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THE GERMANIA HOTEL. CORNEE WASHINGTON AND SECOND str.ets. Wm. L. Frank. p'O rietor. tam ple rooms f traveiing mc-n. Eery room b ated bv steam. BOODRICH HOUSE AH. GOODRICH, Proprietor, corner Ann and Fourth striets, opposite the Court House Square. Everythingin firstclass order. Newly furnished. Barn aecommodations. J. R. JOYNËR TICENSED AUCTIONÏR, is nowpre ï-i pared to render his services to all deciring tbem. When you wish to sell anytbing at auction give him a cali. He may ƒ found the first door west of Nat Drake's p.ace, Huron street. P. M'KERNAN, A 1T0RNEY-AT-LAW. Coliections promptly atended to. Money to loan. Houses and lots or sale. Oüice in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postollice, dealer in Fresh, omokedaud ' Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. MRS. N. II. PÍERCE. MAGNETO HlvVI.KK. Dure Without Medicina. Chronic (;ase a Spocialty. Acute cases yield at once. Wil! answer calis. Buiness hours: 9 a. m. 10 6 n m. 39 Pontiac Street, Sth Ward, Ann rbor Mleh. FOLLETT HOUSE. WH. LEWI.S. proprietor, Ypsilantl, Mlch. House heated With steam. DEAN M. TYLER, M D. PHYSICIAN AND SUGEON'. Offlce and I dence over postofflce. first floor. UNION HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS in all resiiects. Evervthlnff ! new. Fiue rooms, well furnished. Tcnns, tl per day and upuanls. Special rates to weekly boarders. Meals, 25 cents. John BcLuuider, Jr., l'roprictor. Coruer of Washngton and Second streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. NICHOLS BROS. W. W. & A. (J. NICI1OL8, D. D. S. Dental office Masonic Temple Block, over Saviugs Bank, Ana Arbor. JO8EPH CLINTON, VIERCnANTTAILOR. Shop over Wlnes & ill Worden'. AJJ work truarantced or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFY ATLAW. Offlce, nos. 3 and 4, Grand Opera House, Ann Aruor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, ATTORN'EY AT LAW. Does a eeneral law ; collectlon and convpyauce business. A moderate patronage is resuectfully sollcited. Offlce in the court house, Ann Arbor, Mlch. O. C. JENKINS, QUROEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South O Main Street, opposltc the First National Bank, Aun Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and (ïmrc stoni-s manufactured from Tonuessee and Italian Marble and Sctoch and American ; Granit. Sh!)p cor. Detroit aud Catharine sts., Ann Arbor, Mlch. WILLIAM HEKZ, HOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco Palntcr. G lding, Calelminine, Glazini; and Paper Haning. All work done in the best style and warrauted to give satisiaction. Bhop, No. 4, West Wash:iii;ton street, Ann ! Arbor, Mich. ; The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orcuitzd 1869, UBdw th Qeaerjil Baukliii 1-tw tt tlii it.t hu uw, Daluains capital lucí, it . t., 9TKM $500,000 JLMSKTê. BlnM man. Ouardlana, Tnutaei, La4lM aa4 i4hr parsons will flnd thli Bauk a SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT ftao at whUh te make Dpomu and do bmlim. nterost is Allowed on All Savings Deptsltt 3f % .08 and up ward, accordlng to the rulw ai iha baak, aud iataract compounded sauii-auM .Uy. Monay t Loan In Sumí of $20 t fB.OOO. Maarad bj Uautaubara Baal Iium uu orno, laad soeurltlaa. DIHIUTOR3- Chrlill Maok, vr. W. WHiat IT. D. Uarriman. Wtl]'m Daubla, Did Rinaey, Oulil Uliouok od IT. B. Imitk OrriOXRS- OkrtiUaa Maok. Praaldent; W. n Wlaaa, Vc-Praalaeut: a I. illeook. Cuklar SODA BeatintheWorlci.


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Ann Arbor Democrat