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Michigan Matters

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The River and Harbor bill as finally re vised by the coramitto on rivera and" harbors contatos the following nllowances for Michigan iniprovements. Harbor at, Charlevoix and cntrance to Pine Lake. $7,500; Cheboyfran harbor, $5,000; Frankfort harbor. 10,000; Grand Haven harbor, $15,000; harbor of refugo at Grand Marais, 126,000; Ludington harbor, Í30,000; Manistee harbor. $7,800; Ontonagon harbor, í(,000; Pentwater harbor. 84.000; Portage Lako harbor, $15, 0C0; harbor of refuge at Sand Beach, $40,000; St. Joseph's harbor, $4,000; South Haven harbor, 85,000; White River Harbor, $0,000; Marquette harbor, $10,000; 8t. Joseph's river from its raonth to Uerrien Springs, $2,000; Detroit river, $35. 000; St. Clair Ship canal, $18,750; St. Mary's river, new lock and dam, $100,()CO; St. Clair river. removing Diiddle ground in the river opposite Port Huron, $15,000; Hay Lake Channel. 8100,000; Saginaw rivor $85,000, of whieh $12,500 are to bo used above Bay City. The following BUrveys are ordered with a view so fnture iniprovements: Mouth of the Au Sable river, with a view to a twelvefoot channel; Black river St. Clair county, from its mouth to the Grand Trunk iron bridge, with a View to obtaining iifteon feot of wator; Glen Haven Harbor, with a view to a breakwater. State News Condehsed. Thb following are tlf aw offleors of the ■tato sportsmen's association" President, E. S. Holmes. Qrand Rapids; secretary, Mark Norris. Grand Rapids; treasurer, N. A. Osgood, Bay City; director for four yoars, A. L. Lakey, ÏCalamazoo; delegates to the June convention at Chicago, E. S. Holmes, Mark Norris, E. O. Lancaster, H. ! Widdeeomb and K. C. Nioholg. The next ; meeting will be held in Chicago on the ■ second Tucsddy in Jauuary. Rev. I. N. Elwood. a prominent Methodist minister and well-known in the state, died in Flint on the löth inst. Henry Neinhouse, a young man 20 years old, was instantly killed by a falling tree at one of D. P. Clay's lunwer camps, two miles from Newaygo. His home was in Muskegon and his body was taken there for interment. Mrs. Eber Adams, for nearly half a ; tury a resident of Adrián, is dead. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kennedy of Meredith, Clare county, accidentally got to a bottle of carbolic acid and drank of it, causing hls doath. A telegram from Dakota announc?s that C. B. Buck and hU son Herman of Sturgis, and Mr. Davis, at whoso house they wero stopping, perished in u blizzard recently. Irving Field, son of Milton Field, a highly respected farmer living near Brighton, has been arrested on a charge of forgery. The warrant was isiued in Dakota. where i he had moved to four years ago. Returning home a year ago, lio has lived with hi father ever since. He was lodged in jall ' at Howell to await requisition papers. A new route has been proposed for th section of the T. S. & M. R. R., between Greenville and Muskegon. The new route passes through the north edgo of Cedar Springs, thence through the towns of Bailey and Treut to Muskegon. Citizens along the route, and espeeially t Cedar Spriñgs, are much interested. A female insuranco agent is doing business in Howard City. The femnle book agent is bad enough, but from the femalo insurance agent, "Good Lord deliverus." When ex-MaorT. J. Navin was engaged in raising the wind to the tune of $150,000 by the issue of fraudulent water bonds on tüe city of Adrián, he had the bonds printed by the Franklin bonk note compnnv, of New York. The job came to $S50 and, by the detection of the fraud and Navin's sub.equent flight, the bank note conv pany failed to get its pay. It is now bringing suit in tho Now York supremo court to recover the nmount from Adrián, but the authorities of thai. placo consider the snit a bluff and will pay no attention to it. Traveling men should investigato the advantagos offered by tho (hand Union Hotel, New York, as a stopping place for the commercial fraternity. It is strictly first-class in every particular, and is conducted at prices that caunot butcommand the attention of tiavclers, %vho wish to live well and at the same timo save their houses as much as possible in tho way of expenses. - Mirchant Travder. The prohibition state central committee met in Landing on the 801 li inst, and decided to hold thelr state convention in Lanbin', Peb. l. The basis of representation will be ten delegates to each representativo district. Tho following committee was appointed to act with tho temporáneo people of tho stato in the evont the amendment is subraittcd : Samuel Dickio, Albion; J. 1!. Laing, l'lint; A. B. C.'heuey, Sparta; Robert Kiug, Lapeer; E. B. Sutton, Adrián. Falk Austrian, a well known and leading merchant of the Lako Superior copper región in tho sixties, has just died in Chicago M. H. Terkins, of Upton & Perkini, clothing dealers, a prominent young business man and member of the common council of lludson, dropped dead tho other day from paralysis of the heart. Will Rhead and John W. Hall of Hudson. niako atlidnvit that they have been curod of their respectivo ailmeuts by tho failh cure. The Michigan stato sportsmen's association, in session in Lansing. elected the following olhcors for tho coming year: Presiden E, 8. Holmes, Grand Rápida; secretaryi Mark Norris, Grand Kapidi; treasurer, N. A. Osgood, Battle Crees; A. L. Lakey, Kalaniazoo, director for fuur Lears. E. S. Holmes, Mark Norris, E. O. ancaster and H. Wiudicomb were choson representativos to the natioual sportsmen's congres?, wbich is to meet in Chicago nex Juue. Frank II. Ouest, living near Otsego, gtarted for the village after a physician for his mother, who was quite ill, and returning washimsolf taken suddenly ill. and died the followlne day. His mother was gainir.gstcadily until sho hoardof her son'g i death, and Thursday afternoon sho died from grief at his uutirnely end. Marshall proudly boasts that it is Out of debt. Ernest Minkley, a brakoman on tho D. L. & N., was cut in two by tho cars noar Rodney. Fred Lamond of Kalamazoo droppad dead on the street in St. Thomas, Ont., a few days ago. Charles Wixtrom of Muskegon, a Swedo 50 yenrs old, who has been working for his board for tho city hall as janitor, I ally feil down stairs and broke his skull, killing liim almost instautly. He has no relatives in this country. The VVagoworkers' party of Grand ■ ids has heen organized. The by-luws adopted spocify that it is to be local in its charactcr, the most prominent idea being to puril'y mul elévate the politics of that city and to cnlist in its ranks all ujen who arè interested in bringing about this r#sult. Tho members proposo to form a iiuinber of local clubs, whieh will bo undor the rlirectiou of tho central committee. Montcalm county has decidod not to furnish the inmates of tho county house any more tobáceo, the bilis for that artiele having reached about $100 per year. The bill for tho relief of Marsh & Lafever of Battle Creek, in their patent controversy with Nicbols. Shepard & Co., has become a law, settling a suit whieh has been in tho courts for several years. Tho bill makes perfect a patent on yalve gear whieh the firót nameu firm recen ed in '80, but whieh tho secretary of the interior had inadvertently failed la sign. The stato central committee of the ! ored people of the stato met in Jackson on tho 18th iust. Resolutions were passed j favoring tho submission of a prohibitory amendraeut to the people of the stato and ivlorsing the action of the knights of labor in behalf of the colored peoplo at Richmond, Va. The committee then adjourned, subject to the cali ot the president. The Commercial iron company has been organized at Negaunee with a capital of $i,000,(K:0, with bO.000 shares of stock. President, Hon. Jno. Q. Adaim; vice-president. Seth D. North; secretary. M. R. Goldsworthy ; treasurer, D. Klecknor, all of Hancock. The principal office will be Hancock. Thursday, tho 2Sth inst., is tho 50th annivorsary of the admission of Michigan into the union. Miss Francés E. Willard will lecture in Michigan iu February in tho interest ol tho social purity moveinent. Mrs. M. Adelo Hazlett of Hudson, th well known political speaker, has been appointed to a position in the auditor conral's oüice. Tho animal report of Labor Cemmissloner Pond shows that tho Coldwater road cart company have a contract with the Reform school at Lansing to work 25 men at 30 cents a day. Marine City is noted for soinething olso besides snit. About 100 tons of the fragranté) limburgor cheese wore manufactured thero tho past yoar. Tho Northwestern Lumberman says a good trade hasrsprung ud lately along the upper railroads ior black liirch knots and burls. These, of course are usod for voneers, and are worth 7W cents a pound. The farmer will bring in a knot on a hand sled that will be worth f rom $7 to $8. ]t is the best paying business they have struck yet. The nnnual meeting of tho Michigan Salt association was held in EastSaginaw. ïho association received 8,408,949 Bárrela Of salt and sold 2,6S5.'.iS'J barrels. Directora vero elocted f rom tho eeveral dlstricts ia tho state as folio ws: Thomas Crnnage, J. L. Dolsen, J. K. Hall, H. Millor. Selwyn Eddy. r. K. Burt, J. A. Whistier, V. J. Barton, George F. Williams, Ezra Rust F. C. Stone, J. S. Thomson, W. 8. Brainard, W. K. Stafford, Groene I'ack, John Caufleld, John Thorsen, H. G. Peters and F. J. Dowland, The old officors were reloeted with W. R. Burt as president. A nompany is being organized in Marine Ciy to bore for natural gas. A protective association of business men has boon formed in Stanton. Levi Truesdell, aged 71, and on of Muskogon's pioneer, died on the ISth of a oompllcation of diseases. He was waylaid by sandbaggers two years ago and never fully recovered from the efïects of tho beating ho received. Hls son died of pneumonía a few hours later. The lanitor of the Alma union school was a British soldier during the Abyssinian war aud carrios a medal for houoralÑo service. There are O00 students in the normal school at Ypsilanti. Klislm McCoy, a soldier of the war of 1812 and a pensioner, died at his homo in Union City the other day. Col. A. T. Miss of Saginaw City says that the charges against the management o! tin1 Boldiera' homo are groundloss. John Brownell of East Saginaw has been senteneed to five years at Jackson for forgery. DETROIT 'mABKETS. Whbat, White $ S4 @ 85 Whbat, Red 84 m .85 Conx per bu 3SJ-i@ 43 Oats per bu 31 @ 32 Bakley 10 @ 15 Timotiiy Si:ed 2 15 @ 2 20 Ci.oVEit Seed per keg 4 85 @ 4 70 Feed per cwt 13 (KI (II! S, BüCKWHBATFLOÜB perCWt. 2 00 (u: )l S Michigan patent... 4 25 (g 4 50 Michigan roller 4 00 (jgj 4 2ñ -Minnesota patent.. 4 75 M 5 00 Minnesota bakers'. 4 Ou @ 4 25 Michigan ryo per bu 53 (5 54, per bu 2 25 (tí 3 00 Ukans. Picked 1 37 1 40 Beaxs, Unpicked 75 @ l 05 BEB8WAX lü 30 Bdttbr 19 @ 20 Cabbaobs per 100 175 (a 2 00 l.'iDKit per gal 10 (oó 12 CBANBEK1ÍIB3, per bu 1 75 (! 2 ÍU Chbesb, per lb 12 @ 13 Dbibd Ari'i.Ks, per bu 4 @ 0J ! DBE88BD Hoos, per cwt 5 85 @ 5 52 Ei.cs. per doz 2!) (& 30 Hoxiiï, per lb 10 @ 14 Hops 32 @ 30 Hay, per ton, clover 8 00 a 0 00 " ■ " timothy 9 00 (rt 10 00 Malt. per bu 86 o, r Osions, per bbl 2 78 ffl 3 00 Potatoes, per bu 4D (j -15 PoülTBT- Chickons per lb 7 @ s Hees e 'J @ 10 Turkeya 9 @ 10 1 dicks". 10 (g 11 Roosterj.llTe, lb :; a Fuovi-i i. Mess Pork 12 60 WIJ 75 Family " 12 75 @t8 W Lard 7 (w -,y, Hams 10 (S Shouklerö .... ü (d Bacon 8 (L Tallowperlb. 8 ig 3) I.IVE STOCK. Cattle - Market steady and a ha 'e strong:' shipping steers.of 950 to 1 5 (j lb 13 50@5; stoekera and feeders, $; . 0@ 3 CO: cows, bulls and mixed, Btronger at fl 50@8 75; bulk, $2 40(2 S0: Texas catt.e, $2 40@3 26. Hoos- Market active and 10e higher; rough and mixed 4 2O@4 76; packing and ■hipping, f4 70@5 10; Iight, 4 35M-1 s5 : skips. si 2t!@i 85. SnEF.r- M.' rïiet steadv; nativos, S2 50(3 4 90; western, :t 7"@4 ('0; Texans. $0 40 4: lambs, L4 10@5 65. The Drovers' Journal cablegram from London quotes excessive supplies of cattle, andpricesare Jiclower: best American only marketing ']4.


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