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Of all tbinps wfcicb may rcsult In conKcience lean aml lux; Bewaro the schoming frauds occult ïo shun tbo incoinu tax. The fellows who vill mnko display When the occasions pass; Liko Bamson, many thousandsslay With jawbone of tlie ass. Mr. Jacob Froehlich, a well known tailor of Cincinnati, O., after suflfcring for years v.ith rheumatism, was cured in a short timo by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. The ladies- bless 'em- it beats all! Wlien they are young and squallers, ïheir hearts are set upon thedoll - When grown, upon the dollar-. - Tid-Bits. (!reat men by their lives leavo foot prints In the sanas of time, we know; P.ut their marks are slight compnred to Foot prints in Chicago snow. - Merchant Traveler. Boston Herald: Sarah Bernhardt has eaehed Panama. She niust feel at home inthatnarrow isthmus. New Haven Nows: What is my opinión f misfortune! It is a man without an umbrella on a raipy day. Philadelphia Herald: Although very fashionabfe as an article of dress, the l'itstle is really a back number. Mm, C. Kellofügi Kdgwood, Cal., saya: Red Star Cough Cure is the best medicine she has ever used for colds for the children. __ Merehant Traveler: High and dry - a tall Kentuckian. War Ahead. There is great (langer of war with Mexico in the ncar future, but at present we can pursuo tlie art of happiness, prosperity and wealtl). Wherever you live, you sliould write to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full Information aboutwork that you can do. nnd live at home, earning thereby from f5 to $.'5 and upwards daily. bonie hnve earned ovei $50 in a day. Capital not required; you are started free. All is new; both sexes. AU ages, l'ay, as above guaranteed, from iirst start; Puck: A board bill- the carpenter's statement. TlIE COMHIXATION OF IXGREDIENTS USed in making Bkown's BitoxcnrAL Trocues is such as to gtve the best possiDlo effect with safety. Thcy aro the best remedy in ïise ior Coughs, Colds, and Throat Discases. Sold only in boxes. Price 25 cents. '. Life: An electric experiment- repeating at the polls. Fou DtspepsIa, Indigestión, Depression of Spirits and General Debility, in their various forms also as a proventive against Fovcr and Ague, and other Intor mittent Fevors, the "FuiiHO-Pnosi'noRATED Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from Fever or other Eickness, it has no equal. Boston Courier. Man wants but little here below - zero. For the Blood, Nerves And Complexion, use Carter's Ikon' Fills. New Haven News: It's a viso child that knows when to lay down a poker hand. PATElTSobtainedbyIIouiBaes'Co.,Attornt-) , Waïhington.U.C. Est'd 18C4. Advic froe. That tired languid foeling and dull headche is very disagreeable. Tako two of Carter's Little Livor Pilis before retiring. and you will ünd relif. Thny never fail to do good. REPUBLÏCM VALLEY STOCK FARM. AVERY & COLEMAN, PROPRIETORS, WAKEFIELD, CLAY CO., KAN. ;-ive breftdlnff ',-■ j; Over Kiplifcy 'V' St.illiong aul M tren on intC ' èL. 1 bond; a!-'i 'ev reror P Coacber. Bare the ■ v .1 n-k tin-i e)M-n e u ' "-SKK' '# lona: i'Ailr ■ J 1. p ■ ■ . Pl n H !■■■ at hoiinï mul a o g' ■ lJaHB c.i-n itei, .f laUmble Er men lth entftl) Uhd gj-. ' reiMiinciniia as ' _ , era o ir importe I Stock all rèar! i 1 in ttif Pre heron Stud Booki of France anti Ame f i . 'o KuarantM al] st ■■'; Diaden ju-t % r o il a Eend Cor catv logue Xo. S, ireo. Adüi AVERY COLEWAN, Props. I Vakefield, Clay County. Kan. RUPTÜRE! : Have you heard of the atouinïin: rertuctlon for ; 1)H. J. A. 8HK&MAK s famoili lUmm Trcutnicnt. th onlyknowit; ffuarantee comfort itnd ture without . openitiiMi or Iiiij:K'I in. : i' frntó iaborl No stoel or ! Jroiibunis: Perfect rcienilon il:'i' end lay. No otaaflnff. Suiti'd to all ages, n.w, IO ;niy. Send for olrcular of meiwtii remonta, iuttrucitöna and proof.1. (et mtrcü :it Ikuiu' ;irul li" li:ïpy. Dli.J.A. j LIILli.)fA.-"JlIJroailuny.Xeic Vork. 0 1 L ilDjUim pen S ■ ■ Leadin?: Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., orks: Camdca, N. J. 26 John St., New York. Pisos Reroedy for Catarrh Is tbe WÊÊ I Bost, Easiest to Uae, and Cfceapcst. I ALso (jood fbr OoM In tlio nart. I I Helac)ie. Hay Fover. Ir. sj reui.. R9 HOME TREÁTMENTcA?, reader sufferlnff from Oríranie We&ltne. Nervous or chronlc Alimenta. Bhould vrita to I DR. WILLIAMS, 189 Wis. SS, Milwaukea, I W9., for a Cl-pnffa iiook, ffivlne the propr tieut nifiit Ín fnll. fin 1 thmi rolfl qn i-ki'iv. WP W&MTVflUI nlivorticrcftloman C WMiil I IUM or „mu omcLns profitable cmployment to rapruent vis In everjr county. Snlary$;;ii'rmun.:i and expenso, or a lari?e coimiifssion on sales ií profí-rn-il. t;ouas atapl. livt-ry one biiv-3. Outntandparticulars Frce. . ETAKDAliD SILVEBWAKE CO.. li.'STOÏT, MASS. % ma mo n Kresh, Kolinhlc: Wholesale ac [ nBJ üftuil. by muil utSand % m T 1 1% ïïcis. per liirt,'epuck iiie. MaiuWkk W motil SecdKurnis. OnoAcreot tilass! Seüutlful Illustmtod Catalogue mtl. II. W. BiiKiiEK. lí M" -íi ;. n i isi. Rockfordi lü flfllIKr'' ■ tiiM-d L r.'iun: Trfúii BHBljIl ?ont "'i triiil :':i I NO I'',': : 9WH' until yon aro !. ': 1 nRnm R.:..T. ■ ...:■.....: rinUPonJuiüjKkcr, Vn., In ('Inremniit kuKM N oli"v. fltustrnled Circular Frn. rHlllll Wd.F. MAM'IIA Claromiml, Va. K100ER'8 Pfl8T!llESffsacaSS: -a- BKawi :hiUCEtou, Mms. l-JENiálONS'ftn wiin' rorclroolsn hikÍ law.. A.WJicOormtck A Son, Washington, D. C. ttr totxadny. Samplpswortli : l.lne Nk K not ntnl.Ttlit' hore'- feo!. Writí? Ilreirster'ii 4w ■'■ .■"" ffoftfer '■'. -'■'.'. '■' r iTrlITñ I'. A. líEIIIMANX. Sfillcltoi DA I I" fy I V '' atentó, WASHINGTON, I É i tll_J_y P.O. Send for Circular. VlDÍTVTi FARMS! MIM Cllmatel Cheap V Il(lll-1A Homes! Northern (.'olony! lllusnto.l circular free. A. 0. 1ÍM5W, Contralla, Va. W.N.U. D.--5--5 innlllU Morplilnc Ilnblt OurcH In 1O lllllln '"" Iny. .Mi:ijllll('nrW, )f 1 WilS In. J. L.i'.miiuii, ú.'ilo.


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