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The executive board of the state temperance alliance met at the Hurd House at Jack-on 1 ol. nd. for the purpose of j taking into cousideration the best method of working for the on-titutional ainendment. The following officen were elected for the ensning year: l'ivsideut, ' Prof. Samuel Oiekie, Albion; Beeretary, ; Prof. J. B. Steere, Anu Albor; Tivnsurer, Hou. Charles Mosher, tioshervi'le. Areaoluüon wA adopted calling on uil probibitioulsts, irrespective of party, to meet at Lansing, Friday. February 11, for the purpoe of diseusglne plana for pushing to a successful result the prohilotory amend ; ment recently pused by the legislatura. It is saH the men-ure will lm Jpusbed not as a politieal questlon. but ou purely moral grounds. Sberiffs in Convention. The state convention of Bheriffg met in Grand Kapids on the Ist i rist, and the meeting lasted two davs. At the pro iminary meeting at the Morton a coramittee on order of business was appointed si-tuig of A. C. MoCauü, J. C. Barber, A. B. Slosson. F. G. Filield mui Max Bauninn. Their business sessfons were secret. li;r. ■ they adopted resolutions favoring tho ; pealing of Sectiou 5, Article 10, State Law, ; whirli liniits the terms of sherilTs' office to ; four yearS. Also fuvoring . change in the i con-titution relativo t teei allo wed for services, so t'iat supeivi ors inay not eut the same at their dicretlon. A nuinber of ! new were addel to tho society. They thon adjourned to meal in Detroit, , ■Uy 10 Slate Nows Condensed. Dr. H. A. Brockway, an old citizen of Vassar, was suddenly strijken entirely blind on the Ist inst. The cause is unknown. A telegram to the father of Gussie Walters at Three Riversannounces her ! tal of tlie murder of May Foster at Dea j Moines, Ia. Willie. the 15-yearold son of II. R. Witt of East Saginaw, while sliding on a tobogfran the other afternoon, was thrown agaiust a tree and fracture! his skull. It has been trepanned, but there is slight Aope of his re'ivery. John Howaró., Sr., one of the olde-t dents of St. (Jlair county, died in Port Huron on the lut inst. VIr. Howaid came to Michigan in 1&21, settling ftrst in Detroit. In ]i he removed to Port Huron, whore he has since resided. John Wendall. aged 71, and Mary Keiler, 23 years old. were married at Clio last week. By this marrlage Mary becomes the mothi'r in law of her eider sister, who married Wendall's son several years ago. '■ Francis Robinsonof East Saginaw wants $20.000 out of Port Huron to remunérate , him for daniages received from a detective . tldewalk. Kobiiiion ott'ered to settle, but the council rejected his claims, henee the ; suit. A fraudulent commercial agency claim ing to do business in Bay City 'ileeoed' Port Huron merchants to the tune of $ .0J, and noy the p. h. m. are seeking to recover i their moiicv. James H. Baker sues the F. & P. M. raïroad for :0,d00 damages. Baker's little boy lost a leg by beiug run over near Bay ' City. Wm. Jones a resident of Rockford, Kent county, and fonnerly of the Third Michigan lnfantry, ha l.eou arrested for sonating Wm. Jonej, a veteran of the ! Michigan engineersfindmechanicsot Jackson county. and collecting a pension certiücate through the old nalional band He is in jail awaiting trial in the United States cönrt. Dr. N. H. Williams has been appointed physiclan at Jackson priHOn. Hiram Blanchard and wife are an aged couple, well known and well-to-do and i ing on afarm.iiist wist of Marshall. A few days ago Mr. lilaniliard sustalned a! shock of jiaralysis. 'and as he feil to the floor his wifi', thoroughly afVriglited, ru-hed ti his asistance. in a few minutes she also reelei and feil and was found to be paralyzeil nlso. Both were in perfect : health up to the time of the attack. J. F. Miller, a machinist of Saginaw City, left, his home to Lo to Fliut the other day. Before reaching tlitt pi.acehe entered tne water-closet of the car. locked the ! door, iind put a bullet in liis bram. The ] suicide was aot discovered uutil the train reailied Milford. Mrs. Emma McCaig of Port Huron, re i centlv acijuitted of the murder of her ; band has hoeti engaged by an Adrián ! hshing tiriu b a book agent. John Kieder, for years pointed to as the oldest man in this section of the country, died at hU home in Déxter township Jan. üö. His age has bfen f"r years a much mooted (ucvTi"n ' :, t t suppoood tohavo been ;■,! i i-ars. - ■.' ter Leader. Mn, VVilliam Strasburg living near Imiay City, committed suicide the other day by tal'lug carbolic acid. V. H. Stebbins of Chicago, has brought suit against the city of Muskegon to recover ï'J.OOJ taxes paid under protest. The Review and Herald printing company of Battlo Creek, will shortly bezin the publication of De Bijbel Lezer, or Bible Reader. The Grnnd Rapids & Indiana railroad company has issued au order that trainmen kept out after hours by reason of accident, delayi: or other causes shall be paid for such extra time - ougineers, 3S cents extra per hour; conductor LO cents; tireman, baggagemen and brakemen 20 cents. Jacob VVinnemieke has been sentenceit to one year at hard labor at Jacksou for gtabbing Jacob Rentenback, a night watchmuu of Hancock. Jim Carr, the proprietor of the notori' ous "Devil's ranch" near Harrison, who is Berving a 10-years' sentence in Jackson for the murder of Frankie Clark, an inmute of Carr's den, has been granted a new trial. The demand for a return to capital punishment in Michigan is emphasized by the statement that thure are at present 221ifers in the state prison, serving for murder; and 16 murder trials are now pending. The Saginaw mine near Ishpeming is to be starten up again. H. B. Freer of Alliance, Ohio, died at the Exchange hotel in Owosso the other day, of paralysis. ■ Patrick Manly, an inmateof thesoldiers' home, who corroborated the stories of inhuman treatment, has been discharged. Cedar Springs ladies are so anxiousto have that new raiiroad th:it they offer to sell their feather beds and 'give the proceeds thereof to the project. Wm. McFarland of Rockford, III., who was visiting at the home of Wm. Crandall, at Napoleon, Jackson county, went to the barn. where he shot himself through the head and died instantly. No causéis msigned for the act. A donation party was held at Clarksville on the l'.tth uit., and the guests partook freeiy of oysters. Withia a few hours ïfter eating the oysters the entire party was taken with vomiting and jiurging, and exhibiting every symptom of ïioison. Prof. Vaughn of the university is iuve3tigating the matter. Thos. McGregor was released frora Jack son ]rison on the 5th inst., having i-erved five years' sentence. He was immediatelj' re arrested by the sheriff of Kt. Clair county on anothor charge of burglary. The brain of the late Prof. Edward O1ney weighed sixty-one ounces. The average normal weight of the human brain is forty-nine ounces, while tho majority of lntejlectual men have heavier brains. Wel ster's brain weighed fifty-tive ounces. The heaviest brain on record weighed sixtyeight ounces and was that of a Negro without any great amount of intelligence. The weight of his brain was hep.vier ovving to pathological conditions, and doe uot contradict the suppo-itiou that a heavy brain denotes the possos ion ot' great : tellect. Sixtyone ounces was the normui ' weight of Prof. Olney's brain. John Hutchins, one of the oldest '■ i dents of Oakland county, died in Royal Oak on the bth inst. W. C. Thayer, a leading merchant of ; Owosso, suioided the other night by talc ing rat poison. W. S. Beardsley, a merchaut ot Centerville shot himself the same i day. The summary in advance of the annual report, showing the financia] condition and Michigan business of the Stock Fire, Fire Marine and Marine insurance ■ I panies reporting to the insuranee bureau ; i for the year euding December 31, 1S8Ö, ! shows the condition of Michigan computiias to be as follows: Paid capital, $7U0,lW0; admitted assets, excluding ; spocial deposits, $1,400.019; liabilities, exclusive of liabilities on special deposits, $2s7,677; surplus s regards policy holders, $1,172,372. Benj. Turner, at one time a well known husinoss man óf Adrián, died in Austin, Texas, a few days ago. George TV. Lawton of Lawton, wbile w.sins at the depot for the train, was IookíiSk over some papers nnd dropped dead o{ heart disonse. He was late Major of the Foiirth Michigan eavalry, was once eleoted judge of ]rolnte of van Huren county, a member o the county bar and avery prominent and worthy citizen. He leaves a wldow and several children. There are 4üj boys in the reform school at Lanslng. Caleb Sweetland oí Kalnmazoo died In Jaeksonville, Kla., whitberhe had gone for j his bealtb. s. s. Olds of Lamine lias been chosen private tecretary by United States i tor elect Stockbrldge, and will remove his faiuilv to Washington at once. Kred Rider, werking iuPratt&Pickard's ramp on the Tlttabawriesee river, while rolling logi trom the banking ground Into the river. got in front of one log to move it, when it started suddenly and carried him over the bank to the logs betow. He j lived but a few minutes. Rider was 87 years old and unmarried. The Üattle Creek, Sturgis & Southwestern road is to be built at once. Henry Hanly of Cheboygan had an encounter with a bear. Henry was beaten. The supreme courthasdenied themotion , to coinpei the trustees of the public schools ! of Corunna to admit Grace TVilcox to tchool without having first proeured a , written excuse from her parents for being absent. Bert True, formerly of Flint, Is now a member of the Pennsylvania legislatura. Harvey, the East ïawis murderer, has been found guilty and sentenced to flve years' imprisomeut in Jackson. The wooden wing of the Huron heuse at Port Huron was burned the othor day, and the main building badly damaged. Mrs. Wnlter S. Mead of Adrián has been bedridden for some time. On Sunday a counsel of four physiciuns was held. j day she was up and about doing housework. She declares that she has been cured by the Divine Physician. WUdcata are said to be very numerous in Sanilac county. The resulence of John Fisher at Sagimiw City burned the other day. Mr. and Mr-, Fiher escaped by jumping from a second story wimiow, and Mr. Fisher's father, ageil SS, was rescued in an uncouscious comlition. The in-pection of Balt in Michigan during January as nhown by the report of the state inspector was as follows: öaginaw county, .T'.i'.l barrels; Mm nistee, 83.U05; Bay, ;m.0n: Ma-on, 8,900; 8t. Clair, S.460: Midland, 6,866; Huron, 4,498; Total, ibarrels. Thera is a man in Hemlock, Saginaw county, who cbloroforms his hogs beforc butoheiing them. Isabella county is over-stocked with coons this winter. A $ greenhack appeared in tho till of a Newaygo bank the othor day bearing the tollowing inscription: "Here he goes - save your ealary- don't gamble never plav faro bank- the last of a fortune of Í 10,1 00. Uiohael Viuki wants $5,000 out of Albion's treasury for injuries sustíüned by falling into a sewer. The first f. instituto for northern Michigan w. i u Uraylingon the Sd inst. The workmen on the St. Clair tunnel at Port Huron is being pushed night and day. l'ontiac capitalista ara tulking about an electrlc railway out to the asylum. About 100 Indians from Sutton'sbay are cutting wood in tho viciuity of Slight's stiitiou ou the G. K. & I. McPherson & Mackin'e salt well, at j ftoynl Uak, has pierced LOO feet of crystalized salt, and the necessary inachinery is being put up to drill 500 feet deeper. Even tho women of Codar Springs are lnterested in baving the new T., S. & M. K. K. One of the most prominent larlies i of the village is circulating a sub-icription list and has already ocured several hiindred dollars. The Newaygo county court house was damageu by fire to the amount j of $ '00, the ether night. The records and fller were badly damaged. Mrs. D. H. Olney, one of the earliest settlers in Armada, is dead. Joel N. Brink, for over ;"5 years a dent of Coldwater, is dead. Aun Arbor wants free delivery service. A 12-year old son of Ene Nelson, living at. Pltjasant lake. five miles from Cadillac, i was playing with a loaded revolver and emptied, as he supposed. all the chambers. He then pointed it at his four years old sister, just for fiin. but he had missed his I count and a ball was fired which penetrated the girl's left breast. She will probably die DETROIT MARKETS Wiieat, White $ 86 @ 84 Whbat, Eed 83 () KiJí Corn per hu 40 (3) 41 Oats per bu 31 @ 88 Baiü.ey 1 12 ffl 1 16 Ti.motmv Si:i-d 2 15 (ík 2 20 Olotes Seed per keg 4 85 @ 4 'M Feed per cwt 13 00 (0 13 '25 Michigan patent... 4 75 @ 5 00 Mlcbigan roller 4 00 @ 4 5 Minnesota patent.. 4 75 (! 5 00 Minnesota bakers'. 4 Ou (tó 4 25 Michigan rye per bu 53 @ 54, per bu 2 2r (ió, 3 00 Beanh, Picked 135 @ 1 38 Beans, Unpicked 75 (w 1 10 Beeswax 25 (5 30 Bl-tter 16 @ 18 Cahüages per 100 175 (á 2 1)0 ('iiiKit per gal 10 @ 12 Craxbehries, per bu 1 75 (o! 2 52 Ciikkse, per lb 18 @ 18 DiiiKD Ai'i'i.ES, per bu 4 (M 5 Dressed Hoos, per cwt 5 75 @ 6 00 por doz 24 @ 25 Hoxky, per lb 10 (% 14 Huis 32 @ 80 ll.i v, per ton, clover 8 00 (e 0 00 " " " timothy 1100 ((il 2 00 Mm.t, perbu 80 a, b5 0X1038. per bbl 2 75 (et; 8 00 Pot atoes, por bu 45 @ 50 Povi.ïkv Chickens per lb 9 a 10 e 9 @ 10 Turkeys 11 12 Ducka 12 (2 YZ}i, lb 3 (ó. PüOVISion.-;- Mess Pork 13 75 @14 00 Family " 13 T5 ("14 IX) Lard 7 , ; . IJanis 11 (.Kj 12 Bhonlderd . . . . 7 ( 7l.i Bacon S @ %l4 Tallo w per lb. 8 @ 3i LtVS Moei;. Catti.t! - Market strong and active: sliipping sreers, of 050 to 1,500 lHs, 13 50@o; ■tockera and feeders,$3 5U@3C0; cows buil nnd mixed, $175(33 bC bulk, $2 50@3 35; Texas steers, il :',%. Hooa itarfcet strongand hlgher; rough and mixed $4 80@S 0; packing and sliip ping, j5@5 40; light. ïl 75@5 L5: skips,$:3 5O @l 40. Siiki:p- Market strong; natives, ?3(i I :; western, :) 5O@4 (,ü; Tuxaus, %-i 5()@l; lambs, Í4 )@5 40.


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