. Israel Voegel's house, in Chelssa, was destroyed by tire Sunday night. Loss $1,500, partially covered by insurance. Miss Tiny Bross will be the heail trimmer in Mrs. M. .M. Tattle's milhn erry establishment, the coming seasoa. The funeral of the late Susan Cain of Northfield, took place Saturday, from the Catholic church ia the above place Rev. Dr. Earp held a cottage service last Monday evening, at tbe residence of Wm. Cousins, on South üniversity avenue. The city band will realize something like f 100 trom themasquerade ball giveu in Beethoven hall, last Friday evening Good. A sneak thief, whose home is in or near Ypsilanti, attempted to steal a gold ring, Saturday, from Watts & Watts' jewelry store. Harrington Johnson is the oldest tonnorial artist iu the city in point of ser vice, havmgworked at the trade continu ously ginoe 1804. There was a social party at the Franklin house, last Friday evening, givea bv the proprietor, Jas. ]j, Stone. A pleaaaut time is reported. Artbur Covert, a high school studeut, Kave social, Saturday evening last, at his father's residence in Pixboro, to tho members of his class. A number of sinners in Milan have been con verted under the teachings of Revs. Wright and Odell, who have been holding a revival at that place. W. E. Walker npent Monday in Detroit. Mrs. R. Beahan has returned f rom Chicago. J. E. Beal of the Courier, is in Port Huron on business. The opening of Hobart guild will t ike place some time in February. The firet Baptist churoh ereoted n tuis city was dedii-ated June 10, 1849. Elizabeth Burnnett was granted a di vorce Saturday, f rom Jno. Burtineti. Dr. Ohadbourn quizzed the junior medies, Monday, on "Intermittent Fever." An attempt will be made to light the city, to-morrow mght, with the new electrio light. Ride on a railroad 00 miles an hour, then you will know how fast you slide on a toboggau. Miss Jennie Garrie was in Detroit Wednesday and yesterday, the guest of (J. Schiappaoasse. Since the holidays business has quieted down. Just now pork is the liveliest article in the market. Miss Nellie Donovan of Kalamazoo, is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. W. J.Hayden An exciting election Saturday resulted in Mr. Davis being chosen as orator of the senior law class. Justin MoOarthy lectures in university hall one week from to-day, Fnday, Jan. 28. Hear him. Richard Burns is breaking a Clydesdale colt, only four years old, whoee weight is 1,405 pounds Orlando Boyer was arrested yesterday, byOhief Sipley, o" the charge of laroeny. He is wanted in Lansiug. Prof. Griffin oommenced to quiz the senior laws Monday on evidence. He makes thorough work of it. There bas been a free concert at Fred Brown's plaoe this week. consisting of zither playing and singing. In 184U S. S. Schoff. a brother of our fellow-citizen, Nelson Sonoff, was pub lisher of the Washtenaw Whig. Dr. Duuster has given au ela orate opinión in the case of the Detroit Stocking. And he believes him insane. The famous Siberia Co. will appear at the Grand Tl.ursday eveniug, Jan. 27. They should be greeted with a full house. Mrs. Margaret A. Cook died Sunday, at the residenoe of her dani;htei, Mrs. Henry 8. Dean, in the 70th year of her age. Jas. Glancy, vvho lives on Hiscook street, will also reoeive between 850,000 and f (50,000 from his late brother's estate. Prof. Beman and Rev. Dr. Haskell, attended the dedication of the Woodward avenue Baptist churoh in Detroit, Wedneeday evening. The Wasutenaw Whig of the date of June 6, 1849, contained just three local items Note the differsnoe then and now of the city papers Prof. M. E. Oooley attended the state oonvention of the engineering society in Grand Rapids this week. The subject of his paper was " Gas Engines." Wm. Doty, B. F. Watts, Jas Stone, L Goodrich and C. E. Hiscock, attended a session of the grand cbapter, R.A. Al., in Detroit, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Goodwin will case was settled in the circuit court Mouday, the contestant receiving $3,200 in addition to the $2,000 they will receive under the wilL G. W. Brown of Ypsilanti, was in Detroit Friday, and while driving on Fort street, his horse slipped and broke his leg. The horse was afterwards killed. B. F. Watts has been elected grand high priest of the grand chapter, R. A. M., of Michigan. Only one more round of the ladder and he will have reached the top. Miss Effie Lett of Mt. Pleasant, stopped at the Cook house, Friday night. On retiring she blew out the gas and when discovered the next mornrag she was nearly dead . A passenger and freight tram on the Toledo road jumped the track gome three miles south of the city, last Saturday, and it was severa! hours before tralie could be resumed. When the eleotric light is in working order, the engine in the house on North Fonrth street will be removed and set up at the company's works at the foot of Washington street. Proseoufcing attorney Norris informed a Uemocbat reporter, just af ter the jury had gone out in the Flowers oase, that he hadn't the least idea the defendant would be convicted. "The Dog Fanciers' Journal" is the name of a new paper wliioh will soon make it appearance at Luther, Lake Co., Miel). Jno. J. Walker of this city, will edit the dog column. The estáte of the late Jno. Clancy of Grand Bapids, has been settled, and by the terms of the will Edmund Clancy of Spring street, reoeives nearly $60,000. A nice little nest egg. Títere was a very pleasant dancing party at Morris Galpin's, in Dixboro, lHSt Saturday even ing, attended by some 30 couples. Ford's orchestra of Bellville, f urniHhed the music. The Joe T. Jaoobs olothing company have made au ot her great cut in clothinif. One-third ofl ou overcoate and other goods in proportion. Their ad. will teil you all about it. Next Monday the Jacksou Gravs are to have a big blow out. Some 1,500 mvitationB have been sent out. An attendanoe of 500 is expected. Frank Hangsterfer will oater. Jay H. Lee, a gradúate of the law department, and for sotaetime in the secretary of state's office at Lansing, has formed a law partnership with prosecuting attorney Hammond of Ingham Co. Wm. Donovan ex-mayor of Lansing, and a son of P. Donovan of the 5th ward, has been appomted by Qov. Luce a membei of the board of control of the state reform school . A worthy appointment. Since Martin Seabolt has moved his laundry from Washington to Fourth street, opposite the court house, his business has more than doubled and continúes to increase with each succeeding week. The work he turns out, too, can not be beat. Adrián Press: Jefi Da vis is an Ann Arbor oolored man, and a red hot democrat. A lady had him arrested for slanderinsf her, and he was ooavicted in a justiee court. Jefl proposes to appeal to the circuit. That's right. Ko good demoorat would slander a woman. In the railroad wreek on the Toledo road, Friday uight.C Baluss of t lus city, had -everal ribs broken, and a drummer from New York. named F. F. Uonner, had his knee severely bruised. The baggageraan's foot was smashed. The accident was caused by the train running off the track. M rs. Ann Smith, for man y years a resident of this city, died Saturday, of dropsy of the heart, aged 70 years. 'l'wo daughters Burvive her, Mrs. M. Hughes of Harrison, and Mrs. J. B. Sheldon of Alma. Mrs. 8. was an aunt of John and James Fogarty, and Mrs. Martin Seabolt all of this oifcr. The funeral was held Monday, at St .Thomas' Catholic church, of whioh the deceased was a devoted member. Bev. Fr. Fierle officiated. The annual meeting of the Oerman Workmgmen's association was held Mouday evening. The following oflicers were elected for the ensuing year : President, Eugene Oesterlin; vice president, Jno G. Grossman, Chas. Binder; R S., Geo. Visel; C. 8 , D. F. Allmendinger treasurer, Fred Schmid; oashier, Jno. Meyer, 2d; trustees, J. M. VV'alz, John G Koch, Chnstian Lutz, Goo. Vliller, Wm Herz, Adam Wahl, Fred Gauss; color bearer, Herman Kempfert ; surgeon, D Jno. Kapp; stewart, Daniel Theus. Du ing the past year two members of th sooiety have died - Theo. Begalke auc I Geo. Henne. The total membership no is 132; amount in the treasury, 88,054. The society is in a most flourishing oondition. D. F. Allniendingir s organ factory ui again in full blaat. The dog poisonera have commeuced heir work of destruction. A. A. Crozier has been in Lansing.this week, in thu interest of prohi bition. Offioerffof the Michigan Furniture Co. vill be elected next Wednesday pvening. Louis Limfert of Cheboygan, has boen visiting hin aunt, .Mre. Brehm, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Finnay of Gmnger, 111, ïave been the guests of Mosea Sea bolt, ;his week. Ab. McCallum has appealed his case ;o the circuit court. J. A. Polhemus, xndsman . The annual statement of the Krause anning oompany, will be found in touy's paper. Mr. James Clency of Paw Paw, is pending a few days with his parenis, on Liscock street. The remains of Bertha Hampton were rought here Wednesday for interment in i'orest Hill oemetery. Chief Sipley proposes to make it warm br those train men who obstruct street rossings in the third ward. Mrs. Kittie Lindley bas returned ïome after spending several weeks in Vashington and New York oity. James T. Maloney of the law department, spent the holidays with his parnts and other friends in Grand Bapids. Monroe K. Swartout has sold his place n the south Tpsilanti road, and is gong to build a 81,500 house just oppoïte. The annual masquerade ball to be given y Company A, Feb. 22, promises to be n a grand soale. It will come off at the ink. Mr. Frank Howard of this oity, has raded hia interest in the Anchor manuaoturing cotnpany for real estáte in Deroit. Prof. Knowlton will finish his quiz to o the laws on Blackstone the middle of Tebruary, when he will take vip conracts. There are 53 patients now in the uniersity hospital. The greatest number t any one time since the ooilege opened eing 72. Prof. Langley and J. W. Whitlark were eleoted trustees of the Unitarian ïurch at a meeting of the society IVionay evening. A war song ooncert will be given at he Unitarian ohurch Monday evening, nder the direction of A. Wilsey and [iss Annie Wilson. An organized effort is being made to ïave the study of Germán introduced in ie ward schools. Dr. George has taken ie matter in hand. The " Siberia" company carry two caroads of scenery. The play is spoken of n the very highest terms by the press vherever il is given. Mr. and Mrs. Will Puroell of Toledo, O., returned to their home Monday, after week's visit with .lrs. P.'s mother, Mrs. [aloney of Fountain street. One of the most enthusiastic temper mee men in the city is Ernest Carter, [e is one of the few who is willing to ay for having his effusions published. Mary E. Cooper, aged 69 years, died in ie uoiversity hospital Sunday, and 'aesday tht remains were taken to her ormer home in Laingsburg, for bunal. It was 18 degrees below zero , Tuesday moniing, at the residence of Wm. K. hilds, and in other portions of the city ie thermometer indioated from 10 to 15 elow. A hack, in whioh Mrs. Olney and two riends were riding, tipped over Monday. i front of undertaker Martin's plaoe, as ie driver attempted to turn his team round. No one injured.: Travel on the Whitmore Lake road was im peded for neveral hours Wednesay, on account of several oars, loaded with ice, running off the side-track leadng to Cornwells' pulp mili. Mrs. Judge Joslyn of this city, has iresented to the inmates of the county ïonse a large n amber of the popular magazines of the day, including the üentury and Harper's Weekly. Ij. D. Taylor has resigned the treasurership of the J. 1'. Jacobs' olothiug ompauy, and J. T. Jacobs has been lected to the position. W. W. Wadïatns is seoretary of the company. During the session of the undertakers' association the Michigan Furniture Co. ïad samples f their manufacture on exïibition in Christman's store. The furni;ure was very much admired by the vistors. At the annual meeting of the Michifan l'urniture Co., Tuesday evening, ihe followiug direotors were elected: W. D. Harriman, L. Gruner, Moses Seabolt, E. E. Beal, A. W. Hamilton, C. E. liscosk, and P. Snauble . Kev. Hobart of Toledo, will dehver he opening address in the series of leclUres given by the Baptist young peo ple's society, on !Sundayr evening. He will also occupy the pulpit in the morning. All are cordially invited. C. Mack, agent for the Gremania and Detroit tire and marine iusurance oompañíes, in which D. F. Allmendmger's organ factory was insured, has adj usted the loss at $345; $2(0 in the former and $8d in the latter company, to the perfect satisf action of Mr. A . Mr. B. Qardellaand Miss Julia tíchiappacasse were married in Detroit yesterday, and Mr. D. Partorinoand Miss Rosa Jáchiappacasse of the same place, wera married the day before at the residence of the brides' parents. The young ladies are sisters of Jas. Schiappacasse of tnis city, who attended the oeremonies. The following were the luoky ones who captured pnzea at the maequerade ball at Beethoven ball, last Friday eveniug ; Mi. Emma Graf, opera glass; Miss George jVloGaire, silver castor; Miss Minnie MoNally, pepper and salt set, Will Seery, oard reoeiver; Jno. Miller, napkin rin; Jno. Weinmann, silver oup. The City band, Monday evening, elected Jno. Lindensehmidtt, president and leader, Fred Graf, secretary and Henry G. Horn, treasurer. The band is in a most liourishing con .ition and seoond to none in the state. They are about purc'ha-iug four new instrumenta. The lust of their series of coucerts will be given in March. The first of the week we received a cali f rom Ohas. H. Lwis, the trainer driver of Ypsilanti. He reporta his horse, Little Joe, 2:ál%, as doing flnely in charge of Frank Enos. Charhe and Miss Minme Sassenberg looked supremely contented as they left for home with Jay Orcutt's speedy team, Stonyford and St. George, whioü is credited with iing the tastest pole team in this section. Represen tative Mauly has introduoed a bilí to provide for u uniformity of textbook, to be used in the public and district sohools. This is a move in the right direction, and we hope the bill will become a law. There bas been too much "monkeyiug" in regard to changmg school books every new moon, beoause some publisher was anxious to make a speek. We don't kuow whother it is true or not, but it is said there have been cases where the publisher and protessors have whacked up. The oitizens of the third ward, living west ot Allen's creek, complain that on Sundays the streete are blockaded witi trains of oars on the Toledo roa J, mud longer th;iii the law allows. In man, cases persons on their way to ohurci have been compelled to orawl under the cars or await the pleasure of the tram men. Of oourse, tho blame can not be laid to the managers of the road, fo they expeot their employés to live up to the rules and regulations isued from headquarters Perhaps ïf one or two men who have charge of these trains that ob struot theistreet orossings were com plained again-t, convicted and fíned, i would stop the nuisanoe at once. Jus take the number of the engine nex time, Mr. , and see what effect i will have when the engineer or oonduc tor is brought before a joatioe of th peaoe. Thuraday Jan. 27, the l,069th performance of the famous " Siberia," will be iviMi at the Grand. The total receipts of the Ann Arbor ostoffice for the year ending Dec. 81, 886, foot up $20,5l9.;;r; expendituree, ;7,244.05. Total net earnings for the overnment, $13,325.00. The heavy falls of snow we have had re dow playing the deuoe with the roofs f houses. The snow melting gradually ie water has worked under tbe shinglen nd inside the coinioes, and done much amage to oeilings. Rev. I. N. Elwood a former pastor of iie M. E. church of this city, died in 'lint Wednesday. He had been ailing or sume time, and a year ago went to urope for his healtb, bat the trip did ot seem to benefit hiin. Don't fail to witness the play of " Si : eria," next Thursday evening, Jan. 27. We ure asaured it is one of the greatest lays ever put on the boards in this city. 'lic memoere of the company, some 3s n all, are firstclass artista. Louis P. Darmstreioh of Detroit, who was killed Saturday by being thrown rom his cutter, at one time owned the ld Keyer brewery property, whioh was mrohased by Ailes & Allmendinger and urned into a flouring mili. Au attempt was made last night to urn Jno. Snyder's barn on Washington treet. The fire was started in the maner. The hortte in the stall had the ïair singed from bis breast. Fortunatey the fire was discovered and extmgaishd. Mrs. Sarah MoCarthy, for many years resident of Northfield, but who has or the past two years been making her ïome with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. layden, died Snnday of palsy, aged 68 years. A son, Jeremiah MoCarthy, is iving in the northern part of the state. The following are the officers of the )atholic mutual benefit assooiation for he ensuing year: President, M. J. D'Brien; vice presidenta, David Rinsey, John OBnen; R. S., T. P. Bonuer; F. l., Dr. T J. Sulhvan; treasurer, Anton Cisele; marshal, John Manning; guard, ). J. Ross; trustees, Anton Brahm, O. P. C'ary, Wm. O'Riley. Jacob Reicherl, town treasurer of Scio, was the first to pay over tax money, $432, a treasurer Belser; the total amount iaid by him to Deo. 31, was $2,188.85. ?he next was Jas. McHugh of Northfield, $1,775.10; the town treasurer of Webster, $2,111.74; Salem, $600; Ann Arbor town. $85; Lodi, 860; treasurer Hemphill of Ypsilanti, $762.52; Salem. 538.80. The last prosperous play poor Bartley Campbell wrote netted him the founda .ion of a fortune; but thesucoess of "Sijeria" no doubt turned bis head. Hig lubsequent plays were carelessly written. ?ailure resulted. His mind beoame unsettled and the famous playwright is now in inmate of an asylum. The hope of lis recovery is slender. The history of ;he drama in Amenci could not be writ;en without giving Bartley Campbell a prominent place. " Siberia" will be prejented at the Grand opera house on Thursday evening, Jan. 27.